How many pets is too many?

Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by subwayrailings
i have four and when i catsat my friend's kitten for a week it was like i suddenly could not stand my house or the animals in general. the extra kitten totally threw off the balance.
We have 3 dogs. When we lost our old girl after a heroic struggle with bone cancer, we had to add another puppy to get back to 3 dogs. The whole feel of the house was " off" with only two. That was true for two and four footed family members!!!!
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
Originally posted by spookycutie
When you can no longer give them all the time they deserve, afford food and vet care, etc...that's too many.
THat's what I was thinking.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Beck
I say it will vary per person or household. People manage entire farms with hundreds of animals. If they have the means to care or provide care for these animals, that is wonderful! More power to them. There are some people that can't handle 1 ... more
The Beck Zoo!!!!