Do you think in words or images?

Contributor: JackRaiden JackRaiden
Images, I think. Or... words (voice in head). Definitely not images of words. Thanks for the llama fact: The More You Know.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
It depends on what I'm thinking about. If I'm thinking about, say, needing to go to the grocery store I think in words. If it's any sort of creative thinking, it's in images. That's why I'm better at plotting scenes for visual mediums like movies than writing scenes in stories.
Contributor: Anne Anne
I think more in images.
Contributor: Lildrummrgurl7 Lildrummrgurl7
Almost exclusively words. I have a terrible time visually things. I hate things like visualizing during meditation, I just can't think in images.
Contributor: subwayrailings subwayrailings
not exactly images but certainly nothing so clear as words
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
Never really thought about it
Contributor: shorejen9 shorejen9
I do an equal mix
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
Pictures, it helps me understand better if I'm trying to figure something out.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by SneakersAndPearls
I've always thought almost exclusively in images, not words, called visual thinking. Until recently, I had no idea that most people don't do that as their primary mode of thought.
I don't really know. I do mental image a bit...but I think it depends on the case.
Contributor: Intrepid Niddering Intrepid Niddering
It's kind of both, but more images. Like, if I'm making a list of all the things I need to do, I visual a written list of things I need to do, and then I remember what each thing previously looked like, so I know -exactly- where I need to start first.
Contributor: sweetpea12 sweetpea12
Originally posted by SneakersAndPearls
I've always thought almost exclusively in images, not words, called visual thinking. Until recently, I had no idea that most people don't do that as their primary mode of thought.
I think in images mostly
Contributor: Claire-Bear Claire-Bear
I think almost completely in words only. Images are rare and kind of blurry at best.
Contributor: Rod Ronald Rod Ronald
I think in images
Contributor: Sinfully Sinfully
I feel weird because I don't think that I really do either :/
Contributor: Gone (LD29) Gone (LD29)
I think in words so much more than images. I do, however, think in a variety of voices. Mostly television characters from my past and old friends I no longer see often.
Contributor: Creepellah Creepellah
Originally posted by SneakersAndPearls
I've always thought almost exclusively in images, not words, called visual thinking. Until recently, I had no idea that most people don't do that as their primary mode of thought.
mostly images
Contributor: table38792 table38792
Both but it can lean one way or the other depending on what I'm thinking about.
Contributor: ZZ ZZ
Interesting question. It depends, I might be more visual but words play a role as well.
Contributor: Pandwhora Pandwhora
Contributor: mdnght mdnght
I think I do a bit of both, but images more than words...
Contributor: anonymous1298304 anonymous1298304
strange, i never really thought about it. but def words, unless i am trying to visualize something for creative visualization, or remembering something, or fantasizing. as far as random thoughts, all words. to the point it's annoying sometimes
Contributor: EmuLove EmuLove
Both... I am slightly OCD so when I am thinking and typing at the same time I spell out what I am writing in my head then after that I start spelling out everything I think lol. I am weird
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by SneakersAndPearls
I've always thought almost exclusively in images, not words, called visual thinking. Until recently, I had no idea that most people don't do that as their primary mode of thought.
A mix of the two.
Contributor: richsam richsam
Originally posted by SneakersAndPearls
I've always thought almost exclusively in images, not words, called visual thinking. Until recently, I had no idea that most people don't do that as their primary mode of thought.
i do both
Contributor: Cowgirl-Cutie Cowgirl-Cutie
Equal mix I'd say. But I have a photographic memory too.
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
Contributor: ImaGodiva ImaGodiva
Images. Interesting topic.
Contributor: DawnStar DawnStar
Contributor: SecondStory SecondStory
I have sort of one sided directed conversations with myself when I'm thinking really hard, so I guess usually words.