How much do you spend on 'want' things a week?

Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by captainsgirl
How much money do you spend a week just because? Not on things you need..on things you may want like clothing, toys, coffe, etc.
I have to have my "good coffee" on my way to work in the morning. Hubby has to have his lawn service. He loves to putter in the yard and garden, but he wants the lawn already cut and trimmed. He works horrible long hours (we both do) so I am not sure if that is a "luxury" or a "needed service"?
Contributor: Pumpk1nPatch Pumpk1nPatch
I'm a stylist at a salon so I get a lot of tips every day. I'm trying to get out of this habit desperately, but I spend my tips like crazy. Since it's 10s and 20s here and there instead of one lump some, it doesn't seem as bad. I spend about 100 on just stuff and close to that on Eden weekly.