Will you be attending Occupy Wall Street(or YOUR CITY?)

Contributor: Jenni Shelton Jenni Shelton
i have no idea what this is. :/
Contributor: starklover starklover
Originally posted by Ghost
Other: No, because it would be a futile waste of my time.
Contributor: Mistress Jezebel Mistress Jezebel
Occupy San Diego
Contributor: pleasurehunter pleasurehunter
I think they have the right to occupy, I may join for my own personal reasons. The corporations must not like it since they spent near a million dollars on a smear campaign against occupy. The conservative news channels also keep showing only the bums and hippies, there's a lot of respectable people protesting with legitimate gripes. They bring a lot of valid points up, things that need to be addressed and answered. I do think costing the city money by protesting right in front of the city halls is maybe not the best way or place to hold a protest, but i'm glad people are speaking out.
Contributor: Hallmar82 Hallmar82
No, since I have a job and will be working, I'll be there not freezing to death to have my picture taken by the local TV station.
Contributor: sexydelphia sexydelphia
no but i have a patient that is part of it and tells me all the stories
Contributor: MrWishyWashy MrWishyWashy
I have not looked into it either. In other words, I don't care!
Contributor: Miss Morphine Miss Morphine
I've not attended the protests in my area other than to create some photo documentation of it. The group here has started doing things such as trespassing to squat in condemned and otherwise closed government owned buildings and I have no desire to be arrested and have charges pressed (and they have been) for such things.
Contributor: Lizzy Lizzy
Too busy working
Contributor: Rory Rory
I'm not much of a protester.
Contributor: damnbul12 damnbul12
Originally posted by aBeastlyLittleThing
if so, what city will you be occupying??
no, i want to, but my work/family schedule doesn't allow