Moving tips or tricks?

Contributor: Sex'и'Violence Sex'и'Violence
label each box with the room it's supposed to go into
Many hands make light work (get some buddies to help you out)
Pack your mattresses and large furniture at the back (stacking if necessary)
Cover wood finish with sheets/bedding to protect it.
pack extra clothing in Garbage bags and use them to cushion furniture etc.
Buy rubber maid containers instead of cardboard boxes. They're reusable and stack easier with more stability.
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
If you are able to get the keys ahead of time, go in and give it a wash down. Pass the vacuum EVERYWHERE, wash all the floors and cupboards, give the bathroom a good scrubbing. That way when you get your stuff in there you know everything is clean. Nothing is more gross then someone elses filth *blech*