I didn't see "the interview" I can't stand Oprah, and have always felt revulsion for Armstrong. (So, I saw no reason to watch them together.)
As I've said, I've always felt visceral revulsion towards Armstrong. He didn't "defeat" cancer, he was lucky to be one who survived. Cancer doesn't spare people because they are morally superior. It's an equal opportunity destroyer. He was simply lucky he lived. He "defeated" nothing. The drugs worked. That's all. To say he had anything to do with or any personal control of his cancer going into remission is a slap in the face to everyone who has had cancer and ended up dying from it.
I really am not following the whole hubbub, but I know his medals were taken. When one cheats and WINS and gets away from it, it only raises the bar to the point where no one can "win" without cheating, as well. (One of the reasons I'm not a fan of sport competition in the first place.) I don't like the man's attitude, he's seems very full of himself and seems to think he's Teflon. I suppose not anymore.