Never. Even though I am extremely unhappy with my marriage, I wouldn't cheat if the opportunity arose. I just don't believe in it.
Have you ever cheated or thought about cheating?
I have cheated in the past... And have thought about it with past relationships as well. Though, since I have been with my current BF, the thought hasn't crossed my mind at all. =)
I think I would have the feeling to cheat though.
Every time I think of it I know it's time to end the relationship or to tell the person I am with that my thoughts are wandering. The idea of cheatign on any one is not thrilling to me. I believe sex is just sex not love so I am fine with people having multiple partners so long as they tell the partners and they agree.
Originally posted by
Just a general question.
I agree with this statement. I have had this experience in previous relationships. However, I have never thought about doing so in my current one.
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I've thought about it in past relationships, but not now.
we are human and i think we have all thought about cheating one way or another whether it be full blown cheating or just a little kiss
I've never cheated on any girlfriend or wife or boyfriend that I've ever had, period. If you consider finding other people attractive or fantasizing while watching porn to be "I've thought about it", then I guess I think about it every day, but thoughts are where they stay.
I haven't cheated and haven't thought about it.

i cheated in the past, and my thought process has been that if i can get to that point in the relationship where i am willing to cheat, then it couldnt have been that great or meant to last. i have not cheated on my wife, the thought crosses my mind occasionally, especially when we have a fight or something like that, but then i end up feeling guilty so i figure i did pretty good with her.
I have never cheated (expect maybe in Jr high which would of been hand holding), but I have thought about it. I do not see me every following through with my thoughts. I just go masturbate to the idea of having sex with someone else.
i think we have all thought about it from time to time. atleast once or twice. but it's wrong.
I've cheated, usually in the beginning of things. I hate to make excuses for my behaviour, but early on I didn't consider us being in an actual relationship (and it was never discussed). But I've never cheated later on in something that was clearly deemed a relationship.
I haven't cheated but I've thought about it.
I have never cheated. I had put a little thought into it in the beginning of a relationship because of a cross over with relationships (one ending and another beginning), but it was brief and never had serious intentions.
Originally posted by
Just a general question.
I have never never cheated and never really considered it, but I don't get into too many long term relationships anyways.
Well looks like I got a lot of responses =)
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The fact that this is not a private poll is definitely a put-off. Don't expect to see many responses on such personal questions if you make the responses public.
I didn't realize at the time you could make polls and such private. Thinks for the heads up!
To think about it when a marriage or relationship is ending is natural. To do it before divorce or separation. NO! OF COURSE, This is my own personal feelings and I don't expect everybody else to agree with me.
never before but now i am.
Once in a blue moon, it comes to mind, but it's fleeting. I'm happy. I think it's because we're human.
No and no.
Originally posted by
Just a general question.
I've cheated before. I've been cheated on before. There aren't a whole lot of couples who don't at least think about it.
Originally posted by
Just a general question.
i have not cheated but have thought about it..
Originally posted by
Just a general question.
It all depends on your idea of cheating. In my mind, I cheated once. Realistically, I hadn't heard from the guy I was dating in 5 months and he could have been dead for all I knew. Most people have said that after that long, if the absence wasn't planned, the relationship has pretty much died so it doesn't count. Take that how you will.
Haven't cheated and haven't thought about it. The idea makes me sick to my stomach.
Never have and never will!
Never cheated or thought of it.
Never cheated, never thought about it. Seriously, anyway. People's thoughts can tend to wander if something unexpected happens, but the thought leaves me as soon as it comes, and it's very rare for that happen. So, no. I wouldn't cheat and I wouldn't seriously think about doing it. Honestly, I feel that if you cheat, you just shouldn't have been in the relationship in the first place if that's not where your heart was.
no and never
never cheated on my gf never will. shes cheated on me and i forgave her for it. i love her to much to ever do that to her.