Have you ever been in a life-threatening situation?

Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
Robbery, car crash, etc. ?
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Contributor: Elaira Elaira
Kinda. I almost drowned in a hot tub.

Well, I inhaled a mouth full of water. My friend and I were being silly and she came at me and her boobs created a tidal wave. Couldn't breathe and threw myself over the side of the hot tub to cough it all up. Couldn't talk to tell everyone what was going on. Scary.

Silly but true.
Contributor: Sex Positivity Sex Positivity
Trigger warning: I was abducted when I was 14. Bad few days, those were.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
Sort of. Almost. Not exactly. A few. Lol.

One day during the winter, my sister and I were on our way to school (college). I was resting my eyes in a passenger seat and I opened my eyes to find that when she had gone off the exit onto the highway, the car didn't stop going sideways. We went into the ditch and then up the hill towards oncoming traffic. She hurriedly turned the wheel to go back the other way and as we went down the hill to our side of the highway, the Jeep started tipping on my side. Needless to say, she was too shaken up to go to school and had hurt her arm a little and I was a little freaked out about almost dying twice.

And then another time, when I was young, my sister (same one) and I were out on the dock by ourselves (we were camping) fishing. We were young but old enough to take care of ourselves and our parents weren't too-too far away (they could see us from afar). Well, I had one of those little kiddie fishing poles where you release the line by pressing a button. The button got stuck when I cast so it didn't go out. I couldn't find the other end of the line. I was looking for it everywhere and then my sister looks up at me and guess where it was? Right in my throat! So I start screaming my head off, even though I couldn't feel it, because that's scary as Hell. A stranger runs over and cuts the line and my sister gets my dad. We went to the hospital and I had to get so many more painful shots in my throat to numb the pain because it was a barbed hook and they had to make another hole to cut that part off and then take the hook out (or else they'd taken a chunk of my skin with them). As it turns out, the hook was mere millimeters away from my jugular and they said I would have bled out before I ever got to the hospital so I was really lucky. To this day, I still have little bumps on my throat from the hook and I'm deathly afraid of fishing. I refuse to do it and I won't go anywhere near anyone who is.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
I was in a car crash back when I was fourteen or fifteen. My mother and I were coming back from a trip to the shore, and I'm just woken up from napping in the passenger seat a few minutes prior. We were crossing the boulevard when a drunk driver hit one car, and then that car slammed into us. It happened so fast that we didn't even see the first impact before ours came. Scared the hell out of both of us, but all of our injuries were minor - my mom's face hurt from hitting the airbag, while I had a HUGE bruise on my hip and stomach pain from the seat belt, and we both had whiplash. The car was completely totaled.

One thing I'll never forget was sitting there with my face inches from my knees (since I never hit the airbag) and being too scared to move. My mom saw me sitting absolutely still and started crying out frantically for me (I learned later that she was near panic because she thought I was seriously hurt), so I managed to get myself moving again.
Contributor: Badass Badass
When I was 20 I worked mid nights at a 7-11 in my city.
I was robbed at gun point.
The dude came in twice. The first time he was just uber weird and stole beer insinuating he had a gun. The second time he came in he wanted the money, and proved he was packing.
Luckily he took the 66$ in my drawer and peaced out. At first he didn't believe that was all I had so I took the drawer out of the register, threw it on the counter and asked if he wanted me to bag the change for him.
Luckily, my city PD caught him within the hour. I could have not functioned normally if they hadn't caught him.

I have never been so close to shitting my pants than when that dude pulled out that gun and I realized "THIS DUDE IS FREAKING SERIOUS FOR REALLY FOR REALS".
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by Falsepast
Robbery, car crash, etc. ?
plenty of times.

worst i think was when i got hit by a car on my bicycle, at full speed, on a busy road.

i got a box full of staples in my head, couldn't walk for several weeks, walked with a cane for a while, broke my back, etc.

nothing too major though. i was very lucky.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by Badass
When I was 20 I worked mid nights at a 7-11 in my city.
I was robbed at gun point.
The dude came in twice. The first time he was just uber weird and stole beer insinuating he had a gun. The second time he came in he wanted the money, and proved ... more
LMAO that last line cracked my shit up.

not a funny sitch though! geezuz.
Contributor: hillys hillys
Does going into a cave count? Because I swear whenever I go in one I freak the shit out.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Couple of times.

I was in a car wreck at 17. Now I NEVER take off my seat belt when I'm in a moving car. My head went into the windshield. I still have the scars, but they're covered by my eyebrow.

Summer 99 - I got out of work early right after a rain storm. I was coming down 94 around 14 mile road or so (Detroit). I started hydroplaning. I ended up facing the wrong way on the freeway, straddling the fast and middle lanes. Thankfully, I didn't get hit or hit anything! It was 4:54 pm on a Wednesday too!

I call them "near life experiences"
Contributor: Beck Beck
I felt my life was endangered when I had a stalker ex-boyfriend. He was following me around and trying to create issues for me. I moved away from my home town and that is how I got raid of him. I have not seen him in a while, but I worry about it when I am alone.
Contributor: Curiouscat Curiouscat
A few actually.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I did a 360 degrees on the freeway twenty-something years ago. My sister had me drove a rental Taurus because my car was at the mechanic's. We were driving on a not too busy freeway, and a stupid driver made a sudden swerve right in front of me, so I stepped on my brake and it locked. The car did a 360 over three lanes and finally stopped at the median divider. I thought we were going to die right there, luckily all the cars behind us were able to stop right in time.
Contributor: js250 js250
I almost drowned in a lake when I was 3. I was pronounced cyanotic (blue) and no pulse after my car wreck two years ago...thank goodness I was very stubborn!! And had a lot of angels on my shoulder!!!!!!!
Contributor: roskat roskat
Thankfully no! I feel so sheltered reading these comments.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Originally posted by El-Jaro
Couple of times.

I was in a car wreck at 17. Now I NEVER take off my seat belt when I'm in a moving car. My head went into the windshield. I still have the scars, but they're covered by my eyebrow.

Summer 99 - I got out of work ... more
In a way, I was luckier than you, I didn't suffer any injuries from my accident. (Touch wood!)
Contributor: Voir Voir
I think I almost OD'd once; not intentionally...hellno just didn't know when to stop B|


I was in the car when my bro was fleeing from the cops once too and I thought we were for sure 100% goin' to jail and that is life threatening x_x my life might as well've been over if we had.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
Originally posted by hillys
Does going into a cave count? Because I swear whenever I go in one I freak the shit out.
I guess that would depend on how structurally sound the cave is, and what safety precautions you're taking.
Contributor: funluvinmama funluvinmama
I had a guy hold a loaded 45 hand gun to my chest on the front porch of my house, because I told him to get off my property.

I have been in several car accidents.
Contributor: pootpootpoot pootpootpoot
Nothing too exciting. There were serious complications when I was born, and I was held in the ICU for almost a month, but obviously I pulled through, when I was about three I had a serious negative reaction to the hepatitis B vaccine and had to be hospitalized, and when I was about 11 I had to have my appendix removed, and due to complications at the hospital my surgery was pushed back until the last possible minute.
Contributor: tinadice tinadice
Originally posted by Falsepast
Robbery, car crash, etc. ?
Lucky i havent been in any
Contributor: pinkpottergirl pinkpottergirl
I've been in a car crash, broken collar bone. But my scariest moment when I thought I might really die was at a water park: I have asthma, which is worsened by chlorine and heat and low blood sugar, I started having an attack in the wave pool and had to fight my way out of the water and send a friend for my inhaler; My lips and nails turned blue and I truly thought I might need to go the hospital, luckily My friend made it back with my inhaler and I ate something and was ok.
Contributor: BlooJay BlooJay
Car crash here. Was not good, but didn't break anything.
Contributor: ThoughtsAblaze ThoughtsAblaze
I got really lucky three years ago when I was speeding on the interstate during bad weather, rear-ended one car and side-swiped another. I walked away with bruises and burns from the airbags and seatbelt, far less than I should've gotten for that foolish act.

I almost drowned when my cousin jumped into the water too quickly after me and landed on me. Luckily, my dad was nearby and pulled me out.

I've almost died twice in one year due to my epilepsy. My first seizure lasted 3.5 hours, and doctors told my parents that due to the severity of the seizure and the medication-induced coma I was in, they should expect two outcomes: 1] death (the more probable one) or 2] severe brain damage. I was only 8. I survived that, went back to normal living, and then was in the hospital four months later thanks to organ failure from the prolonged allergic reaction to my seizure medication. 1995 was not my best year.
Contributor: curious kitten curious kitten
More than once. Ex-boyfriend, car crashes, robbery or accidents(not auto related). When you have been around as long as I have; life happens and sometimes there are close calls. Sometimes I can't believe I am still here and wonder why at the same time.
Contributor: richsam richsam
a few car wrecks
Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
So many car crashes. THATS why i dont want to drive.
Contributor: wildorchid wildorchid
Two separate car accidents this winter. Long story that I don't feel like getting into, but I have nightmares still.
Contributor: Deeder Deeder
Closest I ever came was one time when I fell out of a palm tree (long story). Knocked the wind out of me so badly that it took me a minute before I was able to breathe.
Contributor: jmex83 jmex83
Originally posted by Falsepast
Robbery, car crash, etc. ?
i was in a pretty bad car accident a few years back. it wasn't "life threatneing", not that I would consider it that way anyways, but it was pretty bad. scared the hell out of me!