How are/were you with homework?

Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
A few of my friends are either just about done with school, or just starting to go back to school, so I have to hear about homework fairly often. I was always a bit of a procrastinator myself, so I'm curious to see how the rest of you are or were. It doesn't have to be from college, if you never went to college, how were you with homework in high school? Or any other schooling you may have attended?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I always do my homework right away
Envy , Hot'n'Bothered , Vally , lezergirl , Woman China , Fun with Dick & Jane , unfulfilled
I usually get it done pretty quickly
P'Gell , Vaccinium , liilii080 , Hot'n'Bothered , Kayla , removedacnt , married with children , Kim! , lezergirl , Darling Jen , Bunnycups , TheSlyFox , darthkitt3n , Breas , winterseve
It's about 50/50, some things I get done in a timely manner, some things I put off a bit more
Jul!a , C4ss , PussyGalore , GeekWife , Chilipepper , LavenderSkies , kinky girlfriend , XxFallenAngelxX , Dusk , *HisMrs* , kawigrl , BluePixi , Tuesday , Sammi , jakjak , lamira , KnK , Waterfall , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , deletedacct , Danielle1220 , leatherlover , HoneyHoney , DreamWolf , TheSlyFox , slynch , mpfm , Allstars316 , Holly Hox , Love Perpetua , KyotoAngel , ViVix , bayosgirl , KrissyNovacaine , cryinglightning86 , pasdechat
I try to get things done pretty fast, but most of it gets put off til the last minute
DeliciousSurprise , toxie m , Dusk , Jimbo Jones , UnknownGirl , KnK , Lummox , Selective Sensualist , Elliotstar , Valentinka , booboo111926
I don't get any of it done quickly, but I've usually got some time to spare between when I finish and when it's due
moonch1ld , dv8
I always end up waiting til the last minute to do all my homework
Coralbell , Kindred , Yoda , Taylor , buzz , Morganna , Eden C. , Crystal1 , Beck , istas , Deeder , Peggi , Thomas90 , Bex1331
I never did any of my homework, ever
RosesThorns , buzz , Deeder , Peggi , Bex1331
In addition to my own homework, I also did the homework of the football team, as well as the cheerleaders
kinky girlfriend , Jobthingy , ~LaUr3n~ , Naughty Student , Lady Venus , AU , potstickers , 34 , The-IT-Guy-And-My-Secretary , ss143 , Peggi
Total votes: 101 (90 voters)
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Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
For me, it was pretty 50/50. There were some things I could manage to get done right away, and there were some nights I finished my huge presentation with enough time to change, load it in the car, and drive to school.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Grammar school and colleges, I always did my homework quickly, and often early. (Don't you hate girls like me?) In High School, I had burned out from working like a dog in Grammar School, and honestly, getting nothing but harder classes in High School to show for it. I rarely did homework in High School, and spent most of my time getting high and getting laid.

I straightened up in college (well, I still got laid a lot, but not so much the getting high) and realized it was again important to do things properly as I wanted to graduate with good grades and with an Honor Society stole (hell of a lot of good it is doing me now. All that and still unemployed. Home business dead and nothing on the horizon.)

I hate being behind, so I would usually do my homework immediately. I can say in all of University, and my grad work in Lactation Consulting, I did the work right away and never pulled an all nighter (I mean, while studying.) I hate things hanging over my head. (Like an article I have to write for EdenCafe and two videos I have to do.....which I haven't done yet.)
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
I was always eager to write reports and essays but when it came to creative projects that required artwork or public speaking, I put it off until the last minute. I'm one of those people that rewrites grocery lists a hundred times with every item listed by aisle with exact weights and brand specifications. But, ask me to decorate a cake and I *freak* out.

I also slept through every class I had in high school but still managed to pull in A's on every test or homework assignment I bothered to turn in for credit. I would have graduated if it weren't for my nasty habit of ditching after third period.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
I manage to stretch any assignment out to completely fill all the time I have allotted for it. Nothing is ever done early, but I never hand in anything later, either. For example: right now. I have a short paper due tomorrow that I could have easily finished 3 days ago, but through a complicated process of lying to myself, procrastinating, and pretending to budget my time, I have most of the rough draft done now and will have it perfectly completed by the deadline. Sigh.
Contributor: Envy Envy
I was raised with doing it right away, no playing until it's done. I carried that mindset through college, and usually got projects that we were given a few weeks for, done in less than a week. Sure, i could have stretched it, but the sooner I got done, the less i was anxious and worried over it, and the more time i got to spend with friends and just relaxing with something enjoyable to do.

Essays were the easiest, seeing as i went for a major in English (which oddly they don't have in the AA degree, I don't know why) and I almost always pulled As when writing them up. I also could get an essay done in one or two sittings easily, where most people took weeks to do it. in class essay? Piece of cake! I still remember the one I had to write which was about a poem, The Flea, and we have to propose 3 possible ideas the poem talked about. (I picked abortion, miscarriage, and I believe marriage as possible implications behind the meaning of the poem.) Also, the essay with Doctor Faustus was fun to write about, too.
Contributor: Vaccinium Vaccinium
When it was homework that needed to be done for the next day, I did it pretty much immediately. When I had a paper or project due, I always tried to get it done early. About the only thing I was never very good at was keeping up with the reading assignments. I would look at the bolded words and summaries, but infrequently would I actually read the whole chapter.
Contributor: Envy Envy
Originally posted by Vaccinium
When it was homework that needed to be done for the next day, I did it pretty much immediately. When I had a paper or project due, I always tried to get it done early. About the only thing I was never very good at was keeping up with the reading ... more
Good thought on reading the summaries as they typically have all the info you need. Also, most of the time the information that's important is in the first few sentences of the paragraph, so if you just read the first few sentences of each one, you pretty much have it down.

This is for textbooks though, obviously doesn't work for story books or the like, lol.
Contributor: liilii080 liilii080
I am back in school now too and I like to get things done so I don't forget. That's proving difficult this semester though since I am *trying* to take physics with my other classes. I say trying because I am terrible at math and it is taking all my time to try to understand what the heck is going on (if I get it at all). I can't wait until this class is over.
Contributor: GeekWife GeekWife
It's been six years since I graduated college, but I voted with what I remembered. I made A's/B's in high school, so I think I did most of that right away or on time. I do remember pulling a few all-nighters in college, but I think those were mostly my major classes that had 20 page papers due in 2 days and I was taking an over-full schedule. Those were NOT fun.
Contributor: Hot'n'Bothered Hot'n'Bothered
Right away to quickly.

In high school I always got started on it as soon as I got home from school/practice.

College I pretty much did it pretty quick. There were a few exceptions where I procrastinated.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
*stares at seven more typing lessons to complete that were due earlier this morning*

Believe it or not, I usually get it all done by deadline. This keyboarding program they use in class is user-hostile and so nobody got anything done on time.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I'm almost a little surprised there aren't more procrastinators so far, lol. But go all of you for being efficient at least
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by Jul!a
A few of my friends are either just about done with school, or just starting to go back to school, so I have to hear about homework fairly often. I was always a bit of a procrastinator myself, so I'm curious to see how the rest of you are or ... more
I don't remember...I know sometimes I was very last minute and a couple times in high school I went without turning anything in...I also remember I;ve been working since I was 16...I remember I struggled alot with my homework..just not good at it and I have a bad memory so I could study hard for tests and get a low score.....Only thing I cared about was getting my diploma and getting the hell out of there. I think everyone shoudl at least have their high school diploma if you don't you kinda look bad. I have no interest in college at all. PLus since getting ibs my last year of high school,since then my life has been HELL. Its a job all day long to try to take care of myself and I usally am a few minutes late to work everyday anyway... imagine battleing a bad cold for a little over 2 weeks on top of that raging ibs and not sleeping well
Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
In highschool I did my homework at the last minute, or handed it in late and got marks docked, or never did it at all. Luckily I'm good at remembering things, so I did well on tests without having to study and managed to make decent grades. For one of my classes the only work I did was the first assignment and the exam and somehow still managed to get an 80.
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
In high school I couldn't be bothered. I would do it on the way to school on the bus, sometimes sitting in class while the teacher was rambling.

When I went to college though about 8 years ago now, I did it right away. Mind you I almost liked school then. I graduated with honors.. High school not so much LOL
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
I work best under pressure. In grade school, I hated homework because I wasn't challenged enough. Then I was put in the gifted program and I did my homework all the time on time. In Jr. High and H.S. it was more 50/50. I always got my stuff in but sometimes I would be doing the homework the period before. It depended on what the assignment was and how high my interest was. College is more that I try to get things done asap, but still...asap sometimes means last minute which brings me back to my first sentence. I do work best under pressure, so I don't mind if things come down to crunch time. Masters...everything is crunch lol.
Contributor: *HisMrs* *HisMrs*
I'm about 50/50 but I'm trying not to procrastinate as much! This is my last semester before I graduate the RN program! =)
Contributor: Yoda Yoda
In high school and university, I was terrible at getting things in on time. Now I've started attending a local college and I care too much to fool around and procrastinate.
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
It depends with me. Most of my homework is done at least 3 days before the due date, but I usually don't get papers done until a day before. For the most part, I think ahead and make sure to do homework on my downtime day or something so I'm not left scrambling to do my homework last minute.
Contributor: Vally Vally
I had it down to where I could do the homework from one class in another class. I never actually did homework at home until college and only certain classes even in college (Biology was a bear, enthusiastic professor assigned tons of homework and tested on every bit of it)

Anyway, I have always been able to split my attention, so I could listen to lectures, absorb that info and work on my homework at the same time.
Contributor: RosesThorns RosesThorns
I was terrible in HS, I never did my homework, threw it away most of the time... ugh...
Contributor: BluePixi BluePixi
classes started today, I will be a sad sad penguin if I don't get my HW done in a timely manner. I have a light course load and too much free time.
Contributor: lamira lamira
I usually do the easy things right away and get it over and done with. And unfortunately, the more difficult things, like papers, I save until the last minute and do it the night before or the day that it is due.
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
I don't really have "homework" that is assigned to us every other class. It's up to uss to do what we have to do, which is read. I read about 4-5 chapters in a week for my classes on top of assignments. It's a lot of hours put into the reading, taking notes, making study notes, and working on papers.
Contributor: LittleMissBliss LittleMissBliss
I have to say sometimes I finish things at the last minute, but it all depends on the type of homework. For example, I just finished a rough draft for an English 101 assignment, but earlier today I finished my Accounting 202 work. Both of these assignments are due tomorrow. However, I might not show up due to the poor weather conditions. A nasty winter storm is on the horizon of the Ohio Valley.
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
I would always wait until the last possible moment to do my homework. Probably shaved 10 years off my life from the stress I caused myself.
Contributor: KnK KnK
Originally posted by Jul!a
A few of my friends are either just about done with school, or just starting to go back to school, so I have to hear about homework fairly often. I was always a bit of a procrastinator myself, so I'm curious to see how the rest of you are or ... more
It depends. Sometimes I can be extremely productive, other times I'm a major slacker. I seem to have a hell of a lot more time this semester.
Contributor: buzz buzz
I never really did the homework, though I always enjoyed doing the projects despite waiting for the last night.
Contributor: AU AU
I hardly remember. I hated a lot of school (though I did/do like learning.) so I kind of wanted to forget once I was out of it. I think in elementary to middle school, I didn't do all of it. I had a pretty hard time with a few subjects and put stuff off until the last minute. Oh, yeah, I remember the book report I had to do last minute in 3rd or 4th grade. I totally forgot about it. My mom took me out to find a new book. I read 100+ pages and wrote a decent book report that day. O_O Yes.

Even now, I am such a procrastinator. I do suffer for it, but I sort of thrive on panic, too.

But in art school, I was dead serious about work. Competition, loneliness, and the fact that I was paying for things myself helped me do well.