most fo my collection are glas toys. Id say atleast half.. i love them
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So, for right now I'm going to stick this topic into the 'Social' forum because I want it to be more of a discussion than about something fully specific and I figure I can get more opinions here, anyway, as people flock here more than the
So, for right now I'm going to stick this topic into the 'Social' forum because I want it to be more of a discussion than about something fully specific and I figure I can get more opinions here, anyway, as people flock here more than the forums specifically set out for something like Silicone or Glass.
I have one glass toy that I bought for starters, just in case I liked it or didn't like it. I've tried using this toy over and over, especially when I'm super horny to see if the hard texture is something I can handle and really like. I want to like glass toys so much, but I can't bring myself to. With this frustration, I turn to you contributors.
I'm into softer toys, which I've found very few contributors who agree with me on. It feels sensational to go as hard as I want up against my G-spot with no qualms about damaging the interior of.. well, myself. Last night, I got ready for some play time and decided to take the glass toy out because I was really turned on. I got it about two centimeters in and the heaviness started pulling on my walls and felt like it had potential to destroy pretty much every part of me from the inside out, even if that isn't the most logical thought. It felt.. unnatural within me, I guess, and really freaked me out. It's like cold concrete, or warm if you decide to warm it up first.
So, I have to ask.
Do any of you sympathize with this? I've only run into people who love or hate glass on Eden and no one has ever really.. talked about it in detail, and I would really love to hear some of your opinions, and while some of you may be here for a quick vote, tell me why, please. I'm seeking discussion, replies, responses, what ever you may call it because I really want to understand how someone gets past something so heavy inside of them!
It may just be chalked up to what someone's body likes over what mine prefers, and I wish I could just make mine cooperate. I can't even cum without something soft, it's kind of ridiculous.
I know some shy away from glass because it's a little dangerous to be thrusting too hard for your cervix, or just because they're afraid of a new material they aren't too sure about. I, for one, see much potential in glass and just wish I could convince my body to see it, too. That may never happen, but opinions on why that may be could help me gain some insight and maybe the ability to give up on glass. Maybe it's just one of those toy materials that you're suited to love or just not.
So please, let me know your stance on glass and how you came to love it, use it, hate it, or try it out. less
I have one glass toy that I bought for starters, just in case I liked it or didn't like it. I've tried using this toy over and over, especially when I'm super horny to see if the hard texture is something I can handle and really like. I want to like glass toys so much, but I can't bring myself to. With this frustration, I turn to you contributors.
I'm into softer toys, which I've found very few contributors who agree with me on. It feels sensational to go as hard as I want up against my G-spot with no qualms about damaging the interior of.. well, myself. Last night, I got ready for some play time and decided to take the glass toy out because I was really turned on. I got it about two centimeters in and the heaviness started pulling on my walls and felt like it had potential to destroy pretty much every part of me from the inside out, even if that isn't the most logical thought. It felt.. unnatural within me, I guess, and really freaked me out. It's like cold concrete, or warm if you decide to warm it up first.
So, I have to ask.
Do any of you sympathize with this? I've only run into people who love or hate glass on Eden and no one has ever really.. talked about it in detail, and I would really love to hear some of your opinions, and while some of you may be here for a quick vote, tell me why, please. I'm seeking discussion, replies, responses, what ever you may call it because I really want to understand how someone gets past something so heavy inside of them!
It may just be chalked up to what someone's body likes over what mine prefers, and I wish I could just make mine cooperate. I can't even cum without something soft, it's kind of ridiculous.
I know some shy away from glass because it's a little dangerous to be thrusting too hard for your cervix, or just because they're afraid of a new material they aren't too sure about. I, for one, see much potential in glass and just wish I could convince my body to see it, too. That may never happen, but opinions on why that may be could help me gain some insight and maybe the ability to give up on glass. Maybe it's just one of those toy materials that you're suited to love or just not.
So please, let me know your stance on glass and how you came to love it, use it, hate it, or try it out. less