Farmers denied the right to consume milk from their own cow

Contributor: Kindred Kindred
Originally posted by wetone123
I think you will all find this interesting....

Food Rights, Gene Rights and Monsanto: ‘No Food Rights’ Judge quits to work for Monsanto law firm

By Rady Ananda

Global Research, October 13, 2011

Former judge Patrick ... more
I didn't Google the story, but I want to clarify that one paragraph you post is inaccurate and misleading to readers.

Ruling against raw milk forces consumers to drink genetically modified, antibiotic-laden milk from cows fed an unnatural diet of pesticide-loaded feed.

Raw milk has nothing, zip, zero, nada, to do with hormones/chemicals/ant ib iotics in milk. The term "Raw milk" means that the milk has been pasteurized (heated to kill bacteria) and homogenized (forced through filters to prevent the fats from separating). Drinking raw milk does not mean you will not be exposed to hormones/chemicals/ant ibiotics. Those are administered to the cow to increase milk production which the cow then excretes in its milk. It's misleading and irresponsible to try and make that association.
Contributor: sexyintexas sexyintexas
I think I would have told the judge that he does have a fundamental right to kiss my ass