Sharing towels?

Contributor: Avena Avena
Originally posted by Jul!a
So I know my fiance and I aren't the only ones that do this, but assuming we're not showering together, most of the time we just share one towel. I mean, if you showered right the towel isn't really getting any dirtier by doing this, and ... more
Personally I don't think it's gross but I've never thought of using the same towel as my partner, mostly because I want to have a dry towel every time I shower. Sometimes I steal hers to wick a little water out of my hair if I know she's not going to be using it anytime soon, but otherwise I keep my mitts off her towel.
Contributor: VeganChick (is Gone) VeganChick (is Gone)
My honey and I shower together so this isn't practical for use. Besides, we each have robes, anyways.
Contributor: sillylilkitten sillylilkitten
I see no problem with it. When I'm staying with my bf he just gives me a towel to use. I'm assuming it's clean, but I don't know nor care if he uses it too.
Contributor: Martiniman Martiniman
Yes, my wife and I share a towel every night. If you shower properly the towel is damp, not dirty.
Contributor: misterazor misterazor
Originally posted by Jul!a
So I know my fiance and I aren't the only ones that do this, but assuming we're not showering together, most of the time we just share one towel. I mean, if you showered right the towel isn't really getting any dirtier by doing this, and ... more
yeah, we do...but not to cut down on laundry. it's just convenient. if the towel is there, on the back of the door, and relatively dry, it gets reused. no big deal.
Contributor: Beautiful-Disaster Beautiful-Disaster
Yeah.. It doesn't bother me at all.
Contributor: SecondStory SecondStory
Sure, why not. I don't have anyone to share with but if I did I wouldn't mind.
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
I haven't yet. But I wouldn't mind
Contributor: 1001 Pleasures 1001 Pleasures
I prefer my own towel when drying off after a shower or swim.
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
I wouldn't mind, but we don't and often shower together.
Contributor: 783883877299373783 783883877299373783
Share, cuts down on washing.
Contributor: Living Doll Living Doll
I don't see any problem with sharing towels.
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
We don't share.
Contributor: DawnStar DawnStar
It just helps cut down laundry for my part.
Contributor: karenm karenm
No. There is no reason for us to since we both have a lot of towels. Plus it would still be wet when the other person wants to use it, since we usually shower around the same time.
Contributor: Pete's Princess Pete's Princess
I have but more because I forgot to get a towel and his was handy. I do not have anything against sharing but if we do not shower together, it is usually close enough in time that the towel does not get a chance to dry.
Contributor: MsDrProfKitty MsDrProfKitty
Hahaha yeah we tend to do this by accident all the time :p One of us uses our towel and takes it out of the bathroom then forgets and uses the other's towel the next time and then takes that one out and the other person grabs the original towel and uses it *shrug* our bodies are clean out of the shower and we've had our mouths on most of those places anyways so who cares!

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