Which age group of men do you think treats women better?

Contributor: butterflygirlxo butterflygirlxo
Which age group of men do you think treats women better?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Under age 18
1  (1%)
1  (1%)
Madeira , mrs.mckrakn , Jenn (aka kissmykitty) , nolongerhere , ~LaUr3n~ , Jenniae09 , Alegria , LikeSunshineDust , cherryredhead88 , VampKitty , Illusional , evanovca , Sohotdinosaur , DixieDoo , tits only , loveshocks , soulrain , jdloelo , Tart , Kimbertrees , newbern2004 , Spring , Stnjbe1021 , Danielle1220 , Lurr , darthkitt3n , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Orion , Ritsuka , link82 , barrettbn2 , Cream in the Cupcake , Mseg20 , Carmb47 , w-o-name , Reny , Fernand0 , chidoll , Lumberman , Taboada , zracer , froggiemoma , CarmenGore262 , Willis2011 , angel142stx , Dusk , Miss Anonymous , JessCee , Ajax , jeangel246 , sarki , Apirka , Lisa72 , Highmaintenancegirl916 , Badass , Harpina is gone , purple579 , Azule , InNeedOfABuzzzz , Secret Pleasure , SeductivelyCute , Curiouscat , potstickers
63  (72%)
jakjak , removedacnt , Shellz31 , danellejohns , Xavier7 , SexyySarah , slynch , Rossie , ID42 , Beck , ginger715 , curious kitten
12  (14%)
Trashley , Persephone's Addiction , moonch1ld , P'Gell , indiglo , newfoundlust , LavenderSkies , kelaaa33wish , Gracie , Tork48309
10  (11%)
Total votes: 87
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Trashley Trashley
I've been with a lot of men, but the ones who treated me with the most respect and tried their hardest to get me to orgasm before even thinking about themselves were 45+.. but then again, they were all cheating on their wives and long term girlfriends. Don't really know if that balances it out, but..
Contributor: mrs.mckrakn mrs.mckrakn
the younger boys are selfish...late 20s and up for me
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Where's the 'passed on' option?
Contributor: Jenn (aka kissmykitty) Jenn (aka kissmykitty)
26 - 35 option, definitely. Any younger and they're just boys. Any older and they turn into selfish, pompous, arrogant assholes.
Contributor: Riccio Riccio
Originally posted by Chilipepper
Where's the 'passed on' option?
Chilipepper, if I weren't madly in love, I would be stalking you!
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by Riccio
Chilipepper, if I weren't madly in love, I would be stalking you!
You're sweet - maybe I'll find a counterpart of you when I'm ready again.
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
I don't think that any age group treats women better. I think it always depends on the individual. Sure there's periods in some men's life where they are better than others..just like there is for women, but I don't think age is the main factor. I know people who are assholes their entire life and people who are sweethearts for their entire life. It all depends on the person and age really is only a number and you can't just base everything off a year someone was born.
Contributor: Riccio Riccio
Originally posted by Chilipepper
You're sweet - maybe I'll find a counterpart of you when I'm ready again.
Go easy with him, Chilipepper, when you find him. I would not want that lucky man to die laughing on your first night together!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by butterflygirlxo
Which age group of men do you think treats women better?
I need the infamous "other" catagory. I think it really depends on the man and how the men around him treated women as he was growing up. Age plays a relatively small role in how well a man treats a woman, at least in my experience.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Riccio
Go easy with him, Chilipepper, when you find him. I would not want that lucky man to die laughing on your first night together!
Heh I predict that lucky man is gonna die with a smile on his face but laughter will only be a PART of the reason. Our chilipepper is one 'Caliente' woman, soon as the idiots...errr guys figure that out she is gonna have one full dance card.
Contributor: Riccio Riccio
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
Heh I predict that lucky man is gonna die with a smile on his face but laughter will only be a PART of the reason. Our chilipepper is one 'Caliente' woman, soon as the idiots...errr guys figure that out she is gonna have one full dance card.
Airen, as always, I agree with you, but why the "errr"? Aren't "guys" and "idiots" synonyms?
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
Heh I predict that lucky man is gonna die with a smile on his face but laughter will only be a PART of the reason. Our chilipepper is one 'Caliente' woman, soon as the idiots...errr guys figure that out she is gonna have one full dance card.
Aw, thanks. *more blush*

And, Riccio, you are correct - there is a difference between 'guys' and 'men'. I've yet to meet any Men in person, but I hope I will someday.
Contributor: LikeSunshineDust LikeSunshineDust
I've even seen a difference as J has grown up (he was 19 when I met him 5 years ago), granted our relationship has changed a lot since then too.
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I need the infamous "other" catagory. I think it really depends on the man and how the men around him treated women as he was growing up. Age plays a relatively small role in how well a man treats a woman, at least in my experience.
Agreed completely! I have met men from all age groups that have acted in widely different ways. I think it has to do with upbringing and environment, although I must admit that experience is a great teacher and younger guys MAY be a little more likely to be jerks because they lack experience. That's a big may though, I certainly have no quantitative data to support this!
Contributor: cherryredhead88 cherryredhead88
Originally posted by butterflygirlxo
Which age group of men do you think treats women better?
I want a MAN , not a BOY, so I shoot for 25/26 minimum! Seems all the guys my age are just idiots still... in Psych we learned that the gray matter in men's brains doesn't start to mature until much later than women's - around age 26 . That seems to hold true because every I guy I have met around that age seems to have it together more.

p.s. the gray matter is part of the rational, intellectual thinking!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Riccio
Airen, as always, I agree with you, but why the "errr"? Aren't "guys" and "idiots" synonyms?
Contributor: butterflygirlxo butterflygirlxo
Originally posted by Chilipepper
Where's the 'passed on' option?
I'm sorry I didn't put that as an option,lol..
Contributor: butterflygirlxo butterflygirlxo
Originally posted by cherryredhead88
I want a MAN , not a BOY, so I shoot for 25/26 minimum! Seems all the guys my age are just idiots still... in Psych we learned that the gray matter in men's brains doesn't start to mature until much later than women's - around age 26 . ... more
I think this poll turned out really good. I would have to agree with it!26-35!!
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Alicia
I don't think that any age group treats women better. I think it always depends on the individual. Sure there's periods in some men's life where they are better than others..just like there is for women, but I don't think age is the ... more
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by butterflygirlxo
I think this poll turned out really good. I would have to agree with it!26-35!!
Me too!
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I need the infamous "other" catagory. I think it really depends on the man and how the men around him treated women as he was growing up. Age plays a relatively small role in how well a man treats a woman, at least in my experience.
I agree. I am biased if I chose the age group in which I am bcs these are the men that I encounter the most everyday.
Contributor: evanovca evanovca
an other category would definitely be helpful. on the surface some age groups seem better or worse but it really depends a lot on how they were raised and who they were raised by!
Contributor: Kimbertrees Kimbertrees
It really does depend on the person though...
Contributor: Teaser Teaser
Didn't vote. I'm a man who is definitely straight, so I guess I can't have an opinion, but it is an interesting question.

As a man, I suppose age can make a difference (I am in the 45+ category), but I think ATTITUDE is a bigger factor. If we are talking just sex, I have ALWAYS tried to please her first and often. I know I'm gonna get mine, so lets have some fun with foreplay (or maybe five-play or six-play)! And pleasing her pleases me, and I enjoy it immensely.

If we are talking romance, well I guess maybe I did slow down a bit. Time to send flowers.

A mean 20 year old man will probably still be mean at 60, maybe even worse.

But an older man may have more money, so he could take care of a woman better...
Contributor: danellejohns danellejohns
Originally posted by butterflygirlxo
Which age group of men do you think treats women better?
Younger men in my opinion have always been immature. I have always dated men older than myself but that didn't mean they treated me better. The man I am with now and plan being with forever is the only one that has treated me well.
Contributor: Xavier7 Xavier7
Originally posted by butterflygirlxo
Which age group of men do you think treats women better?
This is a good poll. I think more men should treat women better. Women aren't fucking objects. I try to do my best to treat women as best as I can, although women do sexualize men. Not all, but some. And we should be treated equally.
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
I chose 26+ but my real answer is: When they go from wanting to fuck us to wanting to love us. (Not love as in "make love", love as in care for and about). Even then I think it takes a few years, and some of them never actually figure out how to love us, only to appreciate how WE love THEM. In my experience very few men (boys) under 25 are aware of much other than themselves. I have a feeling that the Eden crowd doesn't speak for the majority of men as we all are an open bunch here and willing to share openly.

Just for the record I think women need to stop using phrases like "all men are pigs", "what do you expect he's a man" and "men are just jerks". First off, some men aren't. Both my younger brothers are total sweethearts, and many of my male friends have me baffled by how wonderfully they treat the women they are with. Secondly and equally as important, when terms are used grouping all men as a unit, you are not only setting a standard for what is acceptable male behavior (not good behavior, just expected), and secondly you are not holding the individual accountable for a CHOICE they have made. Sure a lot of men make stupid choices, but the more of them that do it without consequence, and the more women expect it of them the more likely they are to behave poorly. If every time a man did something horrible to a woman there was an awful consequence for them, I bet a lot less men would be interested in duplicating that behavior.

Just so we are clear here, I don't think women are saints by any means. The same is true of us, if we are held to higher standards and not graded on a curve, we would have more motivation to actually think about our actions beforehand.

I have heard the statement "you only have to be 1/3 as nice to a girl as you are an ass. I have seen that statement come true OVER AND OVER again. We need to be holding each other to a higher standard. On both sides.
Contributor: *HisMrs* *HisMrs*
Originally posted by Alicia
I don't think that any age group treats women better. I think it always depends on the individual. Sure there's periods in some men's life where they are better than others..just like there is for women, but I don't think age is the ... more
I agree! =)
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Alicia
I don't think that any age group treats women better. I think it always depends on the individual. Sure there's periods in some men's life where they are better than others..just like there is for women, but I don't think age is the ... more
You make a good point. I put over 45 because that is the age of My Man and most of his friends. Now that I think about it, I don't know how most of them treat their women in bed, to be honest. A lot of them do complain about being "cut off" so I don't know if that's something more older women do (NOT ME!) or if they just aren't good enough in bed to keep their women interested.

However, many men this age do seem to have manners and treat women with some respect. At least in public.

But, I think you are right, every man is different. I would hate to be judged on my age alone. I don't think I'm "typical" for a woman my age.