Public Nudity

Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
You won't see me out there naked!
Contributor: chantalgiardina chantalgiardina
Originally posted by Adam02viper
If there were no laws about public nudity, would you walk around naked in public all the time?
i wouldn't but that's because im really self conscious.
Contributor: Bex1331 Bex1331
If it suddenly became legal, then no because I really doubt that it would be accepted and it's still be really weird

If it had always been legal and was socially acceptable then yea sure =)
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Adam02viper
If there were no laws about public nudity, would you walk around naked in public all the time?
I wouldn't be the 1st to do it, but I might go topless in hot weather or something.
Contributor: Amber1w Amber1w
I picked other- um I would if I was a bit skinnier, but I don't know that I would want everyone to see what I had to offer. I couldn't do it around children that's just wrong. Then again it would be kinda sexy to see naked bodies all over. But I wouldn't want to be judge by other women, cuz girls you know this women can be very mean (even teenage girls younger girls)actually women of all ages. So I'm kinda ify on the whole subject.
Contributor: LaSchwartz LaSchwartz
no a swim suite is as far as I go lol
Contributor: Alx Alx
No. Not in a million years.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
Heck no. I like to be modest.
Contributor: SimpleHedonist SimpleHedonist
Weather permitting, I would have no problem being naked most anywhere. I can only think of a few issues that might arise for me.... I HATE to be cold, so I would have to live somewhere warm. Also, I wouldn't have any issues or discomfort with being nude or having my body seen by anyone, BUT I would feel bad if my nudity made others feel uncomfortable. To me, nudity in and of itself is not a sexual thing, and nothing to get too worked up about, BUT that said I know MANY people (no matter what the law) would be super freaked out by seeing public nudity.
Contributor: MissYouBubbles MissYouBubbles

I sleep naked but that is with my hubby and no one else can see
Contributor: All His All His
Im all for naked at home but not my thing around others
Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
No, i would walk around with a camera XD
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by Adam02viper
If there were no laws about public nudity, would you walk around naked in public all the time?
Nope, I wouldn't. I love my clothes too much to not wear them...
Contributor: meezerosity meezerosity
No. Clothing is a large part of my personal expression.
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
It would depend on where I was and if I felt comfortable in that setting.
Contributor: Upyourreviews Upyourreviews
I envy those with bodies worth showing!
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Originally posted by Adam02viper
If there were no laws about public nudity, would you walk around naked in public all the time?
Nope, I am too insecure.
Contributor: cryinglightning86 cryinglightning86
Indeed, I would walk around naked. Seeing as one of my biggest aspirations when I was a kid was to join a nudist colony, I'm pretty sure I'd be down.
Contributor: Yojimbo42 Yojimbo42
I can't say I would all of the time, but on a warm sunny day I'd be game.
Contributor: tophertoph447 tophertoph447
I have friends that do, but I wouldn't.
Contributor: butts butts
Personally as a transperson, I'd wait until after I'm fully physically transitioned, but I definitely think nudity should be allowed everywhere. It's completely natural, I don't understand the taboo behind it in the first place.