Seriously "loaded" question. Should legal aged, completely trained and licensed firearm owners, who happen to be college students, be allowed to "conceal carry" on campus?

Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
With so many cases of college campus violence, and those events ended up with SO many victims, should students, who are completely legally licensed gun owners, with concealed weapons permits, be allowed to carry "on campus"? Would it actually prevent or stop the "crazies" from doing more harm on campuses? What about professors who are likewise trained and licensed? Should THEY be allowed to carry? What about military academias? Is there a valid reason those students should NOT be armed?
Private polling, but feel free to comment.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
Guns have no place on campus.
Anyone legally licensed SHOULD be allowed to carry.
Professors should be allowed to carry weapons, but not students.
Students should be allowed to carry, but not professors.
Miliary academies are the same as any other college, and the students SHOULD be allowed to carry.
Regular college students should NOT carry, but military school students should be allowed.
Military school students should be compelled to carry. It's part of their job.
Military schools are like other colleges and should NOT have armed students.
Only Bears should be armed.
Total votes: 100 (79 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Ansley Ansley
If you are licensed to carry a concealed weapon, then I feel you have the right to have it with you where it's allowed. Should a college campus be included? At the rate these kids are killing each other these days? My answer is a resounding "fuck yes".

And God forbid you're a student at Georgia Tech. You can't walk around campus or go to your dorm without worrying about being robbed.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Bignuf
With so many cases of college campus violence, and those events ended up with SO many victims, should students, who are completely legally licensed gun owners, with concealed weapons permits, be allowed to carry "on campus"? Would it ... more
I chose "other" because I think anyone who is going to carry a gun on a college campus should have to be psychologically evaluated. Sure...the crazies won't be, but at least it would limit the crazies. I have no idea how long a license is good for either, but I feel that they should have to update their skills regularly.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Ansley
If you are licensed to carry a concealed weapon, then I feel you have the right to have it with you where it's allowed. Should a college campus be included? At the rate these kids are killing each other these days? My answer is a resounding ... more
That is exactly why we are asking the question.
Contributor: Zandrock Zandrock
I do not think anyone needs a gun on a campus. There are security services already in place.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Zandrock
I do not think anyone needs a gun on a campus. There are security services already in place.
They work so well...let me tell ya. Where was security at VATech, BOTH times?
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Bignuf
That is exactly why we are asking the question.
I feel pretty strongly about gun laws and gun control and I think the more we make everyone aware that we do still have those rights and that we exercise them the less people will want to chance gettin' froggy with random people.
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
I don't think weapons have a place on campus.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I think anyone that has been through the training to become a concealed gun carrier has the right to carry them wherever they feel like it. To become a permit holder you have to pass classes.
Contributor: SimpleHedonist SimpleHedonist
I feel there are many places that guns do not belong, and a campus is most definitely one of those!
Contributor: puppylove puppylove
Originally posted by unfulfilled
I think anyone that has been through the training to become a concealed gun carrier has the right to carry them wherever they feel like it. To become a permit holder you have to pass classes.
Not only do you have to pass a class but you have to apply through your local sherriff's department and go through finger printing and a intense background check, it takes over a month for them to approve your application, and if you ever get ticketed or arrested for something fishy they are in contact with you right away and make you turn in your lisence to carry. I went to school on a campus that allowed concealed carry, I myself have a permit, my parter is a law enforcement certified firearms instructor, I rarely carry but I like knowing I have the option and the right to do so
Contributor: Ex-prude Ex-prude
As a student at a university, I absolutely do not agree with weapons on campus. That would just give attention seekers another thing to bring to "impress the ladies." Incidents where a weapon would be needed are so rare on campus, anyway, so allowing weapons would just add problems. Hell, I used to live at University Heights in Auburn (made the national news for a shooting) and that incident just goes to show that if people have guns they can and (depending on the person) will use it for no good reason. I believe concealed carry should be allowed in normal public places where a need to protect yourself is actually necessary.
Contributor: panthercat23 panthercat23
Too many of the students spend too much time drunk and I could see many of them shooting people for really stupid things if they had a gun.
Contributor: squire squire
No I don't think so. As above, too many people and too many people of a certain age who are engaging in risk-taking behaviors like drinking. Some would say that is where disturbed people will go to shoot people, and thus having those who are concealing is a good idea, but I disagree. "Crazies" will go to any place where there are large concentrations of people to shoot because they are disturbed. It really wouldn't be a deterrent, in my opinion, if there were people who were allowed to carry. A prime example of this is can be seen in the shootings that happen on military bases, one of which I am close too. Better idea to train staff better, better response times, and better assessments for those who are seeking treatment and have a threat to harm self/other. Don't get me wrong, I'm not necessarily against guns, especially in the hands of trained individuals, but when you consider the actual number of school shootings vs the age/immaturity/risk taking of a university population the risk for something bad to happen seems too great to me.
Contributor: pirata pirata
too many people with weapons is a bad idea. especially on a college campus, where you may get students who get drunk or high and then they may show off that they have it or someone may take it from them as a prank...I just see way too many ways that could be more dangerous than helpful
Contributor: Thumper Logic Thumper Logic
If someone has a concealed carry permit, and the campus is government/state/ city owned, then it is public property. Therefor, CC permits would, I believe, have to be honored for all citizens. It's very simply an expression of the right to bear arms, and most people with CC permits are very well trained, so I don't see a huge problem. As to private universities, since it is private property, they may dictate the terms of this on an individual basis.
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
The concern I have is that there is a difference between taking courses/being trained to carry a concealed weapon and being faced with a situation where you may have to use it. Consider the incident at the Empire State Building recently. How many innocent bystanders were shot by "trained" officers in an attempt to get the shooter? I fear a worse scenario could unfold if a citizen were trying to apprehend a shooter on campus.
Contributor: ejrbrndps ejrbrndps
Originally posted by SimpleHedonist
I feel there are many places that guns do not belong, and a campus is most definitely one of those!
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
Originally posted by pirata
too many people with weapons is a bad idea. especially on a college campus, where you may get students who get drunk or high and then they may show off that they have it or someone may take it from them as a prank...I just see way too many ways that ... more
Then why has there never been a shooting at a gun show?
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by hyacinthgirl
Then why has there never been a shooting at a gun show?
Contributor: ShadowedSeductress ShadowedSeductress
Originally posted by Ansley
I feel pretty strongly about gun laws and gun control and I think the more we make everyone aware that we do still have those rights and that we exercise them the less people will want to chance gettin' froggy with random people.
I agree with you COMPLETELY. My issue here is this: How the hell is gun control or taking away our right to arm ourselves going to better us? Last time I checked the crazies who start shootings at theaters and schools DON'T CARE ABOUT LAWS TO BEGIN WITH. If they don't care about killing someone, what makes anyone think a simple gun law would be the thing to stop them? The responsible should not be punished because others are careless.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by ShadowedSeductress
I agree with you COMPLETELY. My issue here is this: How the hell is gun control or taking away our right to arm ourselves going to better us? Last time I checked the crazies who start shootings at theaters and schools DON'T CARE ABOUT LAWS TO ... more
And considering the United States has the biggest stake in the arms trade, yeah it'd be infinitely hypocritical.

All in all, I believe if you want to arm yourself - do it. If you don't, don't. But, make no mistake about it there are people out there who have zero regard for human life and the laws we dictate.

Even in the smallest societies where order and rule-following are called for, there are those who deliberately break the rules.
Contributor: pixylove101 pixylove101
Weapons on campus could be a horrible idea. Drunk college kids!!1 Need I say more.
Contributor: Hallmar82 Hallmar82
The student body is fluid. Legal carry on colleges is like legal carry in banks in my opinion. It should only be done by professionals. On that note, I think there should be at least one armed profession on all college campuses (campi?) at all times.
Contributor: Lildrummrgurl7 Lildrummrgurl7
I completely understand how many people feel that every individual should have the right to carry a gun on campus when they're trained and licensed. I kind of agree with that. However, as a college student, I would feel uneasy in a large classroom knowing that anyone sitting next to me could have a gun. Drug and alcohol abuse are rampant on campuses and many people are honestly unstable under the influence, even in classrooms. It may be necessary on some college campuses to carry a gun at night because of a high crime rate on campus. Perhaps something could be instituted where they can carry a gun on campus at certain times?
Contributor: anonkitty anonkitty
I have an alternative: Increase campus security hires and let them carry guns. I'm not against guns for home security (not a proponent of it either though), but honestly, if you've been to any college parties, you can't say that it's a good idea to let college kids have guns. Yes, college shooting is tragic. And I'm almost 100% sure that there would be more of if it becomes legal to carry them on campus. If a guy's seriously riled up enough to start shooting people, I doubt the knowledge that everyone else's got one would be a deterrent. Rather, it might just make it easier for him to pull the trigger.
Contributor: Skindiver Skindiver
Originally posted by Bignuf
With so many cases of college campus violence, and those events ended up with SO many victims, should students, who are completely legally licensed gun owners, with concealed weapons permits, be allowed to carry "on campus"? Would it ... more
What is this "licensing" business?
Contributor: RedKyuubi RedKyuubi
Contributor: Supervixen Supervixen
If you are licensed to carry it, then yes. People who go on campus shooting sprees have the act meticulously planned out almost every single time. Do you really think that whether or not they had a license to carry was going to stop them? So why not allow people the right to defend themselves?
Contributor: Supervixen Supervixen
If you are licensed to carry it, then yes. People who go on campus shooting sprees have the act meticulously planned out almost every single time. Do you really think that whether or not they had a license to carry was going to stop them? So why not allow people the right to defend themselves?