If a furry is what I think it is... then nope, I definitely wouldn't.
Would you date a Furry?
I feel bad for this, but I can't image dating one.
Just not my lifestyle, but I think if I really liked someone and they were a furry, I might consider it and it certainly wouldn't keep me from being their friend.
Fursuits creep me out. I can recognize the artistry and craftsmanship that goes into making them, but they just put me on edge for some reason. So I probably couldn't date a fursuiter. Other than that I don't see an issue, unless they wanted to push me to become a hardcore furry as well. My partner and I love petplay, and by some peoples standards he could certainly be labeled a furry.
I probably would not. Not because I'm disgusted by them or don't respect them, but because I would think that there are things they would need in a relationship that I could not provide and that would feel unfair to me.
So...you wouldn't date one but you'd shoot porn of them...?
Originally posted by
Date? Probably not but i would LOVE to be friends with a furry, I really want to shoot some furry porn for my site but the costumes are EXPENSIVE :-P
I am a furry.
No, I don't own a fursuit.
No, I don't want one.
No, I don't draw porn.
No, I have never fucked, nor want to fuck, an animal.
No, I don't wish to be an animal.
Now that we have all the stereotypes out of the way...
Yes, I do have a character. Three in fact. A lioness, a snake, and a deer.
I created one for my fiance. A jackrabbit. He wasn't creeped out by this.
There are varying degrees of "furry" so to ask "would you date one" is kind of too broad of a question. What kind of furry to you mean? A suiter? A hardcore? A con-goer? A sketcher? Someone who commissions designs because they don't have artistic skills of their own? Someone who draws fur erotica or just tame art?
Question needs to be more specific.
No, I don't own a fursuit.
No, I don't want one.
No, I don't draw porn.
No, I have never fucked, nor want to fuck, an animal.
No, I don't wish to be an animal.
Now that we have all the stereotypes out of the way...
Yes, I do have a character. Three in fact. A lioness, a snake, and a deer.
I created one for my fiance. A jackrabbit. He wasn't creeped out by this.
There are varying degrees of "furry" so to ask "would you date one" is kind of too broad of a question. What kind of furry to you mean? A suiter? A hardcore? A con-goer? A sketcher? Someone who commissions designs because they don't have artistic skills of their own? Someone who draws fur erotica or just tame art?
Question needs to be more specific.
I enjoy roleplaying as much as the next guy but everything in moderation.
Not all furs role play. I don't.
Originally posted by
I enjoy roleplaying as much as the next guy but everything in moderation.
Wouldn't bother me. I'm a cat to my partner, so I guess it's fine? ^^;
Originally posted by
I know a lot of people are really turned off by furries, which I always thought was strange. So, I'm wondering about you guys, EF, are furries a yay or a nay or does it depend?
I guess it would depend on their level of fetish and interest. An occasional dress up would not bother me but a regular/constant thing would not be for me. But then I would not be into any dressing up on a consistant basis be that as a furry, sci-fi character, etc. I like to live in the real world most of the time and would want my partner to also.
I've got a couple of friends who are furries and I would probably date them if I was single. I honestly wouldn't mind at all, depending on what level it was at.
This would be fun! I've been a bit interested by the, hmm, culture? though not one myself. I could learn more!
Not my thing
Originally posted by
I know a lot of people are really turned off by furries, which I always thought was strange. So, I'm wondering about you guys, EF, are furries a yay or a nay or does it depend?
I think it would more depend on the actual person and not the fact that they are a furry. Would you not date someone just because they liked wearing leather and acting like a biker? I just don't think it should matter, it's not like you're dating the fursuit.

Not really my thing, but to each their own!
I'm not a dude....but I like to keep all of my body nice and smooth. I am guessing by furry you mean hair down below lol. So if I were a dude.... I wouldn't go there!!
Never ever ever ever.
I pride myself on being open. So yes, I would be open to it.
Never in a million, trillion years. I used to kick it with carnies and the like, that ilk is far beyond my scope of rationality and it's just not something I can get down with on a day-to-day basis.
I'm a furry so I STRONGLY prefer a partner who is as well.
Originally posted by
I know a lot of people are really turned off by furries, which I always thought was strange. So, I'm wondering about you guys, EF, are furries a yay or a nay or does it depend?
If I'm not expected to do anything too strange sexually, then yes I would.
i'm really curious if the results would be the same if the question were along the lines of "would you date a cosplayer?" since the subcultures are relatively comparable.
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