Do you think Planned Parenthoods should be closed down?

Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by spiced
Geez, they should be expanding. I'm a bit surprised that 3 people voted they should be shut down.
I'm kinda surprised too! It's not as though they have rusty baby-guillotines in the backroom and give out crack samples!

They make up for what public education has been forced to cut back on.
Contributor: mailroomorder mailroomorder
Originally posted by bayosgirl
No. Many women wouldn't be able to afford exams/birth control otherwise. I strongly feel there should be more restrictions on abortion, but that is a separate issue.
I'm happy that you separated the issue of abortion and PP! I wish more people could do that. As you said, abortion is a totally different subject. Planned Parenthoods can be an invaluable resource for young women who can't afford birth control or information on sexual health or even consultations. It's totally different than abortion.
Contributor: mailroomorder mailroomorder
Originally posted by Ryuson
I actually feel almost the opposite of a lot of people, then. I think that they are very important, but feel like abortions should be handled differently.

In the UK, you have to stay the night in the hospital when you get an abortion. This ... more
Very interesting about how the UK handles abortion. They take it much more seriously than in America where you go in and get out just afterwards. People tend to neglect the emotional side effects of getting an abortion.
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by Ryuson
I actually feel almost the opposite of a lot of people, then. I think that they are very important, but feel like abortions should be handled differently.

In the UK, you have to stay the night in the hospital when you get an abortion. This ... more
I didn't have quite the lengthy response, but I totally agree with you. I am fully in support of them, however, I think there is room for much improvement.
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
Hell no! I receive all my gynecological care at a Planned Parenthood, the state covers it for me since our insurance doesn't include anything other than major medical. Most times Planned Parenthoods aren't used for abortions anyway, it's the overall health and wellness they're concerned about and folks can get free or low-cost services through them.
Contributor: Dixiemomma Dixiemomma
NO!!! we need more of them!
Contributor: ScorpioCurves ScorpioCurves
Nope! I'm a poor college student and Planned Parenthood is one of the few places where I can afford valuable health care. I also feel that Planned Parenthood provides a non-discriminatory environment. You can attend the clinic without feeling dumb or ashamed, and none of the clinicians look down upon you based on your sexuality. It's a very healthy & caring atmosphere. I wish more people would take Planned Parenthood seriously.
Contributor: wetone123 wetone123
Planned Parenthood should be expanding! Why anyone would vote to close them down is beyond me. They are essential for many, many services besides abortion.
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
I don't think they should be closed down, but there are a few things about them I'd like to see changed.
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
Hell no. They serve many purposes
Contributor: BrittaniMaree BrittaniMaree
HELL NO they help a lot of women I think it would be bad to shut it down
Contributor: SelectZen SelectZen
Absolutely not.
Contributor: dancingduo dancingduo
I honestly don't believe they stand for anything good. I would rather have the economy solve this problem. No more federal funding should be provided PERIOD.
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
Originally posted by Ryuson
I actually feel almost the opposite of a lot of people, then. I think that they are very important, but feel like abortions should be handled differently.

In the UK, you have to stay the night in the hospital when you get an abortion. This ... more
Hi, Ryuson!

"...also keeps it from being used as an 'oops' form of birth control (which I hate to say it, but some people treat it like that.)"

You know, this is a paradigm that pops up a lot in discussions of abortion, but it's usually not really examined. The stereotype is generally that there are women of unknown numbers out there having unprotected sex without concern, because if they get pregnant they know they can just hop on over to an abortion clinic, and that these women abort pregnancies over and over again.

Now, while I know there are a few women who have had more than two abortions, and there may even be a rare few who come close to fitting the above stereotype, it is VERY rare. An abortion is no picnic, and every woman I know (and, I'm pretty sure, most of the women I don't know) would far prefer to use a simple and convenient form of birth control rather than have to endure even just the physical effects of early pregnancy and abortion.

But when you mention keeping abortion from being "used as an 'oops' form of birth control," it confuses me a bit. Because"oops" birth control is exactly what abortion is. The whole intent of abortion is to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, regardless of the reason why it's unwanted: health risks to the mother, serious health problems in the fetus, the mother's desire not to carry to term for whatever reason.

Do you know someone (or more than one) who you're specifically referring to in your post? If so, can you clarify what it is about their actions that is a problem?
Contributor: bratcat bratcat
Originally posted by FieryRed
Hi, Ryuson!

"...also keeps it from being used as an 'oops' form of birth control (which I hate to say it, but some people treat it like that.)"

You know, this is a paradigm that pops up a lot in discussions of ... more
I actually am wonder the same thing too. I feel very strongly about keeping abortion legal nation wide, as there is very little evidence that supports that stereotype.
Pulling this from a paper i found earlier this semester -- One study found that 61% of women seeking abortions already have children and cannot afford to take on any more; and almost 70% are poor or near poor, being unable to afford to care for or raise a child themselves. The same study found that 58% of women who choose to get legal abortions are in their twenties.
I personally have a close friend who has had multiple abortions, this most recent time was because while being intimate with her current partner the condom slipped off, and the frist was because her birth control failed. Being in her mind 20's, living at home and making minimum wage, she knew she was unable to care for another living being since she can barely take care of herself. Some people may think that she choose abortion as a "oopsy" form of BC without taking into consideration the certain circumstances she was put under to choose to get an abortion.
I strongly feel that, that stereotype is build on personal views which are also cultivated by media to make people believe that this is how many teens and people in their 20's use abortion with little regard of the individuals reasoning for choosing to get an abortion.
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by FieryRed
Hi, Ryuson!

"...also keeps it from being used as an 'oops' form of birth control (which I hate to say it, but some people treat it like that.)"

You know, this is a paradigm that pops up a lot in discussions of ... more
I am going to speculate here that there is an 'oops' of - the method of birth control that was used failed. And an 'oops' of - being irresponsible, and using an abortion as the only method of prevention. These are two very different mindsets.
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by bratcat
I actually am wonder the same thing too. I feel very strongly about keeping abortion legal nation wide, as there is very little evidence that supports that stereotype.
Pulling this from a paper i found earlier this semester -- One study found ... more
It is a little weird to talk about abortions sometimes from a male perspective, since it is such a sensitive topic - and for biological reasons... you know. I support the women who have to make these decisions. While I have never been the participant in a situation that ended in a pregnancy, I have known a number of people who have went through the situations discussed here.

Everyone that I know who has had an abortion, did not take it lightly and said they never wanted to go through that again. I don't know anyone that has had more than one. All of these people for one reason or another also thought they were unable to get pregnant (protection, prevention, health issues, and even medical procedures).

I am not saying this is a universal representation, but it does give me the impression that it is not something a woman takes lightly, especially if she has experience with it.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
I wish there were more. They're so overworked and packed.
Contributor: bratcat bratcat
Originally posted by Gary
It is a little weird to talk about abortions sometimes from a male perspective, since it is such a sensitive topic - and for biological reasons... you know. I support the women who have to make these decisions. While I have never been the participant ... more
I agree 100%, I have never met a women who has gone through the process of getting an abortion as taking it lightly. It is indeed a serious medical procedure, and it is often discussed before making the decision with a partner, friends or family members -- although the choice is ultimately up to that individual.
When the particular friend i mentioned became pregnant it was a hard decision fer her to make (as it was frist time), and while it was something she never wanted to go through again, she also was struggling with the same issues that lead her to terminate her first pregnancy.
I know very, very few people who have gone through the process more than once.
Contributor: tami tami
Originally posted by mailroomorder
With all these debates and cuts to Planned Parenthoods, I was wondering what everyone as thinking. So many people nowadays think that they are only useful for abortions and neglect to understand what their purpose really is in a community.
Contributor: snowminx snowminx
Originally posted by Ryuson
I actually feel almost the opposite of a lot of people, then. I think that they are very important, but feel like abortions should be handled differently.

In the UK, you have to stay the night in the hospital when you get an abortion. This ... more
They have birth control for really cheap? 0_o this is news to me. They wanted to charge me $75 dollars just to TALK to me about the different kinds of birth control and I'm a student with no job. I guess it's different from place to place. I guess they think if you have enough money to have insurance you have enough to pay that kind of price, I just decided to go to a real doctor instead!

But yeah I think they should stay open, I'd rather see more people getting abortions than children living in foster care all their life.
Contributor: bratcat bratcat
Originally posted by snowminx
They have birth control for really cheap? 0_o this is news to me. They wanted to charge me $75 dollars just to TALK to me about the different kinds of birth control and I'm a student with no job. I guess it's different from place to place. I ... more
Thats really surprising to me, since many of my friend who go there for their BC, like the shot or pill, get it for free or at very low-cost.
However, that may have just been their flat rate for consultations in your area, since they are a clinic and do have to make money, although it does seem a little steep.
Contributor: shotjuan shotjuan
There are many groups out there who demonize PP as a baby killing organization. That is ludicrous! There is nothing wrong with helping people in need with good decision making and providing birth control.

Hmm...decrease the number of pregnancies that result in hundreds of dollars per month per child of state assistance at the cost of taxpayers. What a bad idea
Contributor: Sangsara Sangsara
Where I live in Canada planned parenthood is now called OPT which is short for options for sexual health. I recently attended a CAVE/SAR workshop SAR standing for sexual attitudes reassessment. It incorporated panels of people to talk on several different subjects including gender identity, BDSM, sex work, polyamory, and sex with disabilities to name a few. It was really quite interesting and I was extremely impressed with the amount of info that the facilitator knew. Really I was sooo surprised that one of the main admins at OPT (old planned parenthood) was openly bisexual, kinky and polyamorous. What I was more impressed with was her ability to facilitate all different opinions and experiences from the hardest kinkster to the Muslim doctor who asked what the difference was between a peodephile and a gay person. He wanted help understanding how we could view one as acceptable and the other as not as the were equally wrong in his eyes and the eyes of his religion. Personally I wanted to scream- until I heard her calmly reply that consent was the difference and though I think it goes way way beyond that, it was an answer that he was open to and thus understanding began. Planned parenthood is here for way more than just birth control - you'd be amazed at the amount if resource info they have. If you have any sex positive issue that you need direction with check them out!!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by snowminx
They have birth control for really cheap? 0_o this is news to me. They wanted to charge me $75 dollars just to TALK to me about the different kinds of birth control and I'm a student with no job. I guess it's different from place to place. I ... more
Both my older daughters have used PP recently, even when they were still living at home and they never paid for a consultation and paid on a sliding scale (based on their income) for both birth control and for exams. In our area, with our daughters working part time while going to school, they pay between $10.00 and $20.00 for birth control pills and slightly more for the NuvaRing per month.

I remember when I was young, the consult was free (but they encouraged you to make a contribution, if you could) and, again the birth control was on a sliding scale, based on your income.

Unless you have a really good job, or live in a really high income area, I have no idea why they would have charged you $75.00 for a consult.

And Planned Parenthood employs both Nurse Practitioners and "real" doctors as well. Many of these people donate their time to the cause and don't even get paid.
Contributor: Marie Hanna Marie Hanna
No! They are so important, even just as an information source.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by mailroomorder
With all these debates and cuts to Planned Parenthoods, I was wondering what everyone as thinking. So many people nowadays think that they are only useful for abortions and neglect to understand what their purpose really is in a community.
I assume when you say neglect you're referring to something similar to the recent stories in the media about the places being discovered to have highly unhealthy things going on, things harmful to the patient & all that? I know the most recent story is where a woman ended up dying because of them not being truly certified and doing wild things like prescribing large doses of meds & all. Well, in those cases where they're illegally practicing, yes. I can understand shutting them down. I mean, I would not want my loved ones' safety risked further by some dr. who only claims to have a degree and know what they're doing. I don't want to see that happen. However, do I just think PPs should be shut down because they perform abortion procedures? Absolutely not. There are reasons to keep those places open, but I do believe they should make sure the place is healthy, in good shape and that the workers are qualified professionals.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by Ryuson
I actually feel almost the opposite of a lot of people, then. I think that they are very important, but feel like abortions should be handled differently.

In the UK, you have to stay the night in the hospital when you get an abortion. This ... more
You are right -- many people would not be able to get the treatment they need such as the yearly exams. The sad thing is, a lot of people (not saying anybody here does this) only see the part about PP doing abortions (and that's not even in every PP clinic) and they get this idea that they should all be shut down. They forget that many are only able to get the proper breast exams, cervical screening, HIV tests, birth control, etc. because of PP. It's essential, IMO. I didn't know UK did overnight stays. I could see that being a useful thing. For sure.
Contributor: GirlOnGirl GirlOnGirl
No, they are absolutely essential.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by K101
I assume when you say neglect you're referring to something similar to the recent stories in the media about the places being discovered to have highly unhealthy things going on, things harmful to the patient & all that? I know the most ... more
Do you have links to these stories? It isn't something seen in most reputable media sources. I'd be grateful to see the links and to see where these clinics are located.

The only place I've seen this story ONE story about ONE doctor, supposedly) is on uber Right Wing, anti-choice, Muslim baiting websites like "American Thinker" "LifeNews" (an anti-choice, anti-Obama website) and the infamous "Prolife Action" website, an other anti-choice, anti birth control, anti-Obama rumor mill.
These sites use inflammatory language, racial slurs and exaggeration tactics and do not quote sources in any of their stories.

I'm not buying this story until I see it from a reputable source and none of the above are in the least reputable.