Have you experienced a rainstorm with winds so bad that NO umbrella is of any use?

Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
That is the kind of Florida rain we are having this morning. Regular umbrellas rip apart. Windproof ones (vented), simply pull out of your hands and fly away. I saw a dozen umbrellas flying down one main street...no kidding. Rain is moving SIDEWAYS anyway...umbrella is useless.

SO....anyone else ever felt that kind of rain and wind event? It is pretty wild stuff.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
YES I have.
Rossie , Bignuf , solitudinarian , Woman China , Feisty , hawaiian chick , - Kira - , Incendiaire , Ansley , pixylove101 , Gone (LD29) , (k)InkyIvy , unfulfilled , Willowe , Lildrummrgurl7 , Gdom , padmeamidala , MissCandyland , freud13 , anonkitty , Petite Valentine , sexxxkitten , Allstars316 , BlooJay , hhh , ellieprobable , Taylor , Noelle , Ganconagh , MrWishyWashy , neil i. , deltalima , G&L , tortilla , Lavendar , michael scofield , Rawr4483 , brevado , Mrs.Intensity , Ex-prude , chikisses , GONE! , Gunsmoke , K101 , SimpleHedonist , darthkitt3n , Billie Bones , icyqueen , AmethystSmoke , Squeaky , hem , Abombadong , married with children , gsfanatic , Deeder , Tork48309 , Checkmate , J5ive , BiJess , *Camoprincess* , dv8
No I have not and don't want to.
No I have not, but think it sounds fun (trust me, it's not).
Total votes: 61 (61 voters)
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Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I've experienced that kind of wind speed while I lived in Hong Kong - the severe tropical systems are called Typhoons instead of Hurricanes over there.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China

I've also experienced flash flooding rain where the rain is so heavy and comes staight down so fast it is like having a waterfall come down which crushes the umbrella.

More often than not, when the rain is bad, we just do not go out as the city is flooded.

OH! When I lived in Nunavut, umbrella's flew out of your hands and took a fly out onto the land in the Autumn.
Contributor: pixylove101 pixylove101
Yes I have
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Chicago in the spring...on every corner, every trash bin was piled high with broken umbrellas. It was amusing to say the least. Hubby always told me it was windy - didn't believe just how windy until we got up there. It's one of my more precious memories ('cause I'm sappy and stupidly sentimental like that).
Contributor: Gone (LD29) Gone (LD29)
I have, and it wasn't fun.
Contributor: (k)InkyIvy (k)InkyIvy
We live right on the water, so we get some crazy storms blowing-in off the bay. In July, we got a storm so bad that it blew our front door open (you have to slam it with your shoulder to shut it) and branches were coming down all over the place. We actually ended up having to go out in the storm because our dog got scared and ran outside, and we were desperately trying to find her.
By the time it was all over, we were without power (for a week), there was a giant tree across the road, powerlines down all over the place, and our yard looked like a battlefield because of all the debris.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I have, I don't even bother with umbrella's I like getting wet.
Contributor: Willowe Willowe
I have at school, quite often actually. Not sure why because we're not on the coast or anything, but it just tends to be really rainy and windy a lot.
Contributor: Gdom Gdom
I live in Manhattan, so yes, a large portion of the rainstorms here are accompanied by umbrella-destroying winds.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
Yes I have, it was no fun! Lol!
Contributor: freud13 freud13
I have. I don't even carry an umbrella anymore when it's windy.
Contributor: anonkitty anonkitty
Yup. Umbrellas are more of a hindrance than help in that case.
Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
Umbrellas are 95% hindrance. Even if you're not wrestling with it in high winds, they drip all over the place once you get inside, and people on crowded streets / in crowded subway cars seem to have no idea how to handle them without wetting / hitting everyone around them. I think they should be banned in large cities.
Contributor: sexxxkitten sexxxkitten
I hate the wind! In the case of a storm like that, I wouldn't use one.
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
I was in SF for a weekend and the rain/wind came. I was soaked and going all over the place.
Contributor: BlooJay BlooJay
Yep, I just gave up carrying around an umbrella
Contributor: ellieprobable ellieprobable
Recently I was in a terrible storm while camping. I watched a huge tree limb land on a nearby tent!
Contributor: SMichelle SMichelle
Yep...whenever I'm in Scotland. The wind there makes umbrellas pretty much useless.
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
Yeah I remember when I first started college in D.C. that like my 2nd week there it was raining harder than I'd ever seen anywhere and it was REALLY windy. It didn't even matter if I had an umbrella with me. It was pretty miserable.
Contributor: Ganconagh Ganconagh
Yes. It isnt all that unusual for us to have storms here with 60+ mph wind gusts.
Contributor: MrWishyWashy MrWishyWashy
Yes and it totally sucks!
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
Umbrellas are 95% hindrance. Even if you're not wrestling with it in high winds, they drip all over the place once you get inside, and people on crowded streets / in crowded subway cars seem to have no idea how to handle them without wetting / ... more
That's why our family don't even use umbrellas anymore, we just rely on our trusty wind/waterproof jackets.
Contributor: G&L G&L
Yep! I lost a few umbrellas til I finally learned to recognize when they're not going to be useful.
Contributor: tortilla tortilla
I've destroyed many umbrellas trying
Contributor: Lavendar Lavendar
I've lost a couple of umbrellas.
Contributor: michael scofield michael scofield
yeah once an umbrella just flew away i had to let it go or it was taking me with it. and once it just fell apart so i left it in streetlol
Contributor: brevado brevado
In S. Carolina I did.
Contributor: Mrs.Intensity Mrs.Intensity
Having the wind turn my umbrella inside out isn't half as fun with two kids tagging along under it :/

That kind of weather is terrible to travel in.
Contributor: Ex-prude Ex-prude
tornado weather, yeah