Tomorrow is Election day, who will you be Voting for? Are you re-electing President Obama, or will you be going the Romney way?

Contributor: SexToys-R-Us SexToys-R-Us
Originally posted by deltalima
"Mitt Romney (blah)" Holla for Obama!

One thing I want to say in general, for people that criticize the "lack" of miracles Obama has brought about in 4 years, bipartisanship is a big reason why. And it's funny how ... more
exactly, I dont understand if people are really that ignorant of they are just plain fucken stupid! lol
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
What part of "neither one" is lost here? If you aren't voting for Romney or Obama, then you are indeed not voting for either of those candidates.
Contributor: SexToys-R-Us SexToys-R-Us
Originally posted by TheirPet
My household is probama.
so is mine!
Contributor: SexToys-R-Us SexToys-R-Us
Originally posted by kitty1949
Definitely not Romney.
thanks you for saying that for me! ahah
Contributor: SexToys-R-Us SexToys-R-Us
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Thanks for making the voting private. Who I voted for is my business, though it's probably obvious. But indeed, more than two candidates.
your welcome.
Contributor: SexToys-R-Us SexToys-R-Us
Originally posted by Ansley
What part of "neither one" is lost here? If you aren't voting for Romney or Obama, then you are indeed not voting for either of those candidates.
thats what i was thinking, i mean im aware that there are more then 2 candidates but im not going to write them all in, i mean cmon lets be realistic, if anyone wins its going to be Obama or Romney, even the third party candidates know that
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by K101
THANK YOU! lol. Why does people only think there is two? Do you know how many people have said "you HAVE to vote Mitt or Obama?!" When I said I'm voting otherwise. Why aren't people made aware of the other candidates?
That also brings up another point - "I don't like either candidate, so I'm not voting." WTF? Is the American public that uneducated about its own system of parties?

Besides, voting for third party also means they get more traction - the "truth" that voting third party is vote wasting (although I think *not* voting is more of a vote waster) is a myth enforced by the Big Two.
Contributor: Crystal1 Crystal1
Voted for the big O!
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Chilipepper
There are. I have twelve candidates listed on my sample ballot here in Florida. It just depends on state election procedures for getting on the ballot - some places have as few as six, others as many as fourteen. Plus there's always the write-in ... more
Right, but at best we can only expects the other options to count as votes against the big two parties because no one else will ever had a chance at winning.
Contributor: ginnyluvspotter ginnyluvspotter
Go Obama!
Contributor: SexToys-R-Us SexToys-R-Us
Originally posted by Crystal1
Voted for the big O!
yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!( confetti)
Contributor: KittyGoesRawr KittyGoesRawr
The big day is here.

First thing- I'm excited, anxious, worrisome, but mostly excited to see what happens. This is one of the closest races in the history of the US. If I hadn't already chewed my fingernails down to stubs due to my nail biting habit, it's still gonna be a real nail-biter.

Secondly- THE ADS WILL BE GONE!!! I live in Arapaho county in Colorado, one of the top-3 swing counties in the entire freakin' country. It goes without saying we've been especially bombarded with ads and desperate political interest. It shall soon be over and my brain can relax.

Appropriately donning my shirt from Obama's 2009 inauguration, I let out the tripumphant cry of "FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!!"
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
Originally posted by SexToys-R-Us
exactly, I dont understand if people are really that ignorant of they are just plain fucken stupid! lol
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by SexToys-R-Us
Tomorrow is Election Day and I am curious to know where the Eden community stands on this presidential election. Will you re-elect our President Obama again or will you be trying something new and take your chances on Romney? maybe you will be ... more
Contributor: rosythorn rosythorn
This poll is slightly biased, but I voted Obama, he makes less money.
Contributor: SexToys-R-Us SexToys-R-Us
and Obama won!!
Contributor: peachmarie peachmarie
Originally posted by Chilipepper
There are. I have twelve candidates listed on my sample ballot here in Florida. It just depends on state election procedures for getting on the ballot - some places have as few as six, others as many as fourteen. Plus there's always the write-in ... more
God i hope you didn't have to wait for hours on end. I went after work and it only took me ten minutes to get in and out. My boyfriend went before work and had to wait for forty minutes!
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
I voted for Obama~