Originally posted by
Alex R
Sorry for some trolling, I don't mean to judge all of the childfree people here. People can have various health issues or some similar considerations (im not yet sure what) that stops them.
I was aiming at the people who brag with this
Sorry for some trolling, I don't mean to judge all of the childfree people here. People can have various health issues or some similar considerations (im not yet sure what) that stops them.
I was aiming at the people who brag with this choice as if it is the only right one, considering themselves superior to others, treating children as if its the worst thing in life, calling them gargoyles and such. In me it causes nothing but anger and...despair. (besides thoughts of people afraid of taking responsibilities. - id be glad if you could prove me wrong)
All people have their own choices, like about how to contribute to the world in some way, and i hope people who refuse to have kids know some other way to leave something of value after they die.
Children is just the default - I mean, nature did a good job designing us so that we could reproduce, live on as a species without becoming extinct, making reproduction one of our primary goals in life.
So you guys look quite odd here.
To clarify, I'm not childfree or childless. I have two daughters.
I agree that, if it's your decision, that's fine and there doesn't need to be any derogatory remarks made about children. While they're not reading this, I think having that much disgust towards any human being is part of what's wrong with the world today. To me, it's just like homophobia, racism, and sexism. I am of the mind that if you don't like someone (or a group of someones, as is the case in discrimination) don't interact with them, but you don't have to be outward with your hate.
Yes you have free speech, but if someone was on here saying, "I hate fags!" or spouting off racial slurs, they'd be flagged instantaneously and we'd all be up in their business saying how wrong it is. Respect for all human beings regardless of age, gender, orientation, race... that should be the goal of this community (and humankind in general)
That said, we live in an age of over-parenting where many parents photo-document every aspect of their children's lives and share it with the entire world as if anyone cares what color Johnny's poo was, how many ounces of breastmilk they think Susie consumed based on her prefeeding/postfeeding weights, or whether little Timmy drew a house or a rainbow today. *insert eyeroll* And in an age of attachment parenting where people are constantly touching their children, they wear their children like accessories and judge everyone who doesn't do so. So I can understand where the irritation comes in.
I don't like the implication that if you don't have children you're leaving the world without a legacy or contribution. Everyone on this planet impacts another person, whether they were the parent of that person or not, so everyone leaves a legacy, even if it cannot be traced directly back to that one person.
Well, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you, may not be right for some!
*Everybody sing* It takes, diff'rent strokes to move the world, it takes diff'rent strokes to move the world!]