Very good points!
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I think that every child is very different and there are different methods that are effective. If getting at your childs level and talking to them works, then by all means don't spank if you don't have too. Some kids though won't listen
I think that every child is very different and there are different methods that are effective. If getting at your childs level and talking to them works, then by all means don't spank if you don't have too. Some kids though won't listen until you get their full attention first. I have two that get truly hurt if they dissapoint you in any way so its not neccesary. I have one who refuses to listen to anything and one who has ADHD so discipline is different with him. Spanking never would even phase him just make him go off somewhere so he is a lot different. Yeah, you know your kids and their personalities so parents know what is effective for them and whats not.