How often do you workout in a week?

Contributor: twelve13 twelve13
In a perfect world, it would be 6 times a week. However, whenever I get up to that level, I tend to get ill, so it never works out. Now I can only do a couple times a week if I don't want my immune system to crash.
Contributor: lovelyzombie lovelyzombie
Contributor: Rokmai Rokmai
I only started exercising a year ago, but I lift weight three times a week, try to do cardio every other day.
Contributor: sunflower sunflower
0 times. Surprisingly I am really skinny. I want to start doing squats to get a nice butt but I have bursitis in my hip and it hurts too much.
Contributor: Lowl Lowl
i dont work out /: i really should though
Contributor: Pumpk1nPatch Pumpk1nPatch
5-7. Nothing huge though. I walk about 5/6 miles a day.
Contributor: Soulsekrou Soulsekrou
I'm lazy lol
Contributor: Hummingbird Hummingbird
I don't formally work out but try to walk extra and take stairs.
Contributor: stacylyn stacylyn
Originally posted by WD40watcher
I have a busy schedule and went from working out 4 times a week to 1 if that. What is your routine?
I work out like 4 times a week
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
None. But I should.
Contributor: Adnerbmw Adnerbmw
i try to do at least 5 times a day but if i can get 6 then thats a great week.
Contributor: mjtheprincess mjtheprincess
Usually five days a week. Sometimes seven. It all depends! I like five days in the gym, two days out and about (hiking, biking, what not!)
Contributor: Beautiful-Disaster Beautiful-Disaster
It used to be 5 times a week. but i've been too lazy.
Contributor: kdlt kdlt
Once a week, if I'm lucky :p
Contributor: spiced spiced
4-5 times a week. One day of strength training. The rest is either running, swimming, cycling or some machine or other at the gym (elliptical, etc). I love this time of year, when there's enough sunlight to go for a (fairly) long bike ride after work. Did that today and it was AWESOME.
Contributor: stacylyn12 stacylyn12
Originally posted by WD40watcher
I have a busy schedule and went from working out 4 times a week to 1 if that. What is your routine?
3-4 times a week at the gym
Contributor: lana'sart lana'sart
Originally posted by WD40watcher
I have a busy schedule and went from working out 4 times a week to 1 if that. What is your routine?
1-2 week
Contributor: 702zombie 702zombie
per week? sometime none. per month lol maybe 4 times
Contributor: Rory Rory
Does walking up the stairs at work count as a work out?? I'm not into exercising and I think it shows!
Contributor: Ayogirl230 Ayogirl230
Originally posted by WD40watcher
I have a busy schedule and went from working out 4 times a week to 1 if that. What is your routine?
i am SO lazy and rarely work out. When i do work out, its a hoop session a few times a week.
Contributor: Pastafariette Pastafariette
I don't think I've "worked out" in a while. I really should start again.