I wish I could find a permanent, cotton candy pink.
If You Could Dye Your Hair ANY Color...
Hot pink. I adore the color and it looks awesome on me
I do not think I would. Partly because of work. And the other part is because I always have some type of hat on. So no one would see the hair color anyways.
I'd go with blue (like a nice pale blue) or white, but I probably wouldn't really go for it. I like my natural brown a lot, and occasionally I get it darkened to brunette, but I don't know if I could do a crazy color all the time.
I had red hair, from natural looking brown red to a color called "Black Cherry" (which was dark red) for years.
But, a few years ago, with my sexual reawakening, I wanted a new look. I started to dye it black (my natural color is dark brown.... with some silver in it) and both My Man and I love it. I found a Blue-Black dye that has blue-purple undertones and I love it.
I think pink looks great on a lot of people, but with my coloring, I have to have darker hair to look right. I could never be a blonde either.
But, a few years ago, with my sexual reawakening, I wanted a new look. I started to dye it black (my natural color is dark brown.... with some silver in it) and both My Man and I love it. I found a Blue-Black dye that has blue-purple undertones and I love it.
I think pink looks great on a lot of people, but with my coloring, I have to have darker hair to look right. I could never be a blonde either.
I've dyed mine all sorts of colors, at this point I'm not sure what color I want.
The dye I use is called L'Oreal Feria Bright Black. When it fades, I use an over color like Manic Panic in blue or violet to cover the faded places.
I've done it and would like to do it again, but my current job wouldn't allow it. I simply like the colors.
I've dyed all of my hair black, fire engine red, and brown that had a purple tint to it before. I also have had the bottom layer of my hair bright purple and hot pink. Right now I'm rocking my natural color but I know everyone is just waiting to see what's next.
I use to have Bleach blonde on top, black and blue underneath with pink, purple, and blue.. It looked so sexy, And I wishI could do it again..
I really want to be blonde again. My husdand loves it. I love it and it suits my personality. The up keep and the cost at the salon is a pain though.
all the colors above.
i really want red tips on the end of my hair
I'd do it in a heartbeat if it wouldn't get me fired. Saw a chick on NY Ink that had a really pretty rainbow of hair. So jealous ...she rocked it'
Yeah, I've already dyed my hair all of those colors except for white and black.
I started getting gray hairs when I was 7 years old and now have a layer of gray hair semi-hidden beneath my dark brown locks (I'm 25 now, and my mom was fully gray by this age!). Sometimes gray can be a "meh" color, but my friends are convinced I'm going to make a sexy silver-haired lady, so I've been tempting to color it just to see.
My second option would be green (my favorite color) and red (I always wished I were a ginger).
My second option would be green (my favorite color) and red (I always wished I were a ginger).
Dye is bad for you
It's my option too. I've had it pink, blue, and purple. but i'd love to have a rainbow!
Originally posted by
Okay, so I'm really stupid. I forgot the option "I want to do it because it's a part of my personality". That's my option.
I would go back to having blue hair.
I'm going to eventually dye my hair black with purple highlights. I haven't simply because I'm lazy. I don't have a job and I don't let anyone tell me what's "acceptable" so I want to because I want to. That's all.
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