What do you do for a living?

Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
So what do you do for a living?

What is your faviorte part and least faviorte part of your job?

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I personally work for a company who sells tactical gear and equitment(basiclly bullet proof vests, fighting knives,weapon acceseries and holsters, uniforms, clothes, and other stuff used by military personall)

Faviorte part- I get to shoot big guns at stuff and try to break it not to meantion throw knives all day or basicly test any product we sell

Least faviorte part-all the paperwork
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Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
I was JUST thinking of starting this very same thread and came across yours

I work for a natural gas parts distribution company - We have 15 people in-house and 7 in the field so I do a little bit of everything. Executive secretary, IT coordinator, expense manager, I do sales order entry & back-up, and all the expediting for the purchasing department.

I'm not sure there's anything I really don't like about it. There will be little things that bug me here and there, but nothing consistent. I like the people I work with, I enjoy the work, and I like that it's very varied and I'm not doing the same thing all day.
Contributor: TitsMcScandal TitsMcScandal
I work at a coffee cafe.

Favorite part of my job- my coworkers. All of them are freaking amazing. The kitchen is the best, talk about anal sex and double teaming is a tame day. Oh, plus the 'strip for your tips' is pretty sweet. [Okay, no real stripping goes on, just fun inside jokes].

Least favorite part- rude customers and creepsters.
Contributor: JEM JEM
I am an applied behavior analyst-ABA- I work with Autistic kids-teach them social skills, Voc Skills, and Community skills.

Favorite Part- I love it becuase I get to work with some pretty awesome kids and teach them skills that will help them be successful adults! It is very rewarding.

Least Favorite- The paper work, writing IEP's, Progress reports, and meetings!!
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I work here.

Fav. Part: Everything!

Least fav. part: don't get out much since I do it from home.
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
I am a Quality Analyst for a customer service company that centers around technical support and product and service warranties. I get to work at home, which is my favorite part...but I guess it's also my downside as I don't get out of the house much to meet new people.
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
I lead a team of programmers.

Favorite part: The times when I can do some of the programming myself.
Another favorite part: I have some outstanding programmers on my team.
Third favorite part: We all get along.

Least favorite part: I'm the project manager, so I don't have nearly as much opportunity to actually program as I'd like.
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by Tori Rebel
I was JUST thinking of starting this very same thread and came across yours

I work for a natural gas parts distribution company - We have 15 people in-house and 7 in the field so I do a little bit of everything. Executive secretary, IT ... more
yeh, are company isnt huge in people but overall sales are pretty good

I end up doing other stuff to, paid for this but do that lol. I dont mind sales and I know how and will do it when needed. I prefer to stay behind my keyboard or in the backroom working on stuff.
Contributor: usmcwife99 usmcwife99
Originally posted by TitsMcScandal
I work at a coffee cafe.

Favorite part of my job- my coworkers. All of them are freaking amazing. The kitchen is the best, talk about anal sex and double teaming is a tame day. Oh, plus the 'strip for your tips' is pretty sweet. ... more
LOL yeh I agreee with you on the rude customers and creepsters.

Sometimes Ime the only one around at the time thats been trained(not that the others couldnt be) to fit guys for vests. Nothings better then some of these guys who seem to get happy when it comes a girl taking measurments. Not to meantion most of are customers are male so alot of guys try to flirt with you.

When it comes to rude customers I really dont have that problem.

Well there is the rude people that I cant call customers because I tell them sorry we cant help you with that. Our company WILL NOT sell anything in the store to anyone but military or federal agencies. Some stuff is no big deal, others are. Other stores can go sell weapons and supplies to random people but we REDUCE the chance of having a person walk in off the street get stuff and go use it to commit crimes. Some people get so mad when you tell them that and its sorta funny Ile just stand there and be like ok sir you need to leave now. One day my boss goes "do you think its a good idea to threaten us when theres a whole bunch of soldiers(at the time they were in the store behind him)right behind you" he kept ranting and raving, trying to stay civil we called the cops. He got addmitted to a mentall hospital that night.
Contributor: buzzvibe buzzvibe
I don't really do anything for a living since nothing I do pays me enough to live on.

I'm primarily a stay-at-home mom, although I'm rarely actually in the house now that it's summer and I have to be chef and chauffeur to everyone. My favorite part is getting to hang with my kids because they are awesome. I hate doing housework and mundane chores, but that has always been the case, even before kids. I'm a lazy homemaker.

I do work part-time teaching cake decorating classes at a nation craft store chain. I call it my "pseudo job" because it doesn't pay much, but I really enjoy it. The shitty thing about that job (apart from the minimal monetary compensation) is the corporate BS I have to tolerate.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by buzzvibe
I don't really do anything for a living since nothing I do pays me enough to live on.

I'm primarily a stay-at-home mom, although I'm rarely actually in the house now that it's summer and I have to be chef and chauffeur to ... more
I can totally relate to this!

Before here (except for the first couple weeks), I worked for about 2 1/2 years proofing medical correspondence. I'd listen to the dictation and check it against what was typed up by someone in India. It got me out of bed in the morning and really helped me out financially when I was in a low place. The worst part of it, I only pulled down between $400-500 a month! Thank goodness for State Assistance!
Contributor: blissfulgirl blissfulgirl
I am a mental health specialist who works with children that are severely emotionally disturbed (SED).
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
I work here, too. Heh.

Favorite part? The atmosphere of EF in general, my co-workers and the community.

Worst part? Like JR said, working from home means ya don't get out much. I need to go work from a park or something!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
My day job I deliver car parts.

Favorite part, getting to drive around and be by myself in the truck most of the day.

Least favorite part: well, there's just enough of those that I wouldn't be so heartbroken if my boss fired me tomorrow, lol.

Night job, I run the nightly processing for a small family owned bank.

Favorite part, working by myself with no customers to deal with, awesome pay to do not all that much really.

Least favorite part, having to work during the period of time every night that my friends would be getting together, and not getting home til 10. Then going to bed and doing it all the next day.
Contributor: Gary Gary
May regular day job is EF, but on nights and weekends I sell porn and record bands.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
One for sure least favorite thing about my day job is the horribly uneven driver's tan. My left knee is tan up to where my shorts fall, and even my driver's tan has a farmer's tan, lol
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Jul!a
One for sure least favorite thing about my day job is the horribly uneven driver's tan. My left knee is tan up to where my shorts fall, and even my driver's tan has a farmer's tan, lol

I can relate! I used to work in the Oil Fields and got this left arm tan a LOT!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by El-Jaro

I can relate! I used to work in the Oil Fields and got this left arm tan a LOT!
One of the guys at another store of ours also drives for a cable company so he's literally a driver's tan. The left side of his face, neck, his left arm, and a good chunk of his left leg too. It's hilarious, lol
Contributor: fatesrelease fatesrelease
Work as a barista in a cafe.
Favorite parts? The co-workers I like, discounts on store merchandise, amazing regulars, fun work environment.
Least favorite? Cafe drama, Store Drama, Rude Customers, Bad Co-workers, People who NEVER tip when getting great service.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I take care of my family, mostly. I am also a nurse and a Lactation Specialist in Materal Infant Care. I run a small business (tired of hospital "toe the line" stuff)

The best thing about my job is seeing a new mom learn to feed her baby, and realizing she CAN do it. I love to see a tiny baby getting fatter and rounder every time I see her. I love to see the self confidence of the new mother when she realizes that SHE is the one responsible for the beautiful way her child is turning out, not Mead Johnson, not Nestle, not her doctor, not me, not anyone but her OWN efforts and hard work and her OWN milk.

The worst thing is a toss up. 1)When people don't pay me. 2)When I have to go weeks with no or little business, because I am freelance now. 3) When patients LIE to me. I don't care if someone doesn't want to do what they OBVIOUSLY came to me for help with. BUT, don't lie and say you did stuff I can obviously see was never done, and don't make shit up about things you THINK I don't know anything about concerning lactation. (like when it's obvious the pump was never even taken out of the case, and I get told, "I don't have any milk when I pump." Turing the freakin' thing ON and actually USING it might be good.)

I've seen about everything, and too many patients make up REALLY lame excuses and think it will get them out of doing what they told me they want to do. (Like,"I have to take ANTIBIOTICS *gasp* and the doctor said it will kill the baby." Bullshit, utter bullshit. Few drugs this side of Chemotherapy are dangerous to the babe during lactation, unless you are on a profoundly strong dose of anti-psychotics or Chemo, meds aren't a reason NOT to do it. If my clients DON'T want to do it, I wish they would JUST OWN THE SITUATION and say, "I don't want to do this, I CAN, but I don't really want to." And I'll take my pay, bid them good luck, and that will that. I'm too busy so judge people for whatever reasons they choose NOT to nurse their kids, but I HATE the lying.

OK. I'll shut up now.
Contributor: PassionQT PassionQT
I make people happy, at least temporarily, and from a safe distance.
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
Originally posted by P'Gell
I take care of my family, mostly. I am also a nurse and a Lactation Specialist in Materal Infant Care. I run a small business (tired of hospital "toe the line" stuff)

The best thing about my job is seeing a new mom learn to feed her ... more
I love your rants, P'Gell! I used to want to be a nurse and went through Pharmacology classes and all kinds of stuff, and was a CNA in high school. We had clinicals in high school and the nurses were HORRIBLE to us. They made us do things they didn't want to. They'd all take smoke breaks and give us 16 year olds Percocet to dispense to patients, and they ordered us to give them showers and change IV bags and we weren't licensed for that! Lazy!

Anyway, now I'm a student going into Medical Billing and Coding. I realized that being a nurse would be too stressful for me, and I already deal with depression and anxiety on a daily basis. Still kind of in the medical field, but mostly paperwork and number crunching.
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I work here.

Fav. Part: Everything!

Least fav. part: don't get out much since I do it from home.
The best part of my day is yelling at JR on Skype! Ok that is not true, but i thought it would be funny to post.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Gary
The best part of my day is yelling at JR on Skype! Ok that is not true, but i thought it would be funny to post.
...it is true...*sob*
Contributor: Miss B Haven Miss B Haven
I am getting ready to do Passion Parties. I love to talk sex toys with people so what more could I ask for in a job. Anyone up for a party? j/k
Contributor: Kim! Kim!
I do data entry on 3rd shift. They pay me to go home when there is no work which is incredibly awesome. During the day I go to school.
Contributor: Annemarie Annemarie
Currently, I enjoy summertime and job searching.

Normally, I'm a student, though I'm taking the summer and this fall semester off, hence the job searching.

Favorite part: sleeping in!

Least favorite part: No money.
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by Kim!
I do data entry on 3rd shift. They pay me to go home when there is no work which is incredibly awesome. During the day I go to school.
"They pay me to go home"

That sounds like a fairy tale
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Kim!
I do data entry on 3rd shift. They pay me to go home when there is no work which is incredibly awesome. During the day I go to school.
My night job pays me for hours I'm not there either. Once I finish up everything that has to get run, I leave, and I still get paid til midnight, even tho I normally leave around 9:30 I think.
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by usmcwife99
So what do you do for a living?

What is your faviorte part and least faviorte part of your job?

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I personally work for a company who sells ... more
I'm a fast food crew worker.