When eating a steak

Contributor: Wildchild Wildchild
Originally posted by Wildchild
Do you need a steak sauce, a different condoment or do you like the flavor of the meat alone?
If I cook mine right I don't need anything. If I don't I use A-1.
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
Originally posted by bsgs
if you cook a steak correctly it should be able to stand alone....maybe a light light dusting of salt and pepper before cooking.....i dont only apply that to steak, any type of meat, should be able to stand on its own without anything else
A perfect steak stands alone! I would like mushrooms and/or grilled onions on the side! A touch of salt if desired!
Contributor: Ash1141 Ash1141
Mmm A1
Contributor: babyrock babyrock
onion salt, lawry's salt, fresh pepper
Contributor: MaiNai MaiNai
It depends on the cut, the way it was prepared, and what else it was served with. No way in hell would I put steak sauce on a Filet, but on strip steak sure. If the steak is well seasoned, no. If it's served with flavorful things, nah. All depends.
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
I like A1 on my steak.
Contributor: her angelness her angelness
love rare meat.
Contributor: MamaDivine MamaDivine
I always get yelled at at family functions when they make steak and I slather A1 on it lol. They say "Oh no, what are you doing!? Such a waste!" lol. Sometimes I do it just to watch them squirm lol
Contributor: Sir Sir
I enjoy steak both with A-1 and without. It depends on my mood.
Contributor: mizzmilla mizzmilla
I almost always use A-1.
Contributor: Brandonn Brandonn
A good steak is meant to be eaten without anything besides good company.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
There's a lot of things that go great on steak, and A1 is only one of the many. Mushrooms, red wine reductions, onions/shallots, pepper, garlic, cumin, coriander, butter or cheese sauces...those are just off the top of my head.
Contributor: Djiffy Djiffy
A properly seasoned and cooked steak requires no sauce, in my humble opinion.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
I like my steak with just a little bit of lemon juice and plenty of salt on it.