Hair up or down?

Contributor: novanilla novanilla
Down. Too lazy, and I like to leave it that way to dry. However, sometimes I like to put it up to show off my neck tattoo.
Contributor: nikki0668 nikki0668
I voted "other" because I have short hair.
Contributor: Jamesey Jamesey
I always style it down but it ends up in a bun before the day is over
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
I like leaving my hair down but usually I put it up. I'm growing it up and I'm trying to keep it in protective styles to reduce damage and splits.
Contributor: daniel420 daniel420
normally down
Contributor: Robespierrethecat Robespierrethecat
I almost always wear my hair up. It's medium length, I am waiting for my layers to grow out and it's super thick and wavy.
Contributor: epiphanyjayne epiphanyjayne
I always end up putting my hair up around the house gotta keep it out of my face (taking care of my kids). but I much prefer the way I look with my hair down unless it's a fancy up-do or even half up half down
Contributor: KinkyNicki92 KinkyNicki92
up because its comfortable but my guy likes it down. so i put it down if i wanna look sexy for him
Contributor: BrittaniMaree BrittaniMaree
I had to choose other because I have long hair. If I go out I wear it down but at home or if I am working out, cooking, or whatever it is that might get my hair caught I wear it in a high ponytail or bun.
Contributor: Lover of Leather Lover of Leather
I like it when my fiance leaves it down the most.
Contributor: Gone (LD29) Gone (LD29)
I almost always wear mine up in a ponytail.
Contributor: lovebites lovebites
it's always up
Contributor: pussy licker pussy licker
I try to have it down But by the end of the day it is always in a pony tail
Contributor: wwwww wwwww
Up. It keeps it out of my eyes.
Contributor: Intrepid Niddering Intrepid Niddering
It depends on what I'm doing. If I'm not really doing much, just lounging around, or out and about, browsing, I can leave it down. But if I am cleaning, cooking, or need to go about something briskly, it needs to be up. It's just way too long to leave it down.
Contributor: Marie Hanna Marie Hanna
I never wear my hair up.
Contributor: anonkitty anonkitty
Down more than up now that it's getting cold. I usually alternate between the two though.
Contributor: sweettartjellybean sweettartjellybean
depends. around the house or in the car or anywhere that my hair gets in the way, i put it in a ponytail. otherwise, i leave it down.
Contributor: RedFreak RedFreak
up but if i'm going out always down
Contributor: rosythorn rosythorn
I prefer down but ITU is so hot now I only wear it up.