Obama's change of heart on gay marriage

Contributor: indiechick indiechick
Originally posted by Rawhide
Does President Obama's new stance on gay marriage make you any more or less likely to support him in the next election?
I think the title change of heart is misleading. He has always been pro-gay marriage as an individual, he finally took his platform as president and took personal beliefs to a national level. In an election year, which could take him either way. I was always going to vote for him. And while I wish he'd come to this conclusion to use is platform as president sooner I'm happy he finally got there
Contributor: asphyxia asphyxia
I think he was probably for it all along, just didn't want to rock the boat. Now that it's acceptable to a majority of the country, he's probably not worried about any political backlash. The reason I'm voting for him is because I must vote against the republicans. He's definitely not my idea of an ideal candidate (he's just not liberal enough), but he's INFINITELY better than anyone else running.
Contributor: Roz W Roz W
I am sorta impressed that he did it before the election, as it doesn't seem to be a surefire, in-the-bag political win for him.

So while I don't know whether it was based on calculation or principle (June was Pride! Good PR move?), I'm glad he said so. This now makes gay marriage a politically mainstream position, and I'm grateful for that.

And hell if I'm voting for the other guy.
Contributor: booboo111926 booboo111926
no change
Contributor: Faeya Faeya
Considering the alternatives, I was planning to vote for him anyway, so the change really doesn't matter. It breaks my heart that he had to weight the politics of the matter before making a statement either way though...

Personally, I wish we had preferential voting so a non-politician candidate had a chance to get some votes, but within the current system, I don't really have a choice.
Contributor: BoobCopter BoobCopter
A slight change. I already liked him.
Contributor: guard083 guard083
I believe it was strictly a political move
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by BBW Talks Toys
Personally, if I have to choose between him and Romney, I'm choosing Obama. Not because of his support of gay marriage, but because I want separation of church and state in my elected officials and the GOP candidates are not the choice for that ... more
Excellent! I love this: their book of doctrine is NOT a legally binding document for our nation that was founded on a separation of church and state.
Contributor: digit88 digit88
Originally posted by Rawhide
Does President Obama's new stance on gay marriage make you any more or less likely to support him in the next election?
no vote for him
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by guard083
I believe it was strictly a political move
Yeah, well, that's why they call it "Politics." You are NEVER going to get someone in the White House who isn't a politician. Ever.

So, we have to work with what we have. The fact is, he DID lose votes from Gay Haters and "on the fence" people who think their interpretation of "legislation" ; and "sin" should be the same thing, when he said what he did.

That still took guts to do what Obama did.
Contributor: potentialslayer potentialslayer
I know people criticize him for pandering, but honestly, I believe that's just how politics works. Obama's changed his mind before on gay marriage prior to his presidency, I'm glad that he's changed it again, and this time loud and clear and with conviction.
Contributor: Experiment Experiment
I was going to vote for him before, I'm going to vote for him still.

I think he wasn't pro-gay marriage in 2008 because he thought it would hurt his chances of being elected.

I think in 2012 he realized supporting gay marriage would help him get elected.

It's a political strategy and nothing more.

That said, I'm glad our culture has shifted in that amount of time that being pro-gay marriage is a good political strategy.
Contributor: AmethystSmoke AmethystSmoke
No change. I wouldn't vote for him regardless his stance on gay marriage because I disagree with most of his ideology.
Contributor: Badass Badass
I would rather have Obama in office than Romney, no matter what.

Romney is indirect and seldom takes a real stance when in the public eye. I sincerly dislike this about him!
Contributor: KRD KRD
no change
Contributor: snowyslut snowyslut
Originally posted by Rawhide
Does President Obama's new stance on gay marriage make you any more or less likely to support him in the next election?
I'm glad he said he supports gay marriage, as opposed to not supporting marriage equality... but it's the absolute minimum he could have done. It's a purely political tactic.

If he really cared about marriage equality, he would have gotten to it earlier in his first term, like he said he'd do in the campaign. He hasn't even done anything official yet, he just said that he personally supports gay marriage (which, I guarantee, will exclude trans* people and people in poly relationships). Well, I personally support decriminalizing sex work, but that doesn't make any difference unless I get out there and make sure something actually gets done.

If Obama really cared about queer folks, he wouldn't toss this out right before the election to win our votes. He would be focusing on other issues that are much more important to queer folks' lives. The health care program is a start, I will give him that much. It's a conservative start -- again the very least he could do -- but it's something. He would be behind employment protections and hate crimes legislation and anti-poverty measures and ending the war in Afghanistan.

I can't vote for Obama. I cannot support the killing of innocent people in drone strikes, and I'm very frustrated with how little he has done as an allegedly liberal president.

But I wasn't going to vote for him anyway. That he offered queer folks the absolute minimum as a scrap like it was some amazing prize doesn't make me want to vote for him more, but he never had a chance at my vote anyway.
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
Very much positive! I'm SO glad that someone who's got a LOT of limelight is finally doing something in favour of the lawfully oppressed.
Contributor: Kenneth Fort Kenneth Fort
Originally posted by Rawhide
Does President Obama's new stance on gay marriage make you any more or less likely to support him in the next election?
Are you implying anyone actually takes his "change of heart" seriously?
Contributor: MrsRobinson73 MrsRobinson73
Originally posted by MissCandyland
It's good to know that he is for equality.
I agree! Any support is good support, especially when it's a person of power.
Contributor: MzGreenEyedLady MzGreenEyedLady
No change. I hate politics, so I'm not going into detail.
Contributor: SoloJoe SoloJoe
dont like him
Contributor: lovebites lovebites
Originally posted by MissCandyland
It's good to know that he is for equality.
i agree
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
I support him.
Contributor: falalena falalena
Originally posted by Rawhide
Does President Obama's new stance on gay marriage make you any more or less likely to support him in the next election?
i was for marriage equality before, and still am.
Contributor: noway noway
Just makes me love the man even more!
Contributor: Rory Rory
He would say anything that would by him a vote.