What do you do for a living?

Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by Kim!
I do data entry on 3rd shift. They pay me to go home when there is no work which is incredibly awesome. During the day I go to school.
I want your job, lol. Theres always something more to be done. If ime not doing overtime payed ime working for them on my own time lol.
Contributor: MnWolf MnWolf
Well I have been Unemployed since May of 08, the area I live there are not many jobs and the ones that are most of the time get way too many applications. I started Online for my B.S. in Computer Information Systems, not sure on what area I want to go into at the moment, the economy is so iffy right now! I have started with EF to fill the Sex need and to help others or offer a different way of looking at things, as well as help ease some the crazzness of not being able to find work..... IT SUCKS...!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Blinker
I love your rants, P'Gell! I used to want to be a nurse and went through Pharmacology classes and all kinds of stuff, and was a CNA in high school. We had clinicals in high school and the nurses were HORRIBLE to us. They made us do things they ... more
I'm sorry those nurses were so mean to you. Medicine has a way of dumping on the "lowers" kinda like "well, I went through that when I was new." It's shit, I don't agree with it, I'm NICE to newbies, but not all nurses and doctor are. (Although it sucks when you know MORE than the first year Residents and you KNOW in a few years they'll be making in a month what you make in a year.......and you still probably know more than they do.)

NOBODY should be letting anyone without license and certification and Registration pass out ANY meds, let alone Oxycodone! And the IVs. Someone could have gotten an air emb. Jeez, a patient could have gotten hurt or the Floor Nurse could have (should have) gotten called on the carpet...

That shouldn't have happened, let me apologize, even though I wasn't there.

As for my post, I AM, therefore, I rant!
Contributor: Lady Venus Lady Venus
Originally posted by Miss B Haven
I am getting ready to do Passion Parties. I love to talk sex toys with people so what more could I ask for in a job. Anyone up for a party? j/k
I do Passion Parties as well!!
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by Lady Venus
I do Passion Parties as well!!
Ive went to a few, I dont think its something I would do it as a carreer though.

They can be fun, no doughbt about that
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Lady Venus
I do Passion Parties as well!!
A friend of mine used to do them and while I was helping her move she found a whole huge box filled with stuff from when she did them. I got a whole bunch of freebies
Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
I currently work from home selling beauty products.

Favorite part - That I get to be home to clean house and eventually be a stay at home, work at home mom.

Least favorite part - It's hard to get business and I don't make much money yet. I just need to take time and work harder at it.
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by usmcwife99
So what do you do for a living?

What is your faviorte part and least faviorte part of your job?

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I personally work for a company who sells ... more
I think I better change my carreer. I just walked out of the USMC recruiting office today. Ile be doing work stateside for the military. If I had my way ide be sent back to Iraq(sorry but I have alot lesss to loose then some people who are currently over there so why dont we send the ones with not as much to loose, if someones gotta die better me then someone with 4 kids a wife and a house with a white picket fence) Anway. Ile be doing logistical work for the Marine Corps.
Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
I work at a coffee shop. My favourite things are the hours I work, yummy treats, the regular customers and most of my co-workers. My least favourite things are one co-worker and the occasional rude/super picky customer.
Contributor: MuffysPinguLove MuffysPinguLove

I work at a cafe as a barista which is AWESOME, because I get to concoct all sorts of yummy coffee drinks and play with the espresso machine. Plus, my coworkers rock! Downside: caffeine addiction.

When I'm at school I also take notes for people with learning disabilities. Basically I get paid for going to class and helping others, which is AWESOME. Downside=none.

I work online for a question and answer service. I can work whenever I want for as long as I want, which is great. Downside: I wish it paid just a little more.

At school I also work in a mail room where I accept packages from mail carriers, give students their packages and put mail in mailboxes. I'm allowed to do my homework when I have down time, which is often.

Wow, I never realized how busy I am during the school year!
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by MuffysPinguLove

I work at a cafe as a barista which is AWESOME, because I get to concoct all sorts of yummy coffee drinks and play with the espresso machine. Plus, my coworkers rock! Downside: caffeine addiction.

When I'm at school I also ... more
You made me tired just thinking about it!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by usmcwife99
So what do you do for a living?

What is your faviorte part and least faviorte part of your job?

---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- --------------

I personally work for a company who sells ... more
I am CEO of Family Enterprises...which means I supervise the cleaning and maintenance of the building, oversee the learning sections, teach approved curriculum, create budgets for all sectors, troubleshoot common problems, and oversee catering of meals.

Yup, I'm a professional housewife, mother and homeschooler.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I am CEO of Family Enterprises...which means I supervise the cleaning and maintenance of the building, oversee the learning sections, teach approved curriculum, create budgets for all sectors, troubleshoot common problems, and oversee catering of ... more
That sounds a lot more accurate than "home-maker".
Contributor: Pandahb Pandahb
I work on my school campus.
Contributor: [[M@R!3]] [[M@R!3]]
I work part-time in a call center for Rogers Prepaid cellphones & I'm following courses in college to become a Special care counselor.
Contributor: VampKitty VampKitty
I'm a full time college student. As my dad likes to say... that is my job.

favorite part - constant set schedule that I get to pick

least favorite - all the studying.
Contributor: lovehurts lovehurts
I am a Tattoo Artist/ Painter

I love being creative

I don't like the clean up part