I was just doing this the other day & my sister made fun of me, especially when I came back for more toast later. I forgot about it until I was doing it again today & I started thinking about it.
I don't see any difference between that & locking my car doors, neither can hurt, but not doing them can potentially leave you open to problems. I also unplug all the small appliances such as my Foodsaver & my stick blender even though they are often out on the counter.
Does anyone else unplug their toaster? How about your coffee machine? Anything else you unplug after every use that many people leave plugged in?
I don't see any difference between that & locking my car doors, neither can hurt, but not doing them can potentially leave you open to problems. I also unplug all the small appliances such as my Foodsaver & my stick blender even though they are often out on the counter.
Does anyone else unplug their toaster? How about your coffee machine? Anything else you unplug after every use that many people leave plugged in?