I'll start.
"Honey, do you think we could eat without the giant blue cock on the table?"
Backstory: my boyfriend and I were sitting down to a cheap/easy dinner last night, in the living room so we could watch Sons of Anarchy on DVR. I'd gotten one of the UR3 ballsy dildos a day or two before and wanted to rinse, dust, and put it in a bag before putting it away and hadn't gotten to it yet so it was just kind of hanging out on the coffee table and apparently I no longer notice these things - but he does.
"Honey, do you think we could eat without the giant blue cock on the table?"
Backstory: my boyfriend and I were sitting down to a cheap/easy dinner last night, in the living room so we could watch Sons of Anarchy on DVR. I'd gotten one of the UR3 ballsy dildos a day or two before and wanted to rinse, dust, and put it in a bag before putting it away and hadn't gotten to it yet so it was just kind of hanging out on the coffee table and apparently I no longer notice these things - but he does.