How do you feel about the laws being passed over the issue of abortion?

Contributor: RebelRebelJen RebelRebelJen
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
I'm really wonderin: We say what happened, and while it's not over, what do you feel about it. Voting is Private, feel free to rant and rave, but let your passion out.
I dislike going backwards.
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
I think it's a bad idea to make it harder/illegal to do, because people will go to less legal/regulated options. It'd be better to increase safety (decrease rapes) and education about contraceptives. If people have more control over their ability to have kids, there will be less accidental pregnancies.
Contributor: ToyGeek ToyGeek
I would personally never have an abortion, unless it was a situation where the baby wouldn't survive to term anyway, but it makes me furious that these laws are being passed, taking away the rights of women to make informed decisions about their own health with their doctors. There are so many reasons to end a pregnancy, and it's none of the government's business to decide what's right.

The most aggressive "pro-life" people aren't really pro-life at all. They're pro-birth, and once the child is here, they don't give a damn about its fate, especially if it's a female. Else those same people wouldn't be pushing to cut all kinds of social programs, take away people's rights, put prisoners to death, etc., while simultaneously defending the rights of gun owners as if that particular freedom was more sacred than the right to make one's own medical decisions. It doesn't make sense.
Contributor: SoloJoe SoloJoe
pro choice
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
Originally posted by edenguy
Any laws in particular?

Here is one specific example:

"The [abortion] law is a change from the current system in Arizona. Under the previous law, abortions were permitted up until viability which occurs around 24 weeks. Starting ... more
Isn't it possible that it's because scientific advances are showing that brain activity is a lot higher than previously thought, and pain is felt earlier than previously considered?

It may be the right of a woman to decide what to do with her own body, but why is it her right to deprive another human being of life? Particularly depriving another human being of life in a spectacularly gruesome and painful way in abortions performed at 20 weeks or later? I have never understood why it's supposed to be my "right" to end a life because I don't want it, or because I think I would be a bad mother (the foster system does not usually get newborns either - they are usually holding onto older children who have parents who have not sacrificed parental rights. The waiting lists for adoptive parents looking for newborns is huge). I don't think I ever have the right to take a life that is not directly threatening to end my own - you can feel free to disagree with me, but that's my point of view.

I definitely don't think it's misogynistic to not believe that being a woman gives me a special right to kill, and it's not based on lies, because abortion ends a human life, no matter how you slice it. I'm very pro-birth control and very pro-education, but if I will stick with my live and let live philosophy.
Contributor: bettle590 bettle590
Originally posted by edenguy
I'm militantly pro-choice, but I don't agree with the statement that the opposition is "based purely off misogyny and lies". No doubt there are people who oppose abortion rights based on misogyny. No doubt there are people who ... more
but look at the arguments they use against people when they say things like "I don't want to be pregnant or give birth" or "adoption is an alternative to parenting, not pregnancy"

They skip over the whole bodily autonomy thing, write off pregnancy and birth as a minor inconvenience, and basically say "well, maybe you should have kept your legs closed" and "why don't you just put it up for adoption?" when all else fails. They care more about the life when it's in control of the fate of the pregnant person than they ever will about independent, autonomous children. (and usually display a huge amount of ignorance regarding the adoption/foster care system, not to mention using terms like "abolish" and "holocaust" which are obviously appropriating issues that still affect living humans today.)

Sure, maybe a lot of them really truly care about the fetus, and also care about that child after it's born and no longer affecting someone's bodily autonomy. But that doesn't give me any reason to respect the pro-life movement. They've given me plenty, PLENTY of reason not to.