Yes absolutely. Most are going to have sex anyway, might as well teach them to do it safely.
Should condoms be made available at schools?
Yes, I was in high school about eight YEARS ago and we were hearing rumors even back then of Middle School kids getting caught having intercourse in the bathroom stalls so most likely the rate of minors having sex has just gone up since and it's better to provide free condoms that they might actually use than to leave them up to their own devices so they wind up getting pregnant.
Originally posted by
Should teenagers be able to visit their school health clinic or nurse and be provided condoms, no questions asked?
It's a sad truth but with all the media and peer pressure to fit in more and more kids feel they should be having sex.
Yes 100%
I'd rather them have the option to be safe, because denying them access does not deny them access to sex.
I only had to read half of this post to know what show you were talking about. I can't stand it and I'm it's target demographic. Back when it first started out, I was in high school and it's all half the girls in my class ever talked about.
Originally posted by
It glorifies it in a way that makes it seem like everything is going to be okay no matter what. Their parents eventually back their decisions and show support by taking the kid when she has to go to school or work or whatever.
One girl was ... more
One girl was ... more
It glorifies it in a way that makes it seem like everything is going to be okay no matter what. Their parents eventually back their decisions and show support by taking the kid when she has to go to school or work or whatever.
One girl was able to move from one city to another then back home then back to another city to be with her new boyfriend and she didn't seem to have a care in the world, financially speaking. Nowhere in any of it does it state how much the show is bankrolling their endeavors and none of them have had to go on government assistance for any reason. That's just not real life.
Real, pregnant teenagers don't have $5,000 a month in income to support their kid and most pregnant teenagers don't have the support of their family and friends, but when it comes to Teen Mom everyone gathers 'round and smiles for the cameras. less
One girl was able to move from one city to another then back home then back to another city to be with her new boyfriend and she didn't seem to have a care in the world, financially speaking. Nowhere in any of it does it state how much the show is bankrolling their endeavors and none of them have had to go on government assistance for any reason. That's just not real life.
Real, pregnant teenagers don't have $5,000 a month in income to support their kid and most pregnant teenagers don't have the support of their family and friends, but when it comes to Teen Mom everyone gathers 'round and smiles for the cameras. less
"Hey, get pregnant and be on television!"
Not the message we really should be spreading. Pregnancy is a harsh reality for most.
I'm a virgin and personally I'm waiting until marriage, but condoms should be available for everyone. At least give students the chance to have sex safe, even if some of them will be reckless regardless.
In my old highschool the nurse *did* give them out. o.o
i'm pro free condoms everywhere
I think condoms should be avalable in high school but with them we also need sex ed. Just because you give out the comdoms doesn't mean they'll know how to use them properly or know what other options they have. Thankfully the high school and middle school I went to had a wondeful health program that included very informative sex lessons.
Yes.. why not? They're gonna do it anyways..
Yep, they're going to do it anyway, might as well be safe.
As a liberal health care professional, I believe this is one of the things that should be at the top of "mount should be". High School aged children are the most likely age group to contract STDs.
Of course, condoms should be available!
The only kids who are going to practice abstinence are the ones that REALLY want to, by their own moral volition (me), and the ones who can't get laid (also me). Saying, "DON'T DO IT" won't stop anyone.
At my high school (in Mississippi), sex ed was basically one day in ninth grade where the biology teacher told us not to have sex and showed us slides of advanced std's. So, "DON'T HAVE SEX" + "LOOK! THIS WOMAN IS STARTING A CAULIFLOWER GARDEN IN HER VAGINA!" = sex ed? It's really sad how people deny that their kids aren't these asexual moral pillars they want to believe that they are and just help them and listen to them.
The only kids who are going to practice abstinence are the ones that REALLY want to, by their own moral volition (me), and the ones who can't get laid (also me). Saying, "DON'T DO IT" won't stop anyone.
At my high school (in Mississippi), sex ed was basically one day in ninth grade where the biology teacher told us not to have sex and showed us slides of advanced std's. So, "DON'T HAVE SEX" + "LOOK! THIS WOMAN IS STARTING A CAULIFLOWER GARDEN IN HER VAGINA!" = sex ed? It's really sad how people deny that their kids aren't these asexual moral pillars they want to believe that they are and just help them and listen to them.

That's a great idea!
Originally posted by
I'm raising two boys and when they get to a certain age, there will be a bowl of condoms in a closet or under the sink in their bathroom or some other discreet place so that they don't have to ask for them, they can just grab them. I want
I'm raising two boys and when they get to a certain age, there will be a bowl of condoms in a closet or under the sink in their bathroom or some other discreet place so that they don't have to ask for them, they can just grab them. I want safe, healthy kids and I'm not blind to the fact that they will have sex eventually and probably not tell me about it. I want them to make it out of adolescence alive and child free!
school is not the place, they can still get them at teen health centers
Originally posted by
Should teenagers be able to visit their school health clinic or nurse and be provided condoms, no questions asked?
A lack of safe sex options for teens won't result in no sex it will result in dangerous sex.
As much as I am for waiting until marriage or at least until adulthood, I would much rather have a teen use protection than not and end up pregnant or with an STD.
YESYESYESYES YES!!!! Most large public university's do, so the same courtesy should be extended to high schools. Teenage pregnancies are something no one wants, so the natural first step is education about sex, safety, and consent, and then the second step is providing the means/resources to practice being safe.
Heck yes they should. It would do a world of good. Teens are going to do what they want any way. Pretty sure the nurse at one of the the high schools I went to would give them out. The other high school I went to would never. They were so conservative. Yet my class mates would talk about their sex lives so openly in class. Even worse many many abortaions were talked about as casually as what they were going to eat for lunch that day!
I'm heartened to see that most of the posts here are pro-condoms-in-schools . Teens are shy and suspicious of authority. It's the "good kids" who are going to ask for/buy condoms (maybe); but you can't control them, really.
Now if there could be more sex ed that taught about communication and consent...
Now if there could be more sex ed that taught about communication and consent...
Yes, absolutely.
I'd rather have teens protected if they're gonna do it.
Actually school is very much the place, this isn't a political statement. One of my professors made us literally sing the phrase "you got to start where the leaner are", you do the intervention where your audience is. Teens are guarantied more or less to be in school, in some places there might not even be a teen health center nearby. The idea that this is not the place comes from one thing that this involves sex. Treat safe sex like any other public health intervention and school is the most logical place to put them, there is no location that is gong to increase teen access more then in the place they have to go to 5 days a week for several hours a day. For me to say other wise I might as well take my degree off the wall and burn it because I clearly didn't learn anything.
Originally posted by
school is not the place, they can still get them at teen health centers
A million times yes!
It is very important for kids to have access to sexual health items. Knowing where they can get STD tests and such can make all the difference in a kids life.
It isn't going to make a kid stop having sex if they just don't have access to condoms, it will just make their sex less safe.
It isn't going to make a kid stop having sex if they just don't have access to condoms, it will just make their sex less safe.
School is for education, yes? It has all sorts of classes about life, home economics, business, finances, networking, parenting and child psychology, health, nutrition... why should sexual health be omitted? It's a necessary part of life to learn about, just like how to cook, how to eat, how to balance a checkbook, how to budget...
Originally posted by
Actually school is very much the place, this isn't a political statement. One of my professors made us literally sing the phrase "you got to start where the leaner are", you do the intervention where your audience is. Teens are
Actually school is very much the place, this isn't a political statement. One of my professors made us literally sing the phrase "you got to start where the leaner are", you do the intervention where your audience is. Teens are guarantied more or less to be in school, in some places there might not even be a teen health center nearby. The idea that this is not the place comes from one thing that this involves sex. Treat safe sex like any other public health intervention and school is the most logical place to put them, there is no location that is gong to increase teen access more then in the place they have to go to 5 days a week for several hours a day. For me to say other wise I might as well take my degree off the wall and burn it because I clearly didn't learn anything.
But then again, I took almost all of those classes and people thought I was weird for it
A trillion times yes, again.