Which insect to you dislike/fear the most?

Contributor: Drakoni Drakoni
Random Question of the Day:

Which insect to you dislike/fear the most?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
ily , mizzmilla
2  (3%)
JackRaiden , shcoo , Eva Schwaltz , Terri Strickland , Kendrir , Diabolical Kitty , El-Jaro , Beck , xyrella , Drakoni , Ash1141 , dawnkye , NicNat , ap-the-aper , Bignuf
15  (20%)
1  (1%)
That Guy , Darklyvan , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , Princess-Kayla ♥ , her angelness , Cherry21
6  (8%)
House flies
1  (1%)
1  (1%)
Jon S , Gracie , aliceinthehole , ellejay , GravyCakes , mm098 , LavenderSkies , unfulfilled , JessCee , The Curious Couple , julia. , quinceykay , PDXlady , urhappypill
14  (18%)
Bed Bugs
Chirple , Clandestine , Hadespark , dv8
4  (5%)
Other (comment below)
T&A1987 , Alan & Michele , ToyGurl , Cookie Monster Mike , lexical , Emma Star Baby , PeppermintFuntimes , PassionateLover2 , bayosgirl , Sunshineamine , hpnotiqserenity , CutieKayla , Ryuson , Valentinka , GenderSexplorations , Squeaky , Breas , TheSlyFox , Eucaly , tlaskowski , Stinkytofu10 , ~LaUr3n~ , Silverdrop , P'Gell , starklover , lana.banana , queengina , Rainbow Boy , jeangel246 , wdanas , DreamWolf , BlooJay
32  (42%)
Total votes: 76
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Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
Horse flies... OMG
Contributor: Alan & Michele Alan & Michele
For me it's scorpions, they terrify me.

Alan isn't afraid of any insects, but he bitches about mosquitos more than any other, so I'm guessing those for him. I'm not too keen on mosquitos myself, but that's only because of their disease carrying potential.
Contributor: Alan & Michele Alan & Michele
Originally posted by ToyGurl
Horse flies... OMG
Horse flies are MEAN down here. They'll chase you just for looking at them, and they bite! Luckily, we don't see too many in our area.
Contributor: Cookie Monster Mike Cookie Monster Mike
I have to say other, I basically don't like any bug or insect on me. There are a few exceptions, like when a buttery decides it wants to fly on by, land on my skin and just hang out.

The most pesty for me are any flies in general, so freaken annoying.
Contributor: lexical lexical
Mine is not listed here. I have a serious phobia of moths. When I was a kid, a small one flew into my eye and I rubbed and rubbed and tried to get it out, but I could FEEL IT MOVING under my eyelid/behind my eye. Traumatic. They freak me the hell out to this day.
Contributor: Drakoni Drakoni
Originally posted by Alan & Michele
For me it's scorpions, they terrify me.

Alan isn't afraid of any insects, but he bitches about mosquitos more than any other, so I'm guessing those for him. I'm not too keen on mosquitos myself, but that's only because of ... more
Scorpions aren't insects...Mosquitoes are, though.
Contributor: Emma Star Baby Emma Star Baby
Originally posted by Drakoni
Random Question of the Day:

Which insect to you dislike/fear the most?
Bees & Wasps, actually. I used to be so bad that I would have a nervous break and cry, even run inside. But, I've been working on that. Forcing myself to hang with them in my garden and such. Cause.. yeah.. tired of my neighbors looking me weird for gardening at 6pm or later. lmao
Contributor: Drakoni Drakoni
Originally posted by lexical
Mine is not listed here. I have a serious phobia of moths. When I was a kid, a small one flew into my eye and I rubbed and rubbed and tried to get it out, but I could FEEL IT MOVING under my eyelid/behind my eye. Traumatic. They freak me the hell ... more
Yew! That would freak me out too.
Contributor: Cookie Monster Mike Cookie Monster Mike
Originally posted by lexical
Mine is not listed here. I have a serious phobia of moths. When I was a kid, a small one flew into my eye and I rubbed and rubbed and tried to get it out, but I could FEEL IT MOVING under my eyelid/behind my eye. Traumatic. They freak me the hell ... more
Ewww that does not sound fun at all. I kind of laughed when I read this though, only because it made me think of the movie Pineapple Express where Seth Rogan is in the woods and a large moth attacks him and he freaks out.
Contributor: JackRaiden JackRaiden
Wasps. Unpredictable. Look like aliens, with weird, hanging legs.
Contributor: PeppermintFuntimes PeppermintFuntimes
Spiders, too many legs and they seem to pop up everywhere with their almost invisible webs that attack your face. @_@ Those may not be insects, but it's close enough to me.
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
SPIDER(man) !!!
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
mosquitoes just flat out piss me off. But I LOATHE spiders. I cry and hyperventilate over them. It's terrible. I know they are arachnids and all but they are a bug to me at any rate. yuck.
Contributor: hpnotiqserenity hpnotiqserenity
Originally posted by Cookie Monster Mike
Ewww that does not sound fun at all. I kind of laughed when I read this though, only because it made me think of the movie Pineapple Express where Seth Rogan is in the woods and a large moth attacks him and he freaks out.
Lol, That's a good movie. Your comment made me think of Madagascar, when the lion is freaking out after walking into a spider web etc.
Contributor: CutieKayla CutieKayla
Centipedes freak me the hell out!
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
Centipedes, but also Child Of the Earths! UGH!
Contributor: Valentinka Valentinka
two-pronged bristletails
Contributor: GenderSexplorations GenderSexplorations
Spiders! And centipedes!
Contributor: Squeaky Squeaky
Originally posted by Drakoni
Random Question of the Day:

Which insect to you dislike/fear the most?
Contributor: Breas Breas
There should be an "all of the above" option. I cannot stand any sort of bug.
Contributor: shcoo shcoo
Bees and wasps! I am also allergic to mosquitoes.
Contributor: Eva Schwaltz Eva Schwaltz
Wasps definitely. I've had two land on me and I killed them without being stung but I fear my luck will run out one of these days.
Contributor: Chirple Chirple
The idea of bedbugs terrifies me. If I ever had an infestation, I would cry.

They're so hard to get rid of.

Roaches are a close second for the same reason.
Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
All of them....
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
Originally posted by PeppermintFuntimes
Spiders, too many legs and they seem to pop up everywhere with their almost invisible webs that attack your face. @_@ Those may not be insects, but it's close enough to me.
Me too, I hate spiders.
Contributor: Gracie Gracie
Really I hate all bugs!!! And I'm going to say someyhing that is sexist, but the man should kill and get rid of the bug. Everytime. I'm willing to express my gratitude
Contributor: Darklyvan Darklyvan
Originally posted by PeppermintFuntimes
Spiders, too many legs and they seem to pop up everywhere with their almost invisible webs that attack your face. @_@ Those may not be insects, but it's close enough to me.
Spiders like scorpions are not insects
Contributor: Darklyvan Darklyvan
Never had bed bugs so they do not bother me much, but i suppose if I ever did get them my answer might change