How many "reviews behind" would you say you are?

Contributor: Geogeo Geogeo
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
I currently have a grand total of NINE toys that I haven't reviewed yet...
I have two to review but just because they haven't arrived yet
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
I'm totally up on assignments, but have 80+ items from Eden that can be reviewed!
Contributor: Septimus Septimus
I actually just posted a review yesterday, so I'm catching up! I think I'm about 2 behind at this point.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
I have three due... but two are locked forever

So one that's due...

And then I'll bet I could put up like 20 other non-assigned reviews!
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
Honestly, way more than I'd like...both time and privacy are monumental issues for me, but I absolutely love writing reviews.

I usually have to rush through 80% of what I do daily online because someone else is always kicking me off the computer so sitting down and getting something written is hard to do.
I'm looking forward to the day when my mother and I have a laptop of our own to share though, since her bf pretty much monopolizes this one.

Luckily though, none of the items are assignments so that takes the pressure off quite a bit.
Contributor: sunkissedJess sunkissedJess
I've never been behind on items that I'm required to write a review on, but I do have a lot of products I've purchased and plan on reviewing eventually.
Contributor: tami tami
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
I currently have a grand total of NINE toys that I haven't reviewed yet...
i have a few to go maybe 5
Contributor: sweetpea12 sweetpea12
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
I currently have a grand total of NINE toys that I haven't reviewed yet...
I have one that I still need to write for
Contributor: Willowe Willowe
I'm exactly six, nothing that I HAVE to review, though. Most of them are either ones I can't use (i.e. it's too big for me right now) or I just haven't used enough to feel comfortable writing about. At least one, though, I've just been too lazy to type up.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
I currently have a grand total of NINE toys that I haven't reviewed yet...
I have one or two left
Contributor: brevado brevado
I've been working on them, just not finished yet
Contributor: Cat E. Cat E.
I don't review.
Contributor: chicmichiw chicmichiw
I am so so behind.
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
I still need to do my first!!
Contributor: SydVicious SydVicious
I have 2 one free assignment and one buy out. I haven't really been buying any because I was saving up all my points for the Eleven. I just got it and now I can start using my point for some other products.
Contributor: Stagger13 Stagger13
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
I currently have a grand total of NINE toys that I haven't reviewed yet...
We have quit a few toys but we are not much in the way of reviewers.
Contributor: mpfm mpfm
I always keep current with assignments. But, I do own close to 100 items I could review if I had the time.
Contributor: falalena falalena
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
I currently have a grand total of NINE toys that I haven't reviewed yet...
i havent started on two and am working on one.
Contributor: BrittaniMaree BrittaniMaree
I have already caught all the way up
Contributor: EmuLove EmuLove
Just getting started but I am getting there lol
Contributor: SecondStory SecondStory
I don't do reviews, although I suppose I should...