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I was misunderstood! I did not mean that molestors and rapists ARE transgenedered. I only meant that there are sick people that rape and molest and this would give them perfect opportunity. I did not mean the transgendered specifically. I mean, it
I was misunderstood! I did not mean that molestors and rapists ARE transgenedered. I only meant that there are sick people that rape and molest and this would give them perfect opportunity. I did not mean the transgendered specifically. I mean, it will cause some people to see this as an opportunity to say they are a transgender and use that excuse to get into the ladies room. I want that to be known that that is what I was talking about. My entire response was about the worries of people abusing the right to get in the girl's restrooms. I'm very sorry to anyone if they thought I meant that I think transgenders would use that as an excuse. I'm not opposed to trangendered people at all.
Now, about the whole it's worse for a transgender to be forced into the restroom of their original sex than for the safety of girls. IMO trasngenders are usually adults. I highly doubt that it'd be more harmful/risky for them to be "forced" to use the restroom that matches their original sex than for all women and girl's privacy and safety being gone, thrown away. Think about it, a lot of people would take advantage of the rule by using it to "pretend" they're transgender and then get into the girl's room. To me, that's far more risky than a transgender having to use a restroom that matches their original sex. Kids cannot always defend themselves. In the case of people abusing the rule and using it for very bad things, that totally strips us all of our privacy. Having to use the restroom you used for most of your life is not really risky or anything. It may be uncomfortable, but there's far more worries with rape and molestation if men are allowed in the girl's room at all.
I get it. Wrong body. If you want to have a sex change then you DO WISH you were a different sex. Not that it's bad of course, but how is that not correct? I get that it's much more than a desire to have something, but my words on that part were just ripped apart and picked at. It seems this happens with the same people too.
I get that it's seriously, painful and cause very devastating effects for a person in the wrong body. I have a very young fam member who feels this way. I DO HAVE TOLERANCE! EVERY DAY! OK, I get it. It's so bad. It's something that won't go away until you fix it. Still, a NEED is something you cannot stay alive without. A NEED is water, food, etc.
In my eleven year old's words: "A NEED is something that you have to have in order to live. I don't NEED Call Of Duty, but I REALLY WANT it. I will not die without it though." I believe there are needs that you can live without, but are neccessary, but a need is generally somethign like water, food.
If I woke up with penis and balls? That's highly unlikely and transgenders do not wake up suddenly with different parts. They are born that way. I've done my research I've dealt with one for 13 years now. I understand as much as a person can.
You said: "
I mean, it will cause some people to see this as an opportunity to say they are a transgender and use that excuse to get into the ladies room
Seriously? Do you really think that's going to happen. Child molesters have myriad opportunities to gain access to children. "Pretending to be transgendered" is not something that
any child molester is going to do to gain access to their prey.
And, YES, transgendered people who use the locker rooms and bathrooms of gender they feel the opposite of HAVE BEEN sexually assaulted, raped, beaten and even killed. Show me one instance of someone "pretending" to be a real TG person to gain access to children. It's ridiculous.
Please read namelesschaos' links to areas where TG people
are allowed to use the proper locker rooms for their intended gender (the one they KNOW they are) and the
fact that "rape" and "child molestation" rates have not gone up at all.
You son's desire to have a video game
has nothing to do with a transgendered persons NEED to live in the body of and be recognized as the gender they truly are! You're trivializing something that is of utmost importance to many people. You said: "
Still, a NEED is something you cannot stay alive without Yeah, no shit. That's right.
Are you aware that one of the highest rates of suicide is among transgendered people who are not able to live as they NEED to? Living in the body they NEED is a NEED. MANY DO DIE when they can't live as they need to.
You need to do
more research, because you simply went back to your original stereotype, after saying you "understand." ; You
don't understand, or you wouldn't compare being transgendered to "wishing you were a girl" or for crissakes wanting a freaking video game!
If you were starving would you "just happen to wish" for food, or would you NEED it? For TG people, it's the same damn thing.
Myself and others didn't "misunderstand" what you have been saying in the least. Saying you "know" a "homosexual" and then repeating the same old stereotypes doesn't excuse the intolerance or lack of understanding of how transgendered identity works!
"Homosexuality" is NOT the same as Transgendered Identity.
Not even close.
Please don't think anyone is "picking" on you. You chose your words, and people have picked up on their meaning. If you don't
understand transgendered needs, just say so. But, please don't attack what you don't understand.