Forensic artist draws women how they see themselves and how others see them.

Contributor: bratcat bratcat
Originally posted by chicmichiw
I saw this! It is pretty interesting. I know it MUST be a stunt on Dove's part,'s still feels fairly sincere.
js250 mentioned a similar study done back in the 1980's that was not a marketing stunt, still yielding very similar results. Currently i'm still looking for the source, but when it comes to this particular experiment in question i feel as if these we're real women not professional actors selected to play a part, just because of the sincerity of their responses they have to seeing the side-by-side photos.
Contributor: mjtheprincess mjtheprincess
Laughed so hard at the parody because the first thing my boyfriend said when I showed him the female version was men would describe themselves way differently. haha

I like the dove video though. I think it encourages some introspection and examination of self-views. Women should be empowered and love who they are despite flaws and imperfections. If I am blessed with daughters, I will raise them with self-confidence and empower them to love their bodies despite society, just like my mommy taught me
Contributor: purpleflower1972 purpleflower1972
Thanks for sharing.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
Originally posted by PropertyOfPotter
In my opinion, even if this wasn't a legitimate project that these women knew nothing about, even if it was simply a 'paid marketing stunt', I absolutely loved it! To me, it was very thought provoking and I instantly found myself ... more
I agree.

I do find it to be pretty true simply because we all live through it. I sometimes forget that I am actually quite pretty. I look into the mirror to pluck my eyebrows or to inspect a pimple and all I see are my flaws because they are up close and personal. Then in some random moment, I'll catch a glimpse of myself as a whole person and be in awe.

Exactly as put in PoPotter's post, the idea of it is remarkable. Publicity stunt or not. We all focus on our flaws individually and then add up our flaws thinking we are totally negative. But... when we add up our flaws with our attributes we get a whole person who is an unique individual.
Contributor: amorfati amorfati
Maybe Dove paid for it, but that's not going to make me go buy Dove products. Anyway, I totally cried.