Shower Time!

Contributor: ksparkles16 ksparkles16
I probably take around 15 minutes
Contributor: Undead Undead
Originally posted by Hannah Savage
My boyfriend always makes jokes about how long I take in the shower. Depending on the time of day, it can take up to 30 minutes from the time the bathroom door closes to when it opens again. This time does NOT include brushing teeth, plucking ... more
10 mins or so
Contributor: kz916 kz916
20-30 mins.
Contributor: Ms. N Ms. N
Normally, I take ten minutes or less in the shower, but on occasion, it can be up to 20 minutes.
Contributor: Pixel Pixel
I usually only take 10 minutes to shower, but longer if I have to shave All the Parts!
Contributor: lokoum lokoum
Growing up in a low class family that had trouble paying all the bills, I have become obsessively efficient at taking showers and can usually finish my longish dreaded hair (with multiple kinds of shampoos) and body in under 8 minutes

Ironically, I live with 3 males who all take a really long time in the shower (30+ minutes). I think it's an interesting reversal of gender stereotypes
Contributor: Harpina is gone Harpina is gone
I'm female and I probably take 45 minute showers. With hair, face, body cleaning, scrubbing, shaving, conditioning, etc, it takes some time.
Contributor: jmex83 jmex83
Originally posted by Hannah Savage
My boyfriend always makes jokes about how long I take in the shower. Depending on the time of day, it can take up to 30 minutes from the time the bathroom door closes to when it opens again. This time does NOT include brushing teeth, plucking ... more
it depends with what I have to do. if i have to shave, then it takes longer. otherwise, 20-25 minutes.
Contributor: kitty91 kitty91
it also just depends on the day usually 20 mins
Contributor: hjtee hjtee
I shave what I need to shave daily, wash and still manage to keep it under 10 minutes. I guess I'm just really focused on getting it done and getting out.

My husband on the other hand, takes hours in the shower. It's like a sauna in there when he has the water on!
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
Originally posted by Jul!a
If I don't shave my legs my showers take me just under 10 minutes, but with shaving and all that, it knocks it up to about 18 or so if I shave my coochy too.
I giggled out loud. I agreed with the same thing you said, but the coochy bit made me giggle like a little girl
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
Showers are shorter and cooler in summer...longer and hotter in winter. I love showers, but hate to waste water too, but there are times where I just love to stand there and let the water run all over me.
Contributor: Mikemanz Mikemanz
I take short showers. It makes me crazy ( ) when my wife/kids/dog are in the shower so long it looks like a London Fog and it appears that the walls are bleeding!
Contributor: LLmama LLmama
Originally posted by Jul!a
If I don't shave my legs my showers take me just under 10 minutes, but with shaving and all that, it knocks it up to about 18 or so if I shave my coochy too.
hehe I like I how you made it 18 minutes if you shave your coochy!
Contributor: LLmama LLmama
Ttally depends on what I've gotta do in there & if my husband is home to keep an eye on the baby! If I'm in a hurry, 10 minutes. If I need to shave (typically I do everything at once.. legs,cooch, armpits) 20-30 or wheneever the water runs out!
Contributor: shannyshann shannyshann
It takes me anywhere from 15-25ish minutes to take a regular shower (including shaving my legs)
Contributor: x203 x203
it takes me 20-30 minutes
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
I identify as a more masculine leaning androgyne. I take about 5-10 minute showers and get made fun of for how fast I am.
Contributor: pirata pirata
I take 20-30 minute showers because I'm washing my hair and I stand under the hot water for long periods of time lol
Contributor: LoneOokami LoneOokami
I usually only take like 7 minute showers
Contributor: Martiniman Martiniman
I shower just long enough to get thoroughly clean and that's less than 10 minutes.
Contributor: Hummingbird Hummingbird
Female and up to 20 minutes though I shut off the water when applying the body scub to both make it last longer and conserve water.
Contributor: kandy anjel kandy anjel
Originally posted by Hannah Savage
My boyfriend always makes jokes about how long I take in the shower. Depending on the time of day, it can take up to 30 minutes from the time the bathroom door closes to when it opens again. This time does NOT include brushing teeth, plucking ... more
My showers are about 10 minutes long maybe 15 when i shave. Unless im trying to relax then i soak up all the hot water lol
Contributor: joolie joolie
Washing my hair takes a very long time. I tend to stay in the shower until the hot water runs out.
Contributor: chicmichiw chicmichiw
I have longer hair now than I ever have, which I avoid washing daily (strips your strands of natural oils). If I have to wash my hair, it'll be between 20 - 30 minutes, but luckily that's only about every three - four days. Usually I only take 10 minutes!
Contributor: Allison.Wilder Allison.Wilder
Originally posted by Hannah Savage
My boyfriend always makes jokes about how long I take in the shower. Depending on the time of day, it can take up to 30 minutes from the time the bathroom door closes to when it opens again. This time does NOT include brushing teeth, plucking ... more
I'd say that mine take 10-20 minutes, sometimes less if I'm in a rush.
Contributor: peachmarie peachmarie
I think in the shower, so i end up just standing under the hot water listening to music or podcasts and just thinking. Then i end up taking much longer than i otherwise would. If i just get down to business it probably takes like 10 minutes.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Hannah Savage
My boyfriend always makes jokes about how long I take in the shower. Depending on the time of day, it can take up to 30 minutes from the time the bathroom door closes to when it opens again. This time does NOT include brushing teeth, plucking ... more
Female, and I take 20 minute showers generally. After that, my water heater usually kicks me out anyway. Do people have warm showers for 30 minutes and more?!
Contributor: joiedejouets joiedejouets
Mine usually last between 20-30 minutes, sometimes more sometimes less.
Contributor: Melan!e Melan!e
I average about 10-15 minutes in the shower unless I'm not in a rush to go anywhere that day or shaving (which I only do once a week).

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