For those of you with siblings....

Contributor: K101 K101
I have 2 sisters, a twin and an older (11 years older) sister and surprisingly, in the areas we have strong opinions, emotions and feelings about, we almost ALWAYS agree. Of course with my twin that's not too hard to understand. However, we all live totally different lifestyles! I'm very conservative in a lot of ways and they are too, but I think I'm more intense with it. My twin is far wilder than I am. Lol. We actually both used to be very wild, but I calmed down and she's not even close to being done. Me and my twin are both very fun, playful people, but we're all really passionate people. My twin and I are also creative in many ways where my older sister... not so much. Lol. But me and her share a lot of similar interests too. As for agreeing, my older sister and twin tend to be distant with each other at times while I'm very close with both of them. The only thing that isn't good about all of our relationships, to be honest, is I'm very against hurting people and am sensitive, especially when it comes to other's feelings and they are not, especially with mine. I tend to hear nasty comments coming from my sisters, aimed at me and that's caused a lot of hurt feelings. It's awful that it's like that, but that's really the only area where we conflict.
Contributor: Ash1141 Ash1141
I have 3 sisters. I fight with 2 and get along well with the other.
Contributor: ScotchIrish ScotchIrish
Originally posted by Breas
For the most part, do you agree on most things, or disagree on most things? Also, if you disagree on most things, does this ever cause rifts in your relationship?

I have a younger sister (2 years younger) and we are the opposite in basically ... more
I have four older bros. We are respectful. But all of us live on extreme levels and are very diverse in styles. Of the Five boys my parents had. I am the only one that had kids (one girl/one boy). I was the 1st to marry (at 27) and I will be the first to divorce (as did our parents) at 48. I am extremely poor. One brother is very, Rich. The other three work but make good money with dbl incomes from spouses. All of my sister in laws have or came from money. My X2B and I did not. History is repeating itself. But, when it comes to the kids. I am a zillionaire. Good luck. To all of you. This site has so many different things going on. I remember when it was sex, sex and more sex. I am not getting any so I have the human interest Q/A to bring me along. I have learned a lot from those of you on this site. I promise to apply it to a deserving women; someday, soon I hope.
Contributor: MrWishyWashy MrWishyWashy
I have a sis 3 years older than me. We have always gotten along and agree on most things...
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
There's five of us. My sister is the oldest and even though she's 16 years older then me she is my best friend. My oldest brother is alright we don't see each other often since he's outta state so that makes us better to get along with. The youngest brother is an ass anyway you put it. It's a hate hate relationship all the way. My other brother was closer then the other boys but he was shot and killed a long time ago. I'm the baby of the family but tend to get along with and agree with most things except the idiot brother.
Contributor: Menarae Menarae
I gotta say "Other". It really depends on the situation. But I've learned to avoid arguing with my sister, because she's as stubborn as an ass, if not worse. Even if I have scientific research, double-blind studies, and extensive interviews to refute her point, she won't listen. Our last argument was whether it was legal or not to expose minors to pornographic images (!!!) I recently started working in a sex shop, and we don't allow minors in. She used to work in a store that sells novelties, but allowed minors in. She said it was up to the company's individual policy and whether or not the owners want to deal with bitchy parents because someone sold their child a vibrator. She said the packages at the store she used to work at were explicit, but I tried to say that little stick figures in sexual positions or cartoons of old men with wrinkly penises are not "explicit". And oh my goodness, DO NOT get her started on the merits of recycling your bottles!

She got it from our father.
Contributor: ThoughtsAblaze ThoughtsAblaze
I have a younger brother and sister, and it is amazing to think that we are related because we're all so different. We have very different tastes, moral compasses, religious beliefs, political affiliations, ambitions, etc. More than anything, though, I'm the oddball out while the two of them overlap their interests.

These differences have long caused a rift between us, and we never developed any kind of relationship growing up (as I said, the two of them can get along). The problem has always unintentionally been me: they admitted to me recently that they always hated how devoted I was to Christianity, how I was always so disciplined, and how our folks praised my grade (I was always honors), success in college, career success, etc. Now that I've shared with them some of my struggles (with faith and moral issues, job uncertainty, relationship issues, etc), we've begun to find some common ground. I've become a confidante to them both; I think being able to spend a weekend at my place, drink a beer and talk about liberal ideas, sex, etc with me has made me more "human" and acceptable to them.

I hope we can continue to grow together. There are days when I want to disown my crazy family, but then they have a way of surprising me later.
Contributor: Apirka Apirka
We agree most of the time, though my brother does live in Colorado and I'm still in PA, so we don't see each other or talk much at all.
Contributor: Lover of Leather Lover of Leather
I have an identical twin, plus other siblings, 9 including me to be exact, and we usually agree, most times. Although, when my twin and I were younger, when we didn't agree, it was an all out war. Throwing furniture at each other, and other fun antics kept our friends entertained.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I am the oldest of three brothers and one sister. My brothers never listen to me even when I try to put stuff in a nice way. So we end up fighting. They get on my nerves half the time anyways, only time they need me for anything is when they want something from me.
Contributor: Secret Pleasure Secret Pleasure
I have 2 sisters and one brother. One of my sisters and my brother I don't speak to them at all but me and my younger sister overall we agree on majority of things but not everything.
Contributor: acessorie acessorie
I have too many siblings to make a general statement but basically I avoid heated subjects with family so it doesn't upset anybody.
Contributor: ap-the-aper ap-the-aper
My brother and I don't always agree, but we have a lot in common. Of course, we couldn't admit to that while we were kids
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by Breas
For the most part, do you agree on most things, or disagree on most things? Also, if you disagree on most things, does this ever cause rifts in your relationship?

I have a younger sister (2 years younger) and we are the opposite in basically ... more
We agree.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Breas
For the most part, do you agree on most things, or disagree on most things? Also, if you disagree on most things, does this ever cause rifts in your relationship?

I have a younger sister (2 years younger) and we are the opposite in basically ... more
I fight with my sister constantly. Usually if she starts a fight now, I just tell her I don't live with her and don't have to deal with her and end the conversation. She's only 11 1/2 months younger than me (thanks, mom!).

My older brother is almost 4 years older than me, and he's one of the greatest guys I know. We rarely fight, and when we do, he can't stand to have me mad at him!
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by hjtee
My sister and I are 7 years apart, but we agree on MOST things. (Except for her curfew!) She's nearly 16.
I find that siblings that far apart always have two different sets of rules from parents. My cousins were born several years apart, and while the first cousin had a 9 pm bedtime on the weekdays, my youngest cousin wanders in at 2 am!
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by El-Jaro
My sisters and I agree on most things, but they're a little more conservative than I am. They're also both older and have the family/kid thing going on.
My older brother is single and travels for a living, and both my sister and I have babies.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
My brother and I are 12 years apart (he's older) we don't fight at all.
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
I have a younger sister(6 years) and we agree on pretty much everything. We have are little fights here and there. But we tend to make up after
Contributor: Alx Alx
my brother and I rarely agree on anything, and we can't stand talking to each other for the most part. he's moved out, though, so we don't have to see much of each other, thankfully.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Breas
For the most part, do you agree on most things, or disagree on most things? Also, if you disagree on most things, does this ever cause rifts in your relationship?

I have a younger sister (2 years younger) and we are the opposite in basically ... more
It's kind of hard for me to answer, as I have a step sister on one side (whom I do not know really well, but I do like her) and a step brother on my mom's side. I didn't meet either of them until we were adults. My brother is very easy going, and I like him a lot. We get along and have similar senses of humor. The only thing we have really disagreed about is gun play for kids, but then again, he has boys and I don't. I've softened on my "No guns" rule slightly as I've gotten older, but I'm still not crazy about them. Then again, I don't have any boys and the testosterone they have all over.

My step sister is about where I was in parenting when my first children were about her 3 year old's age. She's very idealistic about some things like her child's diet, which was kind of a pain in the ass at Christmas, because I spent weeks making cookies and pies and cakes and her daughter isn't "allowed" to eat any sugar... EVEN at Christmas! So, her mom and dad and my step mom had... fruit for dessert while all these beautiful cookies and cakes just sat on the table. Luckily, my kids and husband and dad and mom and best friend and her son were happy to dig in!

Knowing that being this rigid will backfire (as it did for me) I feel like I want to say something like, "Lighten up during the holidays, it will make it easier and she'll have a treat other than.... fruit once in a while." I |also want to tell her that when her daughter finally tastes sugar, she's going to be like a mad woman going after it and jamming as much in her mouth as possible. One of my kids (who was denied any sugar as a toddler) actually held some resentment against me, as I should have been more flexible. Luckily, I learned "all things in moderation" by the time my older kids were older and I had my third. I know she WILL learn, but it's keeping her child "above" other kids, making her stand out in an group of children (and not in a good way) and it WILL backfire eventually. But, I know I need to let her learn on her own. *sigh*

But, she's a very good mother and loves her little one (and the one on the way) and I think she'll eventually learn moderation and the value of relaxing the rules once in a while.
Contributor: tinadice tinadice
Originally posted by Breas
For the most part, do you agree on most things, or disagree on most things? Also, if you disagree on most things, does this ever cause rifts in your relationship?

I have a younger sister (2 years younger) and we are the opposite in basically ... more
we usually agree with each other
Contributor: Lady Bear Lady Bear
My sister is a loony.
Contributor: Badass Badass
when i was younger, my 9 years older brother and me never agreed on anything. But since entering aduthood, we get along much better and agree on most things, and if we disagree, we dont bicker about it.
Contributor: corsetsaurus rex corsetsaurus rex
Originally posted by Lady Bear
My sister is a loony.
But your sister-in-law is ok... except for the your mom jokes.
Contributor: corsetsaurus rex corsetsaurus rex
My brother is probably the sanest part of my family, so we get along, especially when confronted with the rest of our relations.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by Breas
For the most part, do you agree on most things, or disagree on most things? Also, if you disagree on most things, does this ever cause rifts in your relationship?

I have a younger sister (2 years younger) and we are the opposite in basically ... more
I do not have siblings
Contributor: Nora Nora
We fight like cats and dogs most of the time when we are around each other! But, now that she has finally developed into an adult (we are almost 6 years apart), she is much better to be around. We also live 400+ miles apart and rarely speak, that helps, lol.
Contributor: ECU Pirate ECU Pirate
we agree about most things and get along great