Originally posted by
Girly Girl
i know that´s it´s very safe ,, but it´s like telling kids to go have sex with everyone in school ,, i think if you need to teach a teen how to have safe sex it´s by telling them the bad and good things about it ,, and what they
i know that´s it´s very safe ,, but it´s like telling kids to go have sex with everyone in school ,, i think if you need to teach a teen how to have safe sex it´s by telling them the bad and good things about it ,, and what they should do to not receive std´s if they want to do these activities that it´s fine they can find the condoms at there local store ,,, but if other people think that´s good ,, that´s well respect everyone has their own point of views and that is great hi everyone ,, hoping you have an awesome day
I disagree with this. Not everyone at the bar is drinking alcohol. Very few people who own guns shoot people with them. And just because a kid has access to contraception doesn't mean they're going to think it's okay (or encouraged) to go have sex with everyone they know.
Case in point - I didn't have access to contraception as a teen, but was having sex anyway, and got pregnant. My sister, on the other hand, had parents-approved access to contraception from the age of 14 and maintained her virginity until she was 20.
Be honest with your kids. Give them the tools they need to protect themselves. Teach them about personal responsibility. They'll turn out all right; with or without the condoms.