I take frequent showers throughout the day on hot days. Usually 5-6 minutes.
Featured by EdenFantasys
Shower Time!
I <3 Showers!
10-20 minutes.
I exercise several times a week and shower there because I need to take public transportation home and it's rude not to. Plus it's lighter on my power bill.
Twenty minutes-ish.
my showers take about 25 mins, unless im having sex in the shower then its way longer.

I think my showers take about 10-15 minutes. I have a long routine, but I try to be quick with it.
Guy here, usually takes between 20 and 30 minutes. I shave in the shower, so I have an excuse, LOL!
I usually take about 25 minutes. That's with thoroughly shampooing, conditioning and rinsing my hair. I use various soaps on my body. First I use the Dove Go Fresh bar which has the little grits to scrape anything that has accumulated, then I use a body wash because I don't like the detergent smell from the soap, and feminine wash on the areas I don't want to use soap. My routine changes though, sometimes I'll do my body first, then my hair. I consider myself very lucky because I rarely have to shave. I mainly just have to worry about my armpits, and that will usually only take me a couple of minutes longer.
I shower in 10 minutes, even including washing/conditioning hair, exfoliating and shaving legs
I'm a male and I take about 10-20 minutes. I have a routine but I can normally predict what time it is when I exit the shower.
I sometimes time myself - so anywhere from 4 minutes to an hour and a half. It's real flexible.
I'm notorious in my house for taking hour long showers.
I take about 15 minutes, he spaces out and takes 20-30 minutes.
If I'm showering to wash, 10 min or less; if I'm showering b/c I want to or am cold or something, then a lot longer.
I haven't timed myself, but it seems like a long time. Gotta shampoo and deep condition, shave legs, wash body, enjoy the warm water, etc.
My showers generally last less than 10 minutes.
Just my baths take roughly 30 mins to an hour. Sometimes even longer. Though, the shortest bath i've taken was 8 mins. I have to condition my hair, since it's soo long. Then getting dressed takes about 5 mins, and the rest can take 20 mins or so.
20-30 minutes, I love the water on my body!
I *can* take a shower in 10 minutes if I *have* to. So that means if I have to shower while my husband is at work and both of my children are under my care and not asleep, I have to be in and out. I like to take showers when my hubby is home so that I can take my time. My shower time is sometimes my only ME time of the day, so I like to enjoy it.
I'm typically in and out in 5 minutes, no more than 15 if I can help it when it comes to having to shave, etc. :/
30 minutes or more for me i have to admit. I usually say i'm going to take a reallllly quick shower, but then the water ends up being so warm and inviting that i loose track of time. And depending if i need a shave or not the time changes.
Especially since it's the winter months, it's just so cold that i don't want to get out!
Especially since it's the winter months, it's just so cold that i don't want to get out!
i take about 20-30 mins sometimes longer depending on what i need 2 do. i like 2 make sure im very clean.
I identify as female, and I checked 10-20 minutes, but it depends on what I'm doing and where I need to be. Going to work and running late? 5 minutes or less. Having a nice night in and it's cold/hot outside? 30+ minutes.
I just, um, really like hot water. Even when it's hot outside.
My showers usually take at least 20 min. For me it is because I have long, thick hair, and it takes a while to rinse shampoo and conditioner all the way out. If I am on a time limit in the shower I have to use a 2-in-one. I am a bit OCD about rinsing all of it out though.
It depends. It usually takes me at least 10 minutes, but I like the water as hot as it will get and it seems it gets too cold after 10 minutes so I try to hurry. I take a while washing my face and hair though. I exfoliate, use a mask sometimes, etc. It takes so long to wash my hair though! I wash with shampoo and then wash again with a shampoo for bleached hair. That's what takes me the longest. I usually don't take any more than 25 minutes though
Originally posted by
Hannah Savage
My boyfriend always makes jokes about how long I take in the shower. Depending on the time of day, it can take up to 30 minutes from the time the bathroom door closes to when it opens again. This time does NOT include brushing teeth, plucking
My boyfriend always makes jokes about how long I take in the shower. Depending on the time of day, it can take up to 30 minutes from the time the bathroom door closes to when it opens again. This time does NOT include brushing teeth, plucking eyebrows, doing hair, or any other beauty act.
So I thought I'd ask around to see where you men and women are at. Vote for the average length of time it takes you to shower or take a bath.
Does your water heater hate you? less
So I thought I'd ask around to see where you men and women are at. Vote for the average length of time it takes you to shower or take a bath.
Does your water heater hate you? less
i take like 25 minutes in the shower.
My showers usually take anywhere from 10-30 minutes. I'm sure they'd be much faster/shorter if I didn't stand there enjoying the hot water so much! My partner picks on me because I'm usually rather red when I get out of the shower.
I'm a female and my showers last around 10 to 15 minutes. If I was taking a bath, though, I could sit in there for an hour or more, doing absolutely nothing but soaking