Who paid for your college tuition?

Contributor: js250 js250
I am still paying on it...2 years left!
Contributor: Ciao. Ciao.
My grandparents paid for a large chunk (they saved since I was born essentially), and my parents paid for a good bit. I took on some of the responsibility for other basic expenses and had to maintain good standing to keep the scholarship I received but that was about it. I consider myself pretty fortunate.
Contributor: T&A1987 T&A1987
Future me. loans payments start in June. Future me is pretty damn pissed at me, let me tell you.
Contributor: SomewhatSomewhere SomewhatSomewhere
Other, because I get my money in two places. I have a few scholarships (thank goodness) and my parents pay the rest of it. I'm very lucky.
Contributor: Azule Azule
All three of them, but I'm about to go into more debt so it'll probably more after those too.
Contributor: Alyxx Alyxx
For the first four years I had full scholarships from the school plus National Merit. Now they have ran out and I have Pell grants. I paid for one summer semester out of pocket though.
Contributor: Jaimes Jaimes
Originally posted by (k)InkyIvy
When I was young, my great grandfather decided that instead of giving birthday/christmas/wha tever gifts, he'd just open accounts for all of the great grandchildren and put a little money in each. So, for every birthday or gift-giving holiday, ... more
That's a really sweet grandpa.
Contributor: Beck Beck
My parents want me to go to school, but they couldn't afford to pay my high school fees that I had which was about $100.00, so there was no way that college was an option to me and I refuse to be in debt at least $30,000. I have yet to go to school because I have no idea how it will be paid for. I don't qualify for much either.
Contributor: married with children married with children
my self, and a loan from my grandparents.