Originally posted by
We met online first at a message board for a webcomic and didn't become good friends until a few years later when he offered to talk with me about a crisis I was in. Some months later we declared our love for each other and decided to meet!
We met online first at a message board for a webcomic and didn't become good friends until a few years later when he offered to talk with me about a crisis I was in. Some months later we declared our love for each other and decided to meet!
We clicked instantly and he asked me to marry him about a month later. I said yes, but we spent a year taking turns living with each other in our own countries before we actually married in mine. Now, a year and a half later, I'm still trying to immigrate to his
I'm actually pretty happy we wasted all that time just dating internationally because it made me feel pretty secure in my decision to marry a guy I'd have to sacrifice a lot for.
@Chilipepper your situation somehow never occurred to me when we were just starting out (I guess I was too young and naive?) so I'm glad things just worked out for me in that I was encouraged, simply by the confusion of my situation, to wait, which gave me time to learn more about the real life him. We both have a lot of personal flaws but at least we've come to a point where we recognize them so we can do something about them... right??
I am very glad that you were given that time of knowing each other first. I was 21 and sheltered, and it turned out he was taking advantage of my naivety. He didn't send me his picture until five months into the relationship (two months after he sent me an engagement ring - which fit perfectly, so what's a romantic kid supposed to think?). By the time we met in person (almost a year online), the wedding planning was already underway and I wasn't aware of how deep I had stepped in it ... Not until after he started blaming me for his disinterest in sex and losing job after job and alienating everyone around us and moving us to the Middle of Nowhere, Montana, when I began to show signs that I was getting fed up and he didn't want me to easily leave him ...
So, no relationships for me for a couple of years while I work out some stuff.
Again, NightNight, you're way ahead of me when I was your age, so you're doing good.