Neighbor had an Apple IIc and my best friend later got the IIe. I was jealous.
When did you first encounter a computer?
Middle school
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
I remember being five years old on a Mac program for kids. It was awesome! I've pretty much lived with computers my whole life.
when i was a kid.. dont know what exact age.
Probably around the early 90's. My dad had a huge IBM set up in the basement that I believe only ran DOS. I used to love typing things and printing them out (on the paper with the little holes on the sides!)
Early 90s!
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
I remember being five years old on a Mac program for kids. It was awesome! I've pretty much lived with computers my whole life.
The late 80's my dad bought me a Kpro "portable" was the size of a large suitcase and the key board clipped on. Yes, Floppy disks!
1982, IIRC. My mom used one at her work and one evening I hung out with her while she did some other work. It was an Apple. There were a couple of games on it and I played them while she did her filing (or whatever it was). I remember I figured out how to use it right away and I was SHOCKED to realize I'd spent three hours playing the games when Mom said she was ready to go. Not much has changed in some ways!
We are on our 6th PC. It's time for an upgrade...or replacement.
Lol my brother and I were so little when Oregon trail came out, we stopped naming our characters after ourselves because we got scared when we died!
My family has always had computers around since before I was born. Woo generation Y.
Sometime in the 90s, I was very young.
Around 1989.
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
I remember being five years old on a Mac program for kids. It was awesome! I've pretty much lived with computers my whole life.
late 90s.
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
I remember being five years old on a Mac program for kids. It was awesome! I've pretty much lived with computers my whole life.
My family's first home computer was a ColecoVision Adam.
And my first video game console was a Coleco Telstar Alpha.
You guess the year!

And my first video game console was a Coleco Telstar Alpha.
You guess the year!
Early 90s, my parents bought one for the house
In the mid 90s.
Back in the early 90's
I found the internet/computer in 1997. It changed my whole life.
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
I remember being five years old on a Mac program for kids. It was awesome! I've pretty much lived with computers my whole life.
Dot matrix (the printer). DOS was common on every IBM computer until about the early 90's. Windows had been released in '85, but no one could afford it.
Originally posted by
Probably around the early 90's. My dad had a huge IBM set up in the basement that I believe only ran DOS. I used to love typing things and printing them out (on the paper with the little holes on the sides!)
i was born in the late eighties, ive been around computers my entire life. i probably started playing on them when i was two or three. i played some sort of sesame street math game and i remember playing against my little brother a computer game where there were gorillas and you threw bananas at each other.
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
I remember being five years old on a Mac program for kids. It was awesome! I've pretty much lived with computers my whole life.
My dad tested a lot of computers so we've always had one in the house.
The year was 1986, I was 4 years old. My grandmother was a computer teacher at our local college and I was taught that I put in the big floppy disk and type g-o to make my game come on.
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
I remember being five years old on a Mac program for kids. It was awesome! I've pretty much lived with computers my whole life.
Early nineties, on an old Mac

In fifth grade we were introduced to one. That was 1986.
1994 or 95 when i was in kindergarden
I feel old
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
I remember being five years old on a Mac program for kids. It was awesome! I've pretty much lived with computers my whole life.
Back in the early 90's
Way back in the 80's
It was about 1984 when I first encountered a computer. It was part of my job and boy was I ever amazed with the technology, but of course it doesn't even scratch the surface with the technology we have today.
The 80s.
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