Are you in the path of the Hurricaine? (Irene).

Contributor: Diabolical Kitty Diabolical Kitty
I'm in Michigan. I don't see it coming my way.
Contributor: ss143 ss143
Originally posted by ParisLove
Yes i am omg! I live in Connecticut and it's going to hit us Saturday night into Sunday
I'm in CT to so ill be battin down the hatches along with ya be safe be well
Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
Originally posted by ParisLove
Yes i am omg! I live in Connecticut and it's going to hit us Saturday night into Sunday
Don't panic. The storm will be no fun and the loss of power/services/etc. afterwards will suck big time, but if you keep calm and stay smart, you will come through it just fine.
Contributor: BellaDonna2884 BellaDonna2884
Contributor: IslandGoddess IslandGoddess
Yes I am!!! Its gonna hit us tonight into the day tomorro, right now we have rain. Im not scared though I'm from the caribbean an we have experienced WAY WORSE HURRICANES, I'm talking category 4 Hurricane. This one is only a category 1 so its nothing! Thanks for the concern.
Contributor: Eucaly Eucaly
I don't know if you realized, but you've got two polls the same.
Contributor: FaerieLove FaerieLove
Wont be near me thank goodness.
Contributor: K101 K101
I voted "what hurricane" because there wasn't an answer to describe mine. I know about the hurricane and have been online keeping in touch with those I communicate with who are in the hurricane's way, but I am in Georgia so we haven't had to deal with it thank God. However, I've kept everyone who is in my prayers and will continue to do so. I couldn't imagine a hurricane. Goodness I hope everyone is safe!
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by Elaira
My parents live a little south of Miami. They're probably not going to evacuate. They went through Katrina and Gustav while in Louisiana. We've been through Hugo when it made a direct hit on the city we were living in. My family is super ... more
Oh my! It sounds like you guys are "experienced" I am so sorry to hear you and your fam have been through all those! Lol. I haven't ever heard of the hurricane parties! That sounds fun.

Everyone's in my prayers!
Contributor: EnMH EnMH
We're in NC as well. No big deal really. We're far enough in that the worst we'll see is some rain. Yawn. Best wishes to anyone affected by it though.
Contributor: CSEA CSEA
Originally posted by Bignuf
Are you in the path of the potential East Coast hurricane IRENE? If so, do you plan to evacuate? What do you take when you evacuate (if you realize everything else may be gone when you get back)?
Living in Miami it seems all hurricanes are potential threats for us