Rape, and what you wear.....do you think wearing revealing clothing increases the chance

Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
Originally posted by Defi Enyo
I know how hard it is to talk about that.I was kidnapped when I was 11 and beaten then sexually assaulted.
Rapists are horrible people who's souls are obviously already in hell getting their do by Satan for what they did.I think that in almost ... more
It sure is hard to talk about this sort of thing. I am so sorry to hear what that horrible bastard did to you! You are definitely right about there not being any excuse for rape. They are wretched, weak people who need to hurt others just to feel powerful. I, too, share much hatred toward my abusers and I try so hard to change that, but it is just so damn hard

If you ever need to talk, just send me a message and I'll be there for you.
Contributor: Defi Enyo Defi Enyo
Originally posted by LadyDarknezz
It sure is hard to talk about this sort of thing. I am so sorry to hear what that horrible bastard did to you! You are definitely right about there not being any excuse for rape. They are wretched, weak people who need to hurt others just to feel ... more
Kisses and huggs big time hon!Thanks for the support and if you need me just message and I'll be there in a new york minute! love shower) P
Contributor: Defi Enyo Defi Enyo
Originally posted by KikiChrome
I'm actually really glad to see that the vast majority of posts on this subject have been squarely in the "her clothing does not mean she's asking for it" pile. If only the rest of the world was as enlightened.

For me, I ... more
Evil bastard!I sure hope he got his due otherwise....I probley shouldn't finish that sentence.Anyways I totally agree with your sentiment.I mean why do the victims of rape get painted as 'she was asking for it' because of what we choose to wear.Seriously people can be fucking cruel and stupid with their blame games.
Contributor: Defi Enyo Defi Enyo
Originally posted by Kkay
That is both funny and vaughly insulting thumbs up
Contributor: Menarae Menarae
While I've never been raped (and I could myself lucky every day) crimes against women and children...affect me in a particular way. Nothing gets me riled up more than watching the news or America's Most Wanted (when it was airing) than hearing about someone, man or woman, who harms women or children. You don't want to hear the vile things that come out of my mouth when I hear that some rapist has disappeared and gone untried for years...moreso when the statute of limitations (if applicable) expires.

That being said, I've spent years researching rape and sexual assault, the causes, the emotions and thought processes with it, the laws and forensics associated with it.

Rape, no matter what kind, is about power and domination. Rapists are doms without the caring/loving aspect, basically. They are selfish and crave the adrenaline high that comes from forcing another person to submit. Even if he performs oral sex on his victims before raping them (heard of one guy who did this) the fact he's breaking into her house and forcing her to perform sexual acts under threat of death to her and her children means he's seeking power and domination. Rapists (and murderers, theives, con artists, abusers...all successful criminals) are profilers. Reading people is either instinctual, or they learn through their normal social interactions. Just like a lioness goes after the old, sick, or young zebras because she knows going after a strong zebra will leave her hungry and tired, a criminal targets people who are "weaker." The victim might be younger, like a child, or have some kind of mental or physical deficiency, or be eldery. The victim might be socially awkward, insecure, and suffering from low self-esteem. Or the victim might be walking down a dark street alone, distracted by her MP3 player and/or cell phone. The victim might even be comatose or dead (hey, rape is rape.) If anything, I'd think that dressing very conservatively (and I'm talking excessively, here, like clothing too warm/bulky for the season) would signal to a criminal that that particular victim might just be vulnerable enough (emotionally unstable, low self-esteem, etc.) to be worth targeting. That being said, the criminal would look at more than just her clothing. If she's walking tall, taking quick, confident strides, and looking at the world around her, he's likely not going to attack. Those are all assertive body signals. However, if she's walking slowly, eyes on the sidewalk, arms crossed over her chest, bag held close, she might just get attacked, provided the rest of the environment is ideal (for example, no one nearby who might help her.)

Appearance, though, often does have an effect. Some criminals target victims who physically resemble someone from their past who has wronged the criminal (and this depends entirely on the criminal's perception of the relationship.) Ted Bundy targeted young, brunette women who reminded him of a college co-ed who scorned him years before. And the vast majority of offenders attack within their own race. There are few exceptions, not counting crimes with a racist angle. The only time a victim's clothing might matter is if the clothing fits into a specific fantasy that the criminal has.

It also depends on the criminal. Some are opportunistic, grabbing whoever might be unlucky enough to be at a certain place at a certain time, whether or not she fits his "type." Others wait for the ideal victim. Some start out waiting for the perfect victim, and devolve into grabbing random victims. Group crimes...function differently, but victim targeting is pretty much the same.

But under no circumstances is a victim ever asking to be victimized. No matter what the crime is, who the criminal is, or how they relate to the victim, where it happens, when, or for how long. Never, ever, ever. Ever. No means no, darn it!
Contributor: Kkay Kkay
Originally posted by Defi Enyo
That is both funny and vaughly insulting thumbs up
I link it whenever appropriate. We spend so much time focusing on teaching people how to not get raped, and so little on teaching people that it's unacceptable TO rape.
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
Originally posted by Defi Enyo
Kisses and huggs big time hon!Thanks for the support and if you need me just message and I'll be there in a new york minute! love shower) P
Yep! It's always nice to have someone to talk to about stuff like that, especially since not many people over here understand.

Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
Originally posted by KikiChrome
I'm actually really glad to see that the vast majority of posts on this subject have been squarely in the "her clothing does not mean she's asking for it" pile. If only the rest of the world was as enlightened.

For me, I ... more
I'm so sorry that you, too, were attacked by someone you knew. I agree with you completely! I was so afraid to report what happened to me because I did not have a support system that wanted to help me; Instead, I got blamed. It's horrible, and I still feel the consequences of that.
Contributor: K101 K101
This really sucks. I was wearing a knee length skirt when I was raped - and a brown top that revealed nothing but my collar bone, arms and the skirt revealed nothing but my legs. Still, when you research it you'll find that it's not something that's likely to cause a rapist to pick a certain person. I get that you're only saying that it may raise the risks since a skirt will be easier and making it less hard for the attacker to get access wheras wearing jeans might give the victim a chance to get away since they aren't as easy to pull down. If I'm correct, this is what you meant? I still think even if a woman is dressed in a skirt a man needs to have control. If you can't see a woman (or in my case a girl 12 years younger than you!) and not get those kind of urges then something's seriously wrong.

"Rape is the only crime in which the victim becomes the accused." -Freda Adler. This quote is true to me.

I couldn't tell you how many times my very close friends told me that I MUST have been dressed inappropriately or I MUST have wanted it or something along those lines. To be honest, those words hurt almost as bad as the rape itself. It's never a woman's fault. I do think it's a bad idea to play around with a man who you aren't familiar with and put your guards down and be alone with him while drinking or something because it can trigger rapists when you're guards are down. Still, guards up or down, it's never a girl's fault. There's only one time anybody will hear me say I hate a person and it's when I say I hate rapists. It's so damaging and I don't care what I'm wearing, he had no right to do that.

I'm not saying that you were saying it's a rape victim's fault. I know you made it clear that you did not mean that. I wouldn't want to draw *that* kind of attention to myself by dressing extremely revlealing anyways. A woman should be able to wear a skirt without rapists using her. My partner and I burned my skirt that I wore when the rape happened. We also burned the panties, shirt and bra. there was no way I could handle wearing them after knowing what happened the last time I did.

To answer someone's question above about how can a rapist get inside someone when they aren't wet. Actually a vagina is almost always a little damp and it doesn't take vaginal lubrication to get a penis in. The man who did it to me tore my vagina opening, but more than likely that was from me squirming and him jabbing at me with such determination.

I've even read during my years of research on rape, where it's possible that some women have a small amount of their own lube which normally happens when they are turned on, but it's possible for it to naturally realize it's sex, the vagina chooses to give lube anyways, whether you're actually wanting it or not. If there is any vaginal come, wetness, etc. it DOES NOT EVER mean the female actually wanted or enjoyed it. The cooter just says "Oh, something's coming in here, better lube up." It doesn't always happen, but it's very possible.

To be honest, the comment you made on gang rape and using the other persons come as lube sounded like you were giving us rape tips. I'm sorry to say that. I'm just sensitive to this subject so don't mind me. I did come across this article in august which made 5 years since I was raped so I had researched some things again last august since it was so hard on my mind and came across this sick article on wiki something where the author wrote how to rape a woman and included the most disgusting things I've ever read in my life. I was furious. That shouldn't ever be allowed.

Anyways, I can see how a victim might have more of a chance to get away if they're wearing clothing that's harder to get off, but it's unlikely that a rapist will look for that in a victim. They're focused on someone to control, someone vulnerable, easy to scare and someone to humiliate, get revenege, etc. They want power and they're more likely going to pick a vulnerable girl (believe me, attackers can sense vulnerability, I swear!) because rapists are severe cowards. They need to feel power and picking someone who's vulnerable sounds promising. I'll tell you another thing I've come to realize, rapists and other abusers are more coward than the victims usually. I thought I was a big scared, vulnerable, weak girl until I saw the rapist terrified to defend himself against another man. I've also seen this with a guy who beat the heck out of me. He cowered like a small dog when he was confronted by several men on different occasions. He never once hit them.

Needless to say, I learned 5 years ago to keep a pretty little pink container of pepper spray in my purse at all times.
Contributor: momma22js momma22js
It doesn't matter what you wear believe me been there
Contributor: momma22js momma22js
It doesn't matter what you wear believe me been there
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
Originally posted by K101
This really sucks. I was wearing a knee length skirt when I was raped - and a brown top that revealed nothing but my collar bone, arms and the skirt revealed nothing but my legs. Still, when you research it you'll find that it's not ... more
You've said it all so much better than I could. I'm sorry that you had to endure such a horrible thing. It's happened to me as a little girl and a teenager, so I know how damaging it can be. I, too, had people pretty much blame me for the incidents once they found out about it, and it really does hurt so much more when people you care about says such hurtful things. I was also called weak for not reporting it to the police.

Considering the first time it happened I was 6, that did not seem like much of an option to me. When it happened to me when I was 14, I was in shock. I felt so much shame that I just let it remain a very deep, dark secret of mine. Once I told my ex boyfriend about it, he basically written me off as damaged goods, so I'm finding it harder to let men into my life because of how afraid I am to be turned away due to something I had no control over.

I am also appalled to hear about that wiki article! Unfortunately, I'm not even slightly surprised. Rapists and child molesters seek others like them to try and convince themselves that they are right and doing something normal. I, too, can honestly say that I HATE rapists, and I'm not one that throws that word around easily.

I just want to applaud you for also talking about your horrible experience. I am here if you ever want to talk about anything.
Contributor: Hallmar82 Hallmar82
Correlation does not prove causation. You're more likely to be killed by a drunk driver while driving your car instead of riding a bike due to probability, not because drunk drivers are more attracted to cars than bikes. Rapists, whether they be aggravated stalkers or opportunistic acquaintances, usually (not 100% of the time though) target victims whom they are physically attracted to - whether female or male. Attractive individuals tend to dress attractively. They would still be attractive to the rapist whether or not they wore a particular dress or shirt or whatever. Especially if it is a date rape crime, then both parties will be dressed nicely for the occasion. However, for aggravated rapists, it may not even matter what you're wearing. They may be motivated by other psychological reasons (power, hate, etc) than simply physical attraction anyway.
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by Kkay
This is beautiful and powerful. There's something wrong with the inequality in our society when the responsibility lies on the victim to prevent it rather than the would-be assaulter to stop it from happening in the first place. I lift my lighter to this.
Contributor: Andrey2052 Andrey2052
No, they arent
Contributor: SadoMas SadoMas
it might trigger the person faster but i highly doubt that the chances really change if you are covered or not, a sick minded person is still a sick minded person.
Contributor: Artishok Artishok
No, they arent
Contributor: Noelle Noelle
Originally posted by SydVicious
I totally think that the clothes that you wear can be attractive to a rapist, depending on what they are looking for. The rapist can easily decide to go after a certain victim because of the way they dress, and they don't mean just dressing ... more
I agree with you!
Contributor: Apirka Apirka
It doesn't matter what you wear and someone dressed scantily is not "asking for it" either.
Contributor: edenguy edenguy
I thought rape was more about power. That would mean outfits are irrelevant
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
No they don't. Anyone can be a target.
Contributor: remember.me remember.me
No, nothing to do with it at all.
Contributor: Leather & Lace Leather & Lace
Contributor: *Camoprincess* *Camoprincess*
Originally posted by usmcwife99
I first want to say at no time is rape ok, nor is there ever any excuses. It is a crime and personally should be punished highly because its deffinitly wrong in my book. Please do not think I think its ok because its not. I have been there and I feel ... more
Clothes that are revealing could attract them more but I will say I was raped I was in JEANS AND A T-SHIRT as well as BOOTS I was FULLY COVERED!!!! So really I don't think it is the clothes that get you raped. If someone wants to rape you they will no matter what you are wearing.
Contributor: charletnarouh charletnarouh
In no way is a woman "asking for it" by wearing suggestive clothing and that never excuses it or makes it ok. I can't say whether a rapist will be more likely to choose a suggestively dressed woman over a woman covered from head to toe, since it depends on the rapist. I would be curious to see statistics on what percentage of rape victims are "suggestively" dressed but I think such things would be hard to quantify since "suggestive" is subjective.
Contributor: Girly Juice Girly Juice
The only preventative measure you can take against being raped is to never be around a rapist... which obviously can't be predicted.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
Originally posted by SydVicious
I totally think that the clothes that you wear can be attractive to a rapist, depending on what they are looking for. The rapist can easily decide to go after a certain victim because of the way they dress, and they don't mean just dressing ... more
I agree with SydVicious said. Yeah, your clothes can make you more like a particular rapist's type but that's not the victim's fault and I'm sure every single rapist is different. There's no way to predict what a rapist might take as reason to rape you and it's ridiculous that people even think a victim should be blamed because of their outfit.
There's not, like, a list of magical clothes that somehow won't get you raped. Even elderly people get raped.