Were you or are you a pothead?!

Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
I smoked a little hear and there over the period of a couple of years when I was young and silly at 16.
But I don't touch it now. I'd rather keep the few brain cells I do have....lol.
Mind you, at times when things get really low in life, I will sometimes think a hit would be nice.
Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
I've had chances to try pot-And I've proudly declined. I do drink on occasion, though!
Contributor: Envy Envy
Never have, never will, and I refuse to date anyone who does it, recreationally or otherwise, same with drinking.
Contributor: Art & Sensation Art & Sensation
Originally posted by Jul!a
I'd much rather drink. Pot does the same thing to me that alcohol does, only I don't have the option of just setting my drink down and waiting for nausea to pass, or eating something to help my stomach feel better.
Dextro, or any other energy drink with high concentration of sugars, will have you feeling better in no time at all!

Actually, eat any type of sweet food. The sugars will assist in eradicating the remaining THC - hence why your body tells you it's munchie time after you've smoked!
Contributor: Breas Breas
I've done it before. It's not really my thing though so I don't do it.
Contributor: MR Chickhabit MR Chickhabit
pot aint no thing, its just a plant, and if you should happen to catch it on fire. . .

i agree with kat williams, its fantastic!
Contributor: GenderSexplorations GenderSexplorations
None for me, thanks!
Contributor: IndependentlyHappy IndependentlyHappy
I tried it once at a party. I have no strong desire to try it again.