You might be an Eden Addict when... (Game)

Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
The UPS guy tells you he now knows your ring number off by heart.

(True story, it happened today *facepalms*)
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Contributor: GingerAnn GingerAnn
Collection of related topics on Sexy adult games:

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i love first person shooter video games...have loved them ever since doom 2...but i can't play games where i'm a soldier killing humans. never been..

#EdenLit - Games - (12.2012)- The Dinner Party
Ok here's the scenario: You have a chance to invite any author, living or dead, over for dinner. It can be a dinner party or just a quaint little get.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I started reading ingredients on things in the store and promptly noted to myself what things might be troublesome for people who are more prone to UTIs and yeast infections...
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Oh snap, I bought a dresser a few months back!
Contributor: LicentiouslyYours LicentiouslyYours
You find yourself purchasing special opaque plastic storage bins to house your ever-larger growing collection of reviewed items.

You are ready for the 12-step program if you are buying actual furniture to store toys in.

(*coughs* that was me, not very mysterious that my post showed up under his name )
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
When you wonder where your points are on Facebook every time you post your status or like something.
Contributor: Kim! Kim!
You take priority mail boxes every single time you take out the recycling or trash and then some.

You do a quick check of bathroom counters and other public places before kids/family/friends enter your home to be sure there's no obvious packaging or sex toys lying about.

You have to pee when you get home so you rush to the bathroom with your package in hand and open it while on the toilet. This is why there's an x-acto knife permanently in your bathroom.
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
The first thing you do in the morning is check EF as you drink your coffee....and the last thing you do in your day is browse EF before going to bed.

Constantly check the new products arriving in the product search!

Always on EF looking for a new product to add to your toy collection...although your collection is housed by your entire house.

Discuss EF as a meaningful community in your psychology of community class
Contributor: Danielle1220 Danielle1220
I always check new reviews in the morning and check out the new products if there are any that particular day. At night I look at new videos and surf the site for a while then go to bed and start fresh in the morning.
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
Originally posted by Kim!
You take priority mail boxes every single time you take out the recycling or trash and then some.

You do a quick check of bathroom counters and other public places before kids/family/friends enter your home to be sure there's no obvious ... more
Too funny! I'm guilty of the last one.

How about this one:

There isn't enough room under your bed to store all your toys.
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
You're addicted to EF if the only thing you talk of when not checking the website is EF.

You called your child Eden F. "insert family name".

You have autogrpahs of Victoria, Gary and Carrie A. on your favorite toy as well as a picture them with you as your desktop.

You answer your cell phone "Welcome to Eden Fantasys, where all your needs can be met!"

You called and paid the city to adverstise EF on a road advertisement thingy beside a church/religious congregation.

You have a little EF sparkly gem stuck on a tooth

Every conversation you start begins with, "Well, on EF..."

Your bedspread is covered with a giant green letter "e" (logo of EF).

For breakfast you make pancakes in the shape of the letters EF

If you die, you want to make sure someone checks your profile for you to continue the legacy of your participation in the community.

You skip work to make sure you get to play with your toy as soon as you know it will be home to make sure you get that review started right away.

You write a book an "How to write a review: Norms of EF"

I am out of ideas for now.....
Contributor: gone77 gone77
You work for them. Ha!
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by Blinker
When you wonder where your points are on Facebook every time you post your status or like something.
LOL, I've done this.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by Naughty Student
You're addicted to EF if the only thing you talk of when not checking the website is EF.

You called your child Eden F. "insert family name".

You have autogrpahs of Victoria, Gary and Carrie A. on your favorite toy as well ... more
I talk about EF a lot. Sheesh.
Contributor: Maiden Maiden
Originally posted by Kim!
You take priority mail boxes every single time you take out the recycling or trash and then some.

You do a quick check of bathroom counters and other public places before kids/family/friends enter your home to be sure there's no obvious ... more
OMG... the amount of big boxes is tremendous! Not to mention the piles of brown packing paper and plastic and paperboard product packaging!

We keep the doors to our office and bedroom closed at all times. We have company often, and if they need to use our spare bathroom or want to check something out on the computer, I have to say "Wait... let me go in here first." Then I quickly shove whatever I am currently reviewing or whatever is lying out in my bathroom in the closets.
Contributor: Maiden Maiden
You might be addicted to EF if....

On the RARE opportunity you find yourself in an adult store, usually with a friend because you get ALL your stuff on EF, you find yourself wishing they would list "vrooms" ratings on the boxes of toys you haven't seen on EF yet. Also, you cringe when your friends buy something knowing they didn't even read any reviews on it, or knowing they are paying too much for something. As much as I preach the benefits of this site, my friends still feel the need to shop in these stores instead. Eventually, HOPEFULLY, I will convert them all.
Contributor: Rockin' Rockin'
...when people ask you what websites you visit most frequently and you can't think of a site that's not EF or your sex toy blog.
Contributor: Bunnycups Bunnycups
Originally posted by Kim!
You take priority mail boxes every single time you take out the recycling or trash and then some.

You do a quick check of bathroom counters and other public places before kids/family/friends enter your home to be sure there's no obvious ... more
Hahaha! So true!

Your addicted to Eden Fantasys when Friday has been replaced by Thursday as the day you look forward to most during the work week because you want to know what the Crazy Thursday Sale is going to be.
Contributor: Matheri89 Matheri89 write a review of your wife...

...and people consider it to be extremely useful!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Illusional
LOL, I've done this.
I'm glad I'm not the only one
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
Hahah I am guilty of just about all of this...except Naughty Student's last post LOL..

My mail man knows me by name now, he starts conversations with me...I think it's because he wants to know what is in all the boxes he keeps delivering me!
Contributor: Not here Not here
I love this thread. I actually thought this would be a great topic the other day! mark on your calendar when your next free assignment is, and when review rumbles / porn club discussions / etc. will take place (I seriously do this. Don't laugh!) have a running list in a notebook of the next products you are going to buy, somewhat like a "To-do list" (yeah, I do this too...)

...Same said notebook as above has pages of "scripts" for your upcoming video reviews (this too.)
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by Blinker
When you wonder where your points are on Facebook every time you post your status or like something.
Yes! Me too!

When you start cutting up and using those priority mail boxes as storage for your toys... because you only want to make the trip to the recycling container once that week. *sighs and lifts hand up*

When you get so excited about some event or topic on EF that it's your only meaningful contribution to a family conversation... (Thankfully I'm able to usually bite my tongue.)

When your idea of noise level is now only based on your sex toys.

When you come across a witty song or movie title and your immediate thought is how to incorporate it into a review.
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Oh yes! I put scheduled events in my blackberry. Good one, Jesibel.

How about...

- when you start wondering what you know/do really well so that you can hold a workshop on EF. (Hmmm, I make a mean PB & J, hehe.)

- when you become so 'worldly' that no sexual deviance really affects you anymore. (I made a new friend recently who wants to have a separate sex/dungeon room and had been bracing for my reaction. I just smiled and said how cool that is and how I would decorate my own if I had one. )

- when graphic details of leaves remind you of EF...

- when you start realizing that anonymity is totally expendable in exchange for employment by EF!

- when the music of the intro clip to EF video reviews gets stuck in your head.

- when you poke and prod your friends to annoyance about joining EF (or at least surfing the site).

(Hehe I couldn't help myself. I had to add more because my brain just wouldn't stop coming up with stuff... Which could be another one to add to the list lol.)
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
Originally posted by Alicia
Hahah I am guilty of just about all of this...except Naughty Student's last post LOL..

My mail man knows me by name now, he starts conversations with me...I think it's because he wants to know what is in all the boxes he keeps delivering me!
Ha ha ha darn curious little mail man.
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
Originally posted by Blinker
When you wonder where your points are on Facebook every time you post your status or like something.
BWAHAHAHA! I have SO done this
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
Originally posted by Darling Jen
Oh yes! I put scheduled events in my blackberry. Good one, Jesibel.

How about...

- when you start wondering what you know/do really well so that you can hold a workshop on EF. (Hmmm, I make a mean PB & J, hehe.)

- when you ... more
ROFL! That music ALWAYS gets stuck in my head

And I am ALWAYS pimping EF to friends, it's a sickness!
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
when you host a toy party (last night) and have to bite your tongue about all the nasty jelly toys they have. Then you interrupt the poor girl trying to do her job with facts about lube compatibility and porous materials.

(*shakes head* but I got a free wevibe out of the deal, and a coquette lingerie dress and some lube.. so i am happy)
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
-when you dream that someone from EF called you to discuss their observations about your reviews.

Contributor: Not here Not here
Originally posted by Tuesday
-when you dream that someone from EF called you to discuss their observations about your reviews.

I had a dream about EF last night! I can't remember the details, but the dream alone is enough for me to know I am an addict.