In your opinion, is it OK or safe to allow children under the age of 13 to watch shows like Adult Swim?

Contributor: dks210 dks210
No. Not until they reach the proper age rating.
Contributor: samanthalynn samanthalynn
yes i do
Contributor: spineyogurt spineyogurt
Kidsll find a way
Contributor: Mia Fey Mia Fey
Adult Swim has some fantastic shows, and some not so fantastic ones. I think what age a child should watch it at depends more on the individual child and the messages they are receiving at home. I would definitely let a 15 year old watch if I knew that they had a realistic idea of what is portrayed on television as satire and dark humor. I think it all depends on how well the child can differentiate that while something like Robot Chicken can be side-splitting satire, it has parts that are hurtful and should not be taken as law. It is really important that this distinction between made and a critical thinking approach be taken after years of helping the child analyze what they are watching. This point may occur at different times for different people depending on their upbringing or their own rate of maturation.
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
I was watching AS way before I was 13, that's for sure.. Of course, I think I was a well adjusted kid, I had a great relationship with my parents and all that good stuff. I think that in general, 13 is an OK age to let kids watch adult swim and similar programming, but I know from personal experience that it's tough to keep any given media away from kids anyway
Contributor: vampyroteuthidae vampyroteuthidae
I think it just depends on the child and the parents involved.
Contributor: Katelyn Katelyn
It depends on the content of the show but I don't believe in censoring too much of what a child is exposed to. I think that because I personally don't watch a ton of TV it would affect what my child sees.
Contributor: Teacookie Teacookie
if you care about the kids then don't let them watch that crap. I'm only 28 years old and I am already saying back when I was a kid. I'm gettign fed up with children being raised to be idoits by tv, comercialization and lazy parents.
Contributor: sweetcuppincakes sweetcuppincakes
There are other more age-appropriate shows for that age. They'll appreciate the show more when they're older, anyway.
Contributor: Roz W Roz W
adult swim isn't one show...
Contributor: destinationtwilight destinationtwilight
Originally posted by K101
What are/would your rules on this matter be? Would/do you allow yours to watch these types of programs? I'd love to hear your opinions... I kind of need a little advice
It's one thing for an adult to watch but those type of cartoons are mind rotting for small children.
Contributor: destinationtwilight destinationtwilight
Originally posted by lovemuscle n cookie
I think a lot of it depends on the child and the show that is being watched. Some Family Guy/Futurama are OK, but I would still want to watch it with them in case it got too questionable or they had concerns about what was being said/portrayed.
Even some family, most family guy, is unacceptable for young children.
Contributor: destinationtwilight destinationtwilight
Originally posted by BBW Talks Toys
Safe? It's not likely to kill them.

I have to ask, you talk about a 13 year old a lot. Do you HAVE a 13 year old? I would imagine that you probably don't since you state your age as 21, but you could be fostering or adopting, so I ... more
Mine are 5 and 6 and I completely agree with you.
Contributor: Sir Sir
There are certain concepts that I dislike and would not allow my children to be exposed to, but I probably wouldn't want them watching the telly that late at night anyway. I personally like Family Guy, but that's basically it. I don't know about other shows, though. I would not want them to watch anything too graphic or gory. Sexual content is alright, as long as they make sure to ask me any questions they have. I don't want them learning from somewhere or someone else.
Contributor: richsam richsam
Originally posted by K101
What are/would your rules on this matter be? Would/do you allow yours to watch these types of programs? I'd love to hear your opinions... I kind of need a little advice
yes and i do
Contributor: SexyRayne SexyRayne
I started watching shows like that at that age and have had no problems but i think it really depends on the maturity level of the young adult in question. Some kids are not mentaly mature enough to watch them and some are.
Contributor: xilliannax xilliannax
Originally posted by K101
What are/would your rules on this matter be? Would/do you allow yours to watch these types of programs? I'd love to hear your opinions... I kind of need a little advice
I'd let my children under 13 to watch shows like Robot Chicken, Family Guy, and American Dad -- I would not let my children watch ANYTHING associated with Tim & Eric. They're on my list of people that need to die for the damage they do to society, comedy and over all intelligence.
Contributor: underHim underHim
It all depends on the maturity of the child.
Contributor: pix pix
I wouldn't suggest it but if they found a show like that themselves and were interested I wouldn't stop them. Children have an extraordinary ability to censor out information that they're not ready to handle.
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
Depends a lot on the shows. It had the 13+ warning when I was a kid, and then showed Rorouni Kenshin, which has nothing worse than what you'd see on a morning cartoon.
Contributor: Hot'n'Bothered Hot'n'Bothered
Nope....I don't even watch adult swim, they don't need to either..
Contributor: twoods89 twoods89
I rarely get offended by ANYTHING but the things they put on tv nowadays astounds me. Growing up in the 90's when seeing a few seconds of nip in a r rated movie was a big can barely get through disney movies without makeout/kissing scenes. Haven't watched adult swim in awhile but I'd rather have my 13yo watch southpark or family guy than nick or disney and forget about abc family
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by K101
What are/would your rules on this matter be? Would/do you allow yours to watch these types of programs? I'd love to hear your opinions... I kind of need a little advice
Each child is different. Therefore, it depends on the child's maturity level, AND I think that parents should point out things and discuss when necessary.
Contributor: ChickenFeathers ChickenFeathers
If I had children, I wouldn't let them watch that.
Contributor: panthercat23 panthercat23
Overall I don't see too much wrong with adult swim but it really depends on the person watching it. The show is geared towards the stoner crowd so most of it is dumb humor.
Contributor: ToyGeek ToyGeek
Depends on the kid. I don't think cartoon style violence and fart jokes ever endangered anyone, personally, but I don't have kids and I haven't watched every show in the adult swim lineup.

Some of those cartoons are only funny to twelve year olds and potheads, so it seems a waste to block them from the twelve year olds.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by K101
What are/would your rules on this matter be? Would/do you allow yours to watch these types of programs? I'd love to hear your opinions... I kind of need a little advice
Kids are going to get their hands on whatever they want to watch no matter what you do. My parents were the really strict type, so they just ended up not knowing about my life at all. You might as well allow them to watch whatever they want, that way they don't block you out of their life completely.
Contributor: sexxxkitten sexxxkitten
I'm not familiar with that channel. I don't watch it.
Contributor: brevado brevado
I watch Adult Swim, and I think it varies a lot from show to show. Some I wouldn't watch myself!
Contributor: Experiment Experiment
It depends on the show and the child. To be honest, I think a lot of inappropriate jokes go over kids heads when they're too young.

I mean, I was like 13 when I started reading fairly graphic novels that would put anything on Adult Swim to shame.