Who here wears shoes in the house?

Contributor: Backseat Boohoo Backseat Boohoo
Call me OCD, but I have natural aversion to wearing shoes in homes, regardless of the floor finish. How about the rest of you?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Shoes in somebody's nice clean house?! NEVAAAAAR!!!
Sir , MuffysPinguLove , EffinSara , El-Jaro , Saraid , Miss Cinnamon , Kaijah , deceased , LikeSunshineDust , Twist Shimmy , JEM , Sammi , Omakosuri , BlessedRaven , ~miss.heather~ , Lithaewyn , Kynky Kytty , truestorysex , Angel deSanguine , SydVicious , RosesThorns , Sensual husband , clp , Envy , HevansS , sexysweetieshan , Jenniae09 , softcoeur , Tisbury , lovehurts , Yiggi , Kim! , Pandahb , Kindred , Naughty Student , Pleasure Piratess , Redboxbaby , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , buzz , Beaners , Valentinka , Crystal1 , Persephone's Addiction , TheSinDoll , Anne Ardeur , darthkitt3n , Nothere , *HisMrs* , Stinkytofu10 , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , ScarletFox , MistressDandelion , Peaches2000
I'll wear shoes in some houses, but not in others. Like, you know, in mine.
Sir , ArmyWife Kira , El-Jaro , Saraid , Miss Cinnamon , Heather , Victoria , cottoncandy , giggled , User Unknown , Jimbo Jones , Omakosuri , Me4real , Alan & Michele , ~miss.heather~ , Airen Wolf , BitterSweet , Hannah Savage , Alegria , DeliciousSurprise , Sensual husband , clp , Armsjlove , sexysweetieshan , SexyySarah , Tori Rebel , usmcwife99 , twilightsun , Lavender*Moon , Hot'n'Bothered , tigerkate , lamira , Kim! , Sapphire Pet , BluePixi , Redboxbaby , AU , Shellz31 , dv8 , bunny love , Mistress M. , TheSinDoll , C4ss , sbon , darthkitt3n , lovemuscle n cookie , Lummox , indiglo , MaryExy , zeebot , big b , Allstars316 , xOhxSoxScandalousx , ScarletFox , Teiya & Dave , potstickers
Are they ASKING me to take my shoes off, or do I have to volunteer?
J's Alley , Kinky Skier , Kayla , new southern girl , P'Gell , tigerkate , REDRUM , Teiya & Dave
I can't be arsed to take my shoes off.
Trashley , bunny love
I fucking SLEEP with my shoes on!
Not applicable: I am a hobbit and therefore do not need shoes, nor does human footwear fit my fuzzy footsies.
Jen&Clint , Carrie Ann , J's Alley , Heather Shadrick , deadpoet , deltalima , Lady Venus , Destri , MaryExy , souviet
Other/miscellaneous/insert funny statement here/42.
Sir , MuffysPinguLove , EffinSara , removedacnt , *Country Girl Can Survive* , Jul!a , deadpoet , Jobthingy , BluePixi , Persephone's Addiction , Wyo Daisy , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , ScarletFox , SimpleTeaser
Quit making stupid polls and do something useful for a change!
Total votes: 144 (117 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Sir Sir
If I know that a person does not like shoes worn in their home, then I will not wear them. If I see that the person's house is filthy, I will be disgusted, but I will still respect them and remove my shoes. If the person does not mind, I will keep my shoes on if the floor seems dirty, or I will take them off if I feel comfortable. When I first visited my..I do not know what to call her now, I kept my suit shoes on. It's a good thing that I did, as her entire house is a wreck.

In my house, shoes are never to be worn. Period, end of discussion. I do, however, sometimes wear shoes in my bedroom when I'm trying them on. Slippers, of course, are allowed. My house is extremely clean, and we have never allowed shoes to be worn.
Contributor: Sir Sir
Originally posted by Sir
If I know that a person does not like shoes worn in their home, then I will not wear them. If I see that the person's house is filthy, I will be disgusted, but I will still respect them and remove my shoes. If the person does not mind, I will ... more
Also, I'd like to say that I do like this thread, in response to that last option. I was thinking of posting something similar, but I decided to not.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
We never took our shoes off in my house, except for winter, I guess. My mom wasn't a super neat or clean person. For the most part, our shoes come off in my house; it was my husband's insistence when we first moved in together but I don't mind wearing them sometimes. I'm not a big fan of taking off my shoes in most others' houses, though. It kind of creeps me out.
Contributor: EffinSara EffinSara
I feel really bad wearing shoes in a house, especially when there's carpet on the stairs. I guess I had a friend when I was little whose parents would yell at me not to wear shoes on the carpeted stairs :/
Contributor: Atargatis Atargatis
Originally posted by Backseat Boohoo
Call me OCD, but I have natural aversion to wearing shoes in homes, regardless of the floor finish. How about the rest of you?
Being barefoot just feels so much nicer.
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
I'm always barefoot at home. But when at other people's houses it just depends. I have kind of a love/ hate thing with shoes. I'm super comfortable with them off, but I have a ton of beautiful shoes that I love to wear. It's one of my many addictions.
Contributor: Backseat Boohoo Backseat Boohoo
I thought we had a diverse community! Where are all of the hobbits?!
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
Originally posted by Backseat Boohoo
I thought we had a diverse community! Where are all of the hobbits?!
They go to bed early. They'll be here to vote tomorrow. lol
Contributor: Jen&Clint Jen&Clint
I'm going to have to say I'm the one freak hobbit that stays up to all hours and really hates shoes. The uncomfortable weird fitting things. If I don't have to wear them I am not going to. Freaking hate going to the store cause I have to put shoes on

Hubby on the other hand loves shoes?? He even has them on while at home. Some freak thing about I don't like to walk around all shoeless and stuff. Who knows what he is really thinking.
Contributor: Jen&Clint Jen&Clint
HAHAHA there you go. For me it is more fitting then any other answer. I would go shoeless if you let me.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I hate it when people wear shoes in my apartment, but not everyone is considerate. I like to walk around w/o shoes in my apartment and don't want to walk around in dirt.
Contributor: Saraid Saraid
No for me. My boyfriend is getting used to taking off his shoes even though he's lived in the States for a while now. When we were in Spain this past summer his parents thought it was crazy I walked around the house without shoes on. They think walking without shoes will make you sick. He told them all the Americans do it so they finally stopped freaking out over my health.
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
I never wear shoes in the house, but I wear sandals in my dorm because that floor? Not so clean. When I'm a guest, I always check by the door to see if there's a pile of shoes. That's usually a good indicator of whether it's a shoes or no-shoes house.
Contributor: Gary Gary
This reminds me of a great, terrible story...

It was probably '94-'95, and a bunch of us were living in abandoned buildings. I forget which night of the week it was, but the people from the Hare Krishna temple would go to South Street like a parade. They would go down the one side, and back up the other, about 30 blocks total.

So, anyone who wanted to, was welcome to go back to their temple to see what they were all about, and then join them for dinner. About 10 of us ended following them back just for the hell of it. We had nothing to do, and this was a cultural experience that included dinner... so why not?

The first thing we had to do when we got to the temple was take our shoes off. It was July, and we were ten guys who lived without running water and clean clothes, and most of us wore boots. So yeah, it was really bad! It was like that scene in Return of the Living Dead, where the zombie (who had just killed many paramedics) gets on the radio and says "Send More Paramedics". They just kept bringing out more incense. This went on for a while. They would bring some out, light it, and then see if it put a dent in the smell… repeat. They were really cool about it, but it was pretty funny.
Contributor: Heather Heather
I was nver really OCD about shoes in the house until my daughter was sent to ChoP in Philly for RSV when she was two weeks old. The nurses in NNICU told us to make sure we all inluding my son left our shoes at the front door and sprayed them before bringing in the house. We 9 times out of 10 just left our shoes in the mudroom so not to make a mess on the floors and because we all like our slippers and/or socks. I find it funny to see how many people when they come in my house take their shoes off. It's really amazing to see the number of my son's friends who do it without me asking.
Contributor: cottoncandy cottoncandy
I'm OCD about a lot of things but I normally don't care if people take off their shoes in my apartment or not. Personally, I take mine off because I like to be barefoot. When visiting other people, whether I leave my shoes on or take them off depends on a lot of factors like how long I will be there, if I'm cold, the status of everyone else's shoes etc.
Contributor: deceased deceased
Russians do not wear shoes in the house, but soft slippers. When I moved to Hawaii, the local culture is"no shoes in da house". Japanese people too, same custom..
Contributor: LikeSunshineDust LikeSunshineDust
Oh, I voted too quickly. In most cases I take my shoes off - in my own house, at a close friend's house, in my parent's house. If I'm at a party, I check for the shoe pile at the door and follow suit.
Contributor: J's Alley J's Alley
I will take them off if requested, but if I am in someone's house I prefer to keep them on. In my house they come off...not because we are super crazy about it, but rather because I have a thing with feet.

Lemme explain that: For someone's home...I hate feet they gross me out, so the thought of being barefoot where someone else has been barefoot makes me sick. Don't yell at me, it is almost like a phobia...it seriously gives me panic attacks.

My house: I hate people or things touch my feet. So shoes really bug me. I do wear flip flops around though.

I know...I am a freak, but what do you expect from a Hobbit?
Contributor: JEM JEM
I love shoes but hate wearing them if that makes sense! At home I take my shoes off as soon as I walk through the door and usually request my husband do the same especially in the winter. I hate it when people track in snow and it leaves the carpet and tile floors all wet and then I step in the puddles with my sock clad feet. But I will never request a guest to take off their shoes. I always hate it when people request the same of me so I will not impose that upon them though I would appreciate it if they would just do so without being asked!
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
Originally posted by Gary
This reminds me of a great, terrible story...It was probably '94-'95, and a bunch of us were living in abandoned buildings. I forget which night of the week it was, but the people from the Hare Krishna temple would go to South Street like a ... more
I can just picture the guy running back and saying "Send...More...Incense ..." LOL!

I hate wearing shoes in the house. We are always barefoot, shoes left at the door. My Mom, on the other hand, thinks it's terrible to not have shoes on in the house, so we always bring slippers or something to wear while we're there.
Contributor: Heather Shadrick Heather Shadrick
Originally posted by Backseat Boohoo
Call me OCD, but I have natural aversion to wearing shoes in homes, regardless of the floor finish. How about the rest of you?
I swear I'm like a hippi. If it were up to me I would never wear shoes! Even in the winter time I wear flip-flops or some other form of slip-on shoes. I try to keep my house clean and everything, but do not require people to take their shoes off when they visit. Maybe it would be a different story if I installed a new and light colored carpet or expensive hardwood flooring in my home. Other than that I just want my guests to feel comfortable! Shoes or not!
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
It depends. I follow suit of the owners. If I see them wearing shoes in the house, I won't bother to take them off. If they take their own off at the door, I'll take mine off. I'll also take mine off if I see a pile of shoes at the door.
Contributor: Me4real Me4real
Originally posted by Backseat Boohoo
Call me OCD, but I have natural aversion to wearing shoes in homes, regardless of the floor finish. How about the rest of you?
About the only time I will ever wear shoes is when I go out somewhere and when there is snow or ice on the ground. I never have liked wearing shoes and just feel good barefootin' it. I don't care whether or not people take their shoes off in my house as I have dark carpet, but years ago when I had light grey carpet, I did ask that people take their shoes off. As far as other people's homes, I would rather take mine off simply because I don't like wearing shoes, but if the house is a real pit, mine stay on.
Contributor: *Country Girl Can Survive* *Country Girl Can Survive*
Originally posted by JEM
I love shoes but hate wearing them if that makes sense! At home I take my shoes off as soon as I walk through the door and usually request my husband do the same especially in the winter. I hate it when people track in snow and it leaves the carpet ... more
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
I usually leave my shoes on but not when Arch is around...he will pick me up and take them off if I don't...he has a major foot fetish and loves mine. If it's cold in the house I wear my shoes or socks but if it's warm the shoes come off...or else!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Kayla
It depends. I follow suit of the owners. If I see them wearing shoes in the house, I won't bother to take them off. If they take their own off at the door, I'll take mine off. I'll also take mine off if I see a pile of shoes at the door.
I do the same thing. In the warmer weather when I'm normally wearing sandals I kick them off everywhere because I prefer to be barefoot, but I generally only take my shoes off somewhere else if everybody else does too. The exception is if I'm just running in for something real quick or if my shoes are wet from being outside. Because I know I hate walking through puddles left by people tromping through wet things outside and not taking their shoes off when they come in, lol
Contributor: SydVicious SydVicious
I always take my shoes off when going into someones home. It's automatic for me. Actually, I really don't wear shoes very often so it makes it easy to take me shoes off. I wear slip on flip flops until it's like 40 degrees outside, then i have to put on real shoes.
Contributor: RosesThorns RosesThorns
Id be barefoot all the time if I could.