Do you think Planned Parenthoods should be closed down?

Contributor: StormOfSnakes StormOfSnakes
NEVER! I rely on them for my checkups and pills at a discounted rate for the medical stuff and the birth control is free.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
One of the only believable stories about the infamous Dr. Gosnell (who, in times of desperation performed late term abortions for women who couldn't get any abortion services earlier in their pregnancies) is from the site NeonTommy.

Here is a quote from this site about the case, the case meaning that when women cannot obtain birth control or early abortion services, sometimes horrible things happen. These horrible things could be stopped by making sure women have access to birth control and pregnancy termination services in every county of the USA. Problem is, they don't. Many states, especially in the South and the Upper West, their far Right Wing agendas of the politicians in these states have made it impossible for women, especially poor women and women of color to obtain any family planning services, causing pregnancies to happen and then necessitate late term solutions, which are never pretty.

NeoTommy said: The conservative response to these atrocities has been standard and predictable: anti-choice Tweeters and websites, such as Mr. Conservative have equated Gosnell’s medical practice with Planned Parenthood, demonizing a safe, legitimate women’s healthcare provider by vilifying it as a site of mass murder as evil as the Third Reich. Although their demands for greater media coverage of the Gosnell case have contributed to needed public awareness of flagrant human rights abuses, those efforts are transparently motivated by the advancement of anti-choice propaganda that aims to manipulate an atrocity for political gain and strike fear into the hearts of the public about the presence of abortion in American society. But more importantly, the unacceptable dearth of attention Gosnell has received reveals the harrowing effects of racism, bureaucratic inertia and polarization of the abortion debate.

Abortion is a political and social hot potato. Among general society, even pro-choice advocates, it has become a taboo, a word that is not spoken in polite company because of its morally contested and emotionally charged nature and its intimate relationship to babies and death. It is this squeamish, acutely discomfortable paradigm on abortion, and not just bureaucratic neglect, that caused two state regulatory agencies, the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Board of Medicine, to disregard and dismiss the persistent stream of complaints and documented violations that were practically dropped on their doorsteps. Reports of personal injury, venereal diseases, at least two deaths and even a report that wholly detailed the outrageous conditions of the clinic were all written off. This politicization of women’s healthcare enabled the victimization of more and more women by Gosnell’s operation.

That low-income women, women of color, immigrant women and women otherwise desperate for an inexpensive, later-term abortion comprised nearly all of Gosnell’s patient pool further exposes another form of victimization, this time by the institutionalized marginalization of certain demographics in access to healthcare as well as the growing unavailability of abortion services. Gosnell’s patients visited his clinic because they could not obtain abortions elsewhere. The increasing shortage of abortion clinics and shrinking insurance coverage for abortion due to restrictive legislation mean that women must travel long distances and pay out-of-pocket to get an abortion. Combined with the fact that most abortions in the US are obtained by poor and minority women, abortion seekers who are not white and not middle-class end up delaying the procedure because they need to raise money or cannot immediately take time off from work. Some women end up waiting until they are near or past the legal deadline, at which time they are forced to seek out providers like Gosnell because no other doctor will perform the abortion. Therefore, a disproportionate number of women who are already disadvantaged are put in a position under the status quo to be preyed upon by unscrupulous doctors, who do not treat them with respect or make their health a priority.

The trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell should matter to you, man or woman, proponent or opponent of abortion, because it has uncovered the fundamental prejudices that whisper into the ears of American society and guide our value system. The abuses endured by Gosnell’s patients and his collection of fetal remains betray our society as one that subordinates the life and well-being of those marginalized and nameless in order to preserve a contrived air of comfort and political neutrality, one that excludes the human rights abuses suffered by low-income minorities from public discussion. The absence of sustained media coverage that Dr. Kermit Gosnell justly deserved was not due to what happened—it was the subject and the people involved that gave all who had the means to bring public attention to this case reason to discount its significance.

The problem isn't the thousands of well meaning and hard working health care professionals that work within the law for Planned Parenthood, the problem ONE doctor who worked in certain areas whose antichoice politicians refusal to allow marginalized people to obtain family planning services, caused late term abortions need to be done in the first place.

Don't blame Planned Parenthood for this! This debacle is the result of Right Wing Fundies who want to take the right to choose away from ALL of us, and have succeeded with poor women and women of color in some of the South, parts of poor Pennsylvania and parts of the Middle North, such as the Dakotas.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
Originally posted by bratcat
I actually am wonder the same thing too. I feel very strongly about keeping abortion legal nation wide, as there is very little evidence that supports that stereotype.
Pulling this from a paper i found earlier this semester -- One study found ... more
In my opinion, this is why abortions should be legal throughout the world (referring to Bratcat's post).

Unfortunately, not all people in the world see it like this. I live in a country where abortions are common and not even second thought-ed. It is the oops kind of birth control. And many women have multiple abortions simply because their partner refuses to wear a condom and many forms of female birth control available to them is not always that safe or is ridiculously expensive.

I personally have never visited a Planned Parenthood (or variation) in any country I have lived. But I do see their value and worth. I personally feel that high schools and post secondary schools should work with these types of resources to talk to students about sexuality and their sexual health as the people who work there in my opinion at least, are more informed.

And as for funding? I would very much worship at the feet of any politician who gave all their campaign funds to these types of organisations.
Contributor: sweisb4100 sweisb4100
Planned Parenthood isn't just for abortions. Its for breast cancer screenings and HIV testing.
Contributor: RigWife RigWife
They also help with adoptions and birth control for low income families. I think that everyone is entitled to a choice. They shouldn't have to live with judgment of their choices they should know there is always another option.
Contributor: joolie joolie
PP is the only source for many. There is a need for MORE facilities.
Contributor: Llewey Llewey
Heck no! For many, Planned Parenthood is the one and only safety net around. PP doesn't just concern pregnancy-related matters either. Affordable avenues for testing and safe sex resources at PP are invaluable.
Contributor: QueenBitch QueenBitch
Originally posted by dancingduo
I honestly don't believe they stand for anything good. I would rather have the economy solve this problem. No more federal funding should be provided PERIOD.
Wow! Can't believe that you can say they don't stand for anything good. I guess providing people with a safe place to go for birth control, condoms, pregnancy test, and STD screenings when they can't easily be obtained; isn't something good.
Contributor: bratcat bratcat
Originally posted by dancingduo
I honestly don't believe they stand for anything good. I would rather have the economy solve this problem. No more federal funding should be provided PERIOD.
I have to ask, what exactly is it about the organization that you fel is doing no good, and if you feel that federal funding should also not be used for OBGYN offices and other medical facilities? Since that is essentially what a PP clinic is, except they are made to be affordable for those who are poor and/or under the poverty line as well as for marginalized people in gentrified areas.
They help many with family planning (ultrasounds, helping with adoptions, holding sex education seminars, etc), STD/STI & HIV/AIDs testing as well as caner screenings. This is the major function of PP. I have to wonder how making health care affordable for the poor is not standing "for anything good," and therefore should be defunded.

They also organize and help LGBTQ youth (and adults of course) who may not have any other place to go for their health care and support they may need for fear of being judged, mocked, and/or abused.
Contributor: Chastity Darling Chastity Darling
Hell no. Everyone else has pretty much summed up the various reason why but I still say an emphatic HELL NO.
Contributor: Hentialover Hentialover
Originally posted by mailroomorder
With all these debates and cuts to Planned Parenthoods, I was wondering what everyone as thinking. So many people nowadays think that they are only useful for abortions and neglect to understand what their purpose really is in a community.
No women should ever have the right to get help taken away from her. Planed parenthood helps women, and children all over the world by just being there to give them support and guidance. if you take that away from them, then they will be left out in the cold, so to speak.

It's important to have choices, even if those choices aren't what others consider to be right.
Contributor: Sbmsvschoolgirl Sbmsvschoolgirl
No no no!
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
Absolutely not! I don't know where I'd be without them!
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
Hell no. They are extremely important. I even checked to see how many was in my little state. So far it's nine, but I'm shocked it's not more!
Contributor: KrissyNovacaine KrissyNovacaine
PP is super important. They help manage health for those that cannot afford healthcare. I used PP for years to gain access to birth control, annual exams, and std testing when my ex cheated on me.
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
PP does so much more than abortions. They educate people and treat and test for STDS and they are amazing.
Contributor: ImaGodiva ImaGodiva
Planned Parenthood was responsible for the prevention of pregnancy for at least 10 people I personally knew when I was a teenager, including myself. They always gave advice with no obligation that it be followed, answered tons of questions, and provided access (free of charge) to at least four birth control methods. As far as I'm concerned, they are doing more to prevent unwanted pregnancy than any other organization in America.
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
Originally posted by P'Gell
One of the only believable stories about the infamous Dr. Gosnell (who, in times of desperation performed late term abortions for women who couldn't get any abortion services earlier in their pregnancies) is from the site NeonTommy.

Here ... more
P'Gell, thank you so much for finding and posting reliable information on this case. In fact, it was my understanding from what I'd read about it that this "doctor" was operating a private clinic, and was not related to Planned Parenthood in any way.
Contributor: The Mother of a SiNner The Mother of a SiNner
Originally posted by mailroomorder
With all these debates and cuts to Planned Parenthoods, I was wondering what everyone as thinking. So many people nowadays think that they are only useful for abortions and neglect to understand what their purpose really is in a community.
I don't think it should be closed down because it isn't just about abortions some people get options they may not of known they had
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
My mother personally helped HALF of the girls in her school get on birth control and acquire better sexual education through Planned Parenthood, and her graduating class (1972) had the lowest birth rate the high school ever witnessed because of the availability of Planned Parenthood and my mother's work in preventative pregnancy measures.

It empowered those girls to take control of their own health and reproductive systems, allowing them to do what they wanted to do (go to college, travel) before starting their families. None of them had families being forced upon them because the twit she was with didn't want to use a condom or take responsibility.

I support Planned Parenthood because it works. How about defunding congressional pay instead?
Contributor: libbyv libbyv
Originally posted by mailroomorder
With all these debates and cuts to Planned Parenthoods, I was wondering what everyone as thinking. So many people nowadays think that they are only useful for abortions and neglect to understand what their purpose really is in a community.
you should have the right to decide for yourself
Contributor: Hummingbird Hummingbird
No, definitely not, it should be up to the individual for the right to choose!
Contributor: Love Bites Love Bites
Originally posted by mailroomorder
With all these debates and cuts to Planned Parenthoods, I was wondering what everyone as thinking. So many people nowadays think that they are only useful for abortions and neglect to understand what their purpose really is in a community.
I support planned parenthood.
Without it, I wouldn't have been able to get birth control.
I wasn't even on it for sex, but for an uncontrollable monthly that left my in so much pain I couldn't function.
They provide affordable STD tests, affordable BC, and free protection.
They provide information on several important topics, and they have several people there to talk to if you have questions.

There is already a severe issue with teen pregnancy, I would hate to see what would happen if PP's were shut down.
Contributor: shnsmth6 shnsmth6
Originally posted by mailroomorder
With all these debates and cuts to Planned Parenthoods, I was wondering what everyone as thinking. So many people nowadays think that they are only useful for abortions and neglect to understand what their purpose really is in a community.
no, i think people should be able to decide
Contributor: gwenevieve gwenevieve
Originally posted by mailroomorder
With all these debates and cuts to Planned Parenthoods, I was wondering what everyone as thinking. So many people nowadays think that they are only useful for abortions and neglect to understand what their purpose really is in a community.
no and if you think they do, you need to really evaluate the selfishness and ignorance that is your life.
Contributor: quinceykay quinceykay
Absolutely not. They are so important.
Contributor: wicked48 wicked48
Absolutely not!
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by mailroomorder
With all these debates and cuts to Planned Parenthoods, I was wondering what everyone as thinking. So many people nowadays think that they are only useful for abortions and neglect to understand what their purpose really is in a community.
They shouldn't be shut down...they should be better funded.
Contributor: ginnyluvspotter ginnyluvspotter
No it should stay open
Contributor: Heartthrob Heartthrob
Originally posted by mailroomorder
With all these debates and cuts to Planned Parenthoods, I was wondering what everyone as thinking. So many people nowadays think that they are only useful for abortions and neglect to understand what their purpose really is in a community.
Considering that my Dr. refuses to do gynecological exams, this is the only place in my area I can go.